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[-] 8 points 6 months ago

Gemini Ultra will, in developer mode, have 1 million token context length so that would fit a medium book at least. No word on what it will support in production mode though.

[-] 12 points 6 months ago

What an amateurish way to try and make GPT-4 behave like you want it to.

And what a load of bullshit to first say it should be truthful and then preload falsehoods as the truth...

Disgusting stuff.

[-] -5 points 6 months ago

So with that data point you're saying China is the country to be born in 2024? Because while I'm not at all discrediting their incredible pace in improving the life of their citizens from an economic perspective.

But I'm personally far more concerned about questions about freedom of expression and of opportunities and as such would prefer to be born in any Nordic country as an example, or Switzerland as another. Sure you could argue the Nordic model doesn't scale because a population of 10 mil is not the same as more than 1 billion. But that wasn't really a part of the question here. To me economic growth is just one dimension, an important one but not the only one to judge a country against. So once again, from a political perspective, which is what we're talking about here when we're saying that the West is failing, how is China better? I mainly see the mainstream outlets and they show a bleak state of affairs from that perspective, can you counter that?

[-] 6 points 6 months ago

Rich coming from someone who made a name for himself as the president of the nickel and dime company...

The problem really is, like in most industries to be fair, that the actual creators get far too little of the figurative monetary cake.

And if we ever see tipping in games, god forbid, then that money will at best get shared by everyone so there would need to be millions in tipping before it is even noticeable for an individual developer in a normal AAA team.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago

Yes, it's the next step and an evolution because it is far more of a trust less approach. With VPNs you need to trust your provider. If they "give you up" then you're well and truly fucked. For I2P there is no way for a malicious node operators to parse out who is doing what. And the source code you can vet yourself so no need to trust it. Still if you have actors working together in the nodes, the torrent provider and at the ISP level then you can most certainly find a way to break the layer of secrecy. The barrier is however vast and so far police haven't spent that much effort on piracy because it isn't a serious crime in the eyes of the law. And I don't foresee that they will for many years.

It's also far more accessible than say Usenet and VPN+private trackers. Which is a very good thing for privacy in general.

[-] 12 points 6 months ago

Hmm, the 4:3 versions did make it to DVD but finding the old version for things is never easy. It's a common wish however, in Anime circles in particular.

Looking at a predb over scene releases and going back as far as they go I see that the naming standard, as I suspected, didn't hint at neither aspect ratio or resolution.

However if you look for DivX or Xvid releases I'd say it's fairly likely they'll be in 4:3 since Xvid by and large had gotten replaced by H.264 / X.264 by 2017 which is the earliest release I can confirm is going to be the remaster since it's from the Bluray that released then:

The above is likely not fully complete so the remaster might've happened between 2004 and 2017, and this might be readily available information but I'm running out of time...

So basically my tip if you're lazy is look for Xvid/DivX and cross your fingers. If you're not then correlate the remaster date/release date to the predb and look for a scene release from before the remaster dropped.

[-] 4 points 6 months ago

That's what I'm saying. It's like everyone knows some college kids smoke pot from the smell in the dorms, but Police can't legally search room by room to find out who it is, they need a search warrant which they need more than a general suspicion that someone in the dorms smoke to get.

Same with I2P, it's done in a public setting so from traffic patterns we can be pretty sure someone is downloading a shit ton, and that it's likely illegal content. Residential IPs have little reason to consistently download several GB files on a daily/weekly basis, streaming and download also look vastly different profile wise and at least no one I know of go to those lengths to try and mask their traffic patterns by trying to make streaming look like download or vice versa.

But as I said and you reiterated, you still need to crack the encryption to actually prove it in court. But given a specific target there are many ways to do that. A generic approach is likely not going to happen. Which means that I2P is secure much like having a secret chat in a crowded place like Grand Central Station in NY. You know that people are meeting there to chat about illegal stuff but you don't know who. It becomes much easier if you know who to follow and eavesdrop on, but of course still not easy.

It is however nowhere near as safe as communication over channels that aren't public to begin with. But such of course do not exist outside military and other special contexts.

[-] 12 points 6 months ago

But at the same time I2P is still built upon TCP/IP so it's still like encrypted yodeling. Finding out who's likely yodeling down movies is rather easy. The protection instead lies in the high barrier to prove exactly which movie and when so as to pass the barrier for court admissable evidence.

Now don't misunderstand me, I2P is great stuff and I've used it on and off for years, but it shouldn't be treated as the holy grail of safe and secure communication. Nothing can truly be that if it's built on TCP/IP for fairly obvious reasons.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago

You'd go insane from the isolation looooong before finishing a fat Steam library. But first you'd be completely bored of gaming. Even if you feel no fatigue, hunger, tiredness etc it would quite quickly lose meaning. There's a reason most retired people don't do that thing they love 24/7. We just can't derive enjoyment from something we can and get to do all the time. Waiting, longing and planning to is vitally important to enjoyment.

If you're deeply autistic but still functioning you might be able to survive the isolation. But you'd need an insanely rigorous schedule set up for yourself where you treat observing the universe form as a job and treat yourself to gaming or whatever activity. But even under those circumstances that individual would likely go completely insane and be a vegetable within a thousand years. After a billion, if you literally can't die no matter what you do, then you wouldn't even be able to form thoughts, your brain would be so fried you'd present as someone with lock-in syndrome and just lay there until you finally get to die. Torture is putting it so mildly it's like calling Carolina Reaper Peppers about as spicy as vanilla ice cream.

[-] 11 points 6 months ago

Since I'm not American I keep forgetting about your for profit churches. The concept is just too foreign to me. When I think church I think of 300 year old cold stone building in the countryside.

Still there are homeless that would refuse, some from not believing or trusting you, some from not wanting to relocate even if it means that level of comfort, some from being deep into addiction thinking that they'll be forced to get clean. And some will take you up on it and just absolutely trash the place trying to steal anything not bolted down.

That said the vast majority would for sure jump on it and thrive. So if it was at all possible to make happen it would be a good idea.

[-] 5 points 6 months ago

I feel Mass Effect did at least some of this in terms of allowing you to cut people off and quite a few "shortcuts" of just shooting someone that you can tell from a mile away will be trouble. That game of course has you play someone that obviously can't have reached the position they have by being a selfish asshole so the premise limits what you can do.

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