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[-] 31 points 8 months ago

Worth noting that most Coronavirus aren't compatible with humans. The only real danger here is if they actually try to make it human compatible but then we're talking research that really can't be called much else than biological warfare research and that's a big no-no.

[-] 2 points 8 months ago

I'd say any project that's decently maintained and satisfies your use case is probably good enough. I found this that from the sound of it fits your use case:

[-] 13 points 8 months ago

A lot of stuff runs great on SBCs, it's just that they're not as smooth to manage as a Proxmox server running containers or VMs. You also need several SBCs to reach the scale of what many do here on selfhosted and once you reach 4+ SBCs the old x86 server starts looking cost effective all of a sudden. The biggest benefit though is the no noise and very low power consumption, which is great for stuff that will be powered on 24/7/365.

Really a mix is ideal, so you can get the benefits of cheap running costs of SBCs and the power and versatility of x86 for the tasks that require it.

[-] 1 points 8 months ago

Ah, I'd give it at least a day before I start digging too much into it.

[-] 3 points 8 months ago

The stickied posts get a bit weird and I've experienced them staying wrong until new ones are set. But this was last summer, unsure if it works better now or not.

The only thing I find concerning is the post "feedback on design and Firewall options" which you don't have and really should have unless there's something odd with that specific post. I have noted some issues with federating content from kbin/mastodon etc users but I saw that post on my self-hosted Lemmy instance...

[-] 20 points 8 months ago

Foreign Legion 2.0

[-] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)
  • Takes time and effort or you need to create an organization that handles it for you, maybe they should hold elections? Oh, wait, now we've created privately owned/financed shadow governments...

  • People will always bitch and moan about it either being the wrong thing, not enough, only for the press etc etc so doing it won't help them in the slightest. Whereas being taxed will at least take heat off in the form of the specific campaigning that has been ongoing for many years now.

  • It won't be as well utilized as if the government gets it to distribute. Now this is a contentious statement of course but a private individual no matter how rich can't give their money the legs the government can which already has the costly structure to dispense it in place. For a specific purpose a specific organisation might vastly outperform the government of course but if you generally want it to benefit the population of your nation then taxes is the best system we have to ensure it benefits all as much as possible. And the most fair in that we can vote for how it should be used.


This said I still believe it's firmly for selfish reasons they want to be taxed more:

  • Reduce the mentioned heat on them
  • Better wealth distribution help create more of the circumstances that got them this wealth, i.e. it's a sound long term investment.
  • Most of them have kids and they see how fucked they will be if societal and environmental problems aren't solved
  • Most have wealth tied up in assets that will lose value if things get more skewed, if noone can afford a house they will lose value until they are "affordable", as a basic example.
[-] 20 points 9 months ago

Oh look it's one of those rare instances where the truth really is somewhere in the middle (and not massively skewed to one side) of the two opposing sides. And that's because both sides are so unimaginably horrible, yay...

The only downright true thing in there is the statement about hypocrisy regarding condemning civilian deaths during Oct 7 but accepting the massive civilian deaths during Israels occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. It really is crazy how some think Oct 7 was inexcusable for the civilian deaths but somehow the thousands upon thousands of dead kids is just "the awful realities of war" and hand-waved away as unavoidable.

[-] 16 points 9 months ago

Wow, that's one hell of a naive mind-set. He basically bet it all on red and since it paid of he's going to be hailed as a genius. But in reality with that kind of "plan" it was a gamble that could just as well have ended in the company going under and everyone out of a job. I'm actually most interested in how he sourced the money, who loaned them the cash? (Or invested in the company). I very much doubt they had that kind of money laying around after their previous, rather niche games.

[-] 6 points 9 months ago

Yeah, unless there are features hidden that are hardware based and doesn't rely on KIA servers then this is not a problem in the slightest.

It's vastly different from the paid unlocks of Tesla or subscription for hardware of BMW.

Don't group them under one banner and muddy the waters because if we do then all it will do is normalize what Tesla and BMW does and allow it to spread. Either that or make it so we won't get the features listed or the features will have an exorbitant cost attached when new to ensure they don't lose money from maintaining the service for the service life of the vehicle (or do Tesla shit of not letting the feature transfer when resold effectively impacting resell value negatively which is bad for the original buyer).

[-] 5 points 9 months ago

You're at this from the complete opposite of the right angle.

Your reaction is emotional and thus you need to face the emotion and dig at its cause. Emotions aren't bound by rationality but they're the core of the human experience, to try and suffocate away emotion you don't find rational is a sure way to never find happiness.

You felt hurt, why? Why was this argument important to you? Did you feel anything more than hurt? Can you guess at why you felt like you felt?

Feelings are never right or wrong, they just are and will be no matter what you think of them. So you need to accept and acknowledge their existence and learn to understand them, to coexist with them, because they are you. Even more so than your skill in reasoning, your rationality.

[-] 1 points 9 months ago

Cool, but I'm guessing that ain't especially cheap right? I pay $60 a year for 4 cores and 8 GB RAM (400 gb storage). Which I consider a pretty OK price. $5 a month.

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