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[-] 7 points 9 months ago

Aye ... and they're desperately trying to twist the original question into something that will result in the exact answers they want to hear, and that never leads to an honest, informed discussion. Logic and reason won't work here. "Don't feed the troll" - I'm off doing other stuff.

[-] 4 points 9 months ago

To be honest, I get the feeling that the OP isn't interested in a good faith argument and just wants to push an agenda, given how hard they try to change their question to get the answers they want to hear ... logic and reason won't help much with this kind of discussion.

And looking at some of the other comments here (not yours, for the record), I'd better leave this thread before it deteriorates too much ^^° I'll leave that drama to people who can handle it (I have a bit of a thin skin today, sorry)

[-] 14 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The fight-fuck hormones.

You seem to be under the impression that "fight and fuck" are the only things caused by sexual hormones.

There have been studies how low testosterone/estrogen levels affect overall health:

Symptoms include hot flashes, hair loss, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, fatigue, decreasing bone mass (osteoporosis), declining cognitive functions. increased risk of anemia, low blood pressure. (Testosterone, Estrogen)

This applies to both hormones by the way. Every human body, no matter their assigned gender, produces both Testosterone and Estrogen, albeit at different levels. If you would somehow delete both T and E from your body completely, you'd end up as a depressed, overweight, brittle-boned, constantly tired person with memory issues and a messed-up sleep schedule.

Does that answer your question about how it would affect society?

[-] 3 points 9 months ago

That applies to Testosterone / Estrogen, yes. But keep in mind that there are a lot of non-sexual hormones as well. Insulin and Adrenaline for example are also hormones, and if a body stops producing enough insulin, you can't exactly claim that "not a lot changes".

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

Not sure I have the correct syntax for the community link above… :/

! would be the right one. If you type !memes (no space between the exclamation mark and keyword) there should be a small pop-up dropdown menu from which you can select the community you mean, then just click on it to let the Fediverse handle the rest of the formatting for you ;)

[-] 1 points 9 months ago

Is there any way to keep some spacing?

  will add an empty row, if that's whats you meant. That's what I currently use.

So in your example:

Here is some information

  • detail 1
  • detail 2  


Here is the next bit of information

... will turn into:

Here is some information

  • detail 1
  • detail 2


Here is the next bit of information

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

I know, but then it doesn't rhyme =P I couldn't think of a better title as all the good puns were already taken.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

They disappeared after the Calamity was defeated,

... except, conveniently, for the Guardian parts used in the Skyview Towers (the "arms" that grab Link, the control units, etc.), or the dead Guardian atop the Hateno Tech Lab, or the Guardian "daggers" that were formerly turned into Ancient Arrows (which Link can DIY now), or the Purah Pad which is basically a rebranded Sheikah Slate, or the telescope atop Purah's little lab at Lookout Landing ...

Oh and of course the after-credits scene in BotW, where Zelda states that she wants to go investigate Vah Ruta to find out why the Divine Beast stopped working and check whether it can be repaired. The "Calamity" was dead by then as the scene takes place days or even weeks after the final battle, but I guess noone had told the Divine Beasts yet that they were meant to inexplicably go poof along with the main antagonist.

IMHO it would have made a lot more sense to say that the people of Hyrule actively dismantled and destroyed most Sheikah Tech they could find so it would be impossible for Ganon to possess them again. That would explain why there is still some of it left in remote corners of the Kingdom, and it is a more down-to-earth explanation than "it just vanished".

All in all, it really DOES sound like a lazy "I don't care" explanation.

[-] 38 points 9 months ago

The heart doesn't care where the adrenaline comes from - the strain on the organ will be the same either way. Anything that makes your pulse and/or blood pressure go up can pose a risk, independendly from whether or not it is "just a game".

..but like others have said already: better ask an actual doctor for advice on how to handle the situation. Maybe "small doeses" will be okay, or you can get a way to monitor your vitals and take a break before you get too worked up, but an actual medical professional should decide that in the end.

[-] 57 points 9 months ago

Most reported problems: app (72%) ....well if that ain't a clear statement.

[-] 21 points 9 months ago

The entirety of Australia, because Flat Earthers often deny that this continent even exists and claim that it's the "counterweight" of the plate or some sh*t like that, and everyone living there is a paid actor employed by NASA to cover up The Truth

No idea what Flat Earthers living IN Australia think of this tho...

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Some of the many articles about it:

The notion that wolves fight amongst each other and the strongest becomes the "alpha" and the weakest is the "omega" and all that, is a misconception that has been debunked ages ago, and even the author of the study who called them "alphas" in the first place is pleading with his old publisher to stop printing the dang book already so this misconception can finally die out.

Wolf packs are more or less just families. One "breeding pair" and their pups, which often stay with their parents way into adulthood.

Know your shits! (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

(Shamelessly stolen from an imgur dump, but I felt like it belongs here)


Since so many of you suggested additions, I'm just going to list them all in one place. Let's create a community-made enzycrapedia of shit-related terms and phrases!

Transcription of the image in case the picture disappears:

  • Dogshit: Very poor quality

  • Bullshit: Not true

  • Horseshit: Nonsense

  • Apeshit: rambunctious

  • Batshit: insane

  • Chickenshit: coward

  • Ratshit: poor quality

  • No shit: obviously (also sometimes "No shit, Sherlock!" as an exclamation)

  • Holy shit: mind blowing / unbelievable

  • Hot shit: very good

  • Dipshit: a total dumbass

  • Tuff shit: take it or leave it. (correct spelling would be "tough shit")

  • Jack shit: nothing

  • The shit: perfection

More shit:

  • Cut the shit: knock it off.

  • Are you shitting me: are you serious.

  • This shit is bananas: this is crazy.

  • That’s my shit: I really like that.

  • I dig that shit: I love it

  • Shit!: An exclamation of discontent. See also: fuck.

  • I shit myself: I pooped my pants.

  • Shit-Hawk: unpleasant person

  • For shits and giggles: Doing something silly for no particular reason

  • Shit a brick: to be scared

  • Scared shitless: being really scared

  • Shitstain: someone trashy or worthless

  • Shit for brains: stupid

  • Shit sandwich: a shitty situation

  • Shithead: a shitty person

  • Shithole: a shitty place

  • Piece of shit: a shitty thing

  • Deep shit: a meaningful revelation

  • To be up shit creek (without a paddle): to be in deep trouble

  • To be full of shit: constantly lying

  • Shit Stirrer: someone who deliberately causes problems/arguments

  • Get your shit together: to organize stuff properly (alternatively; to calm down)

  • Losing your shit: freaking out

  • To [do] the shit out of something: doing something in an excellent way

  • I don't give a shit: I don't care

  • When shit hits the fan: when an already bad situation suddenly becomes worse

  • Shit happens: bad things happen and you can't do anything about it

  • Shit just got real: Something dangerous is happening right now

  • Does a bear shit in the woods?: Isn't it obvious?

  • Eat shit: To fall on your face

  • Shit-eating grin: a smug and condescending expression

  • Who shit in your cereal?: Who ruined your day/mood?

  • (To watch the) Shitshow: watching utter chaos unfold without intervening

  • A metric shit ton: a lot

  • Shit on a Shingle: a dish consisting of a cream sauce with meat in it poured over toast

  • Nuttier than squirrel shit: being crazy

  • Shitstorm: a stressful, chaotic situation

  • You don't know shit: you're clueless

  • Don’t shit where you eat: Don’t date a work colleague

  • The shits: diarrhea

  • My shit: my stuff

  • Shitter: toilet

  • You are shit: you're worthless

  • You are not shit: reassuring that you're NOT worthless

  • You ain't shit: you're worse than worthless

Thanks and credit to: Poopmeister, Wogi, protist, cloudy1999, lambchop and ToRa

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I can't click on it, don't find anything on about it (maybe I'm just not good at searching for this stuff) and it only appears on a single comment I made. I haven't seen it anywhere else yet. What does it mean?

EDIT / update: It is probably just an UI bug of some sort.


I didn't say anything about bullets, didn't I?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/


Those canines are "primarily used to chew up wood and other tough foods" as per one of the articles, but male adult camels may also use those to bite opponents when fighting with each other for territory / mates.

"Someone once described them as a Sarlacc pit from Star Wars" ... definitely a fitting description.

Here is a video of an angry camels open mounth and unclipped teeth; ... it is VERY ugly tho, view at your own discretion.


This bullsh*t right here is getting out of hand in the Nintendo eShop. I can understand the existence of things like an "ultimate" edition if an older game got lots of extra content later and the devs decided to sell the base game and DLC as a bundle. Or a "complete" edition if multiple games of the same franchise are sold as a bundle.

But FFS if your singleplayer offline game isn't even released yet, there is absolutely no need to deliberately rip content from the base game just to sell it as a "bonus" or split the content across different editions so people would have to pay extra for stuff that's not in the "base game" - that's just corporate greed, nothing else.

Oh and the "ultimate edition" costs 109,99 by the way, with ca 70,00 worth of cosmetical extras. Not more content, more quests or more story; just swim suits and sunglasses for the characters. WTH.

If it was just this one game, I would laugh at their idiocy and just move on, but those "editions" seem to slowly turn into the standard sales model in the eshop, especially with newly released games or ones that are "coming soon" like in the example above.

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