submitted 11 hours ago by humuhumu@lemm.ee to c/reddit@lemmy.world

-modified the original reddit link to point to a privacy frontend-

Now that the change is in place, there is no more login on old. reddit. com

Reddit is getting worse


It tells me I have to register to view posts! It has blocked all my VPS IPs. From random places:

  • Turkey
  • India
  • Germany
  • That Asian country that is very 'western', I have forgotten its name

So what's the reason? Is this because of scraping? Seems random. If the IP is from India, we could say, well, they don't want scammers. Turkey, not sure. But Germany?

I know datacenters have an IP range, and they could ban all IPs from all datacenters. But why?

And the issue is, when you register, and post, you suddenly find yourself shadow-banned! I did not even made a bad post or anything.

Where do I get a quality IP that Reddit has not blocked?

submitted 14 hours ago by Hardy@lemmy.ml to c/reddit@lemmy.world
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by Serial@rblind.com to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Hi everyone,

As part of a school course, I am currently conducting a survey for our product "Color Sense." This project is specially designed to help blind or visually impaired individuals choose their clothes independently using tags that integrate braille and a QR code.

Your participation in this survey would be extremely valuable in helping us improve our product and better meet your needs. Link to the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-ShxAK5tcA4lYLcq9AyD5EHNvY1zNvGvM-VELhZoG0n3K7A/viewform?usp=sf_link

If you have difficulty answering the survey yourself, please feel free to ask someone to help you complete it.

Thank you in advance for your participation and valuable assistance!


Just in case Reddit needed to make it more obvious where their priorities lie.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15479755

OpenAI strikes Reddit deal to train its AI on your posts

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by 007KeyLimePie@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

New here. Migrated from Reddit. Still trying to figure out Lemmy - what's everyone's experiences like coming from Reddit and does Lemmy serve as a good alternative? Pros and cons/differences?

I was a fairly active member at Reddit with a good social standing, I made 1 "controversial" comment and I got perma-banned... this sucks. I mostly followed music pages like r/TheBeatles and loved to just rant about Beatles albums, Paul McCartney's latest tour, discuss new releases from other artists and also movies/TV shows. I can't think of any other website that offers that kind of forum-like discussion other than Lemmy?

I really did always hate that Reddit felt like a massive echo chamber. The way the system works with upvotes and downvotes, if I said anything people don't agree with, I'd get massively downvoted. I once got temporary ban for saying I preferred Zelda Breath of the Wild over Tears of the Kingdom... it really felt like I was treading on egg shells. My perma-ban happened in a discussion within the r/EveryoneKnowsThat search for a lost wave song. Really petty.

I've always hoped somebody would create basically a clone of Reddit, but without the politics and without being overly-policed. Where people aren't pushed away for respectfully voicing their opinion. Is Lemmy the answer?

submitted 1 week ago by Tag365@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

I just noticed this when I saw a strange "Achievement Unlocked" notification pop up on Reddit. What do you think of this? It seems like a retention tactic to me, like what Amino had with its streak leaderboards, and GameFAQs currently has with streak achievements for logging on ten days in a row and also for all days of a month.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by ZeroCool@vger.social to c/reddit@lemmy.world

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

submitted 1 week ago by AbaixoDeCao@lemm.ee to c/reddit@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Snapz@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter).

Just bringing up a point that I'm not sure I'd seen anyone discussing directly over here; the general sentiment and quality of posted information on Reddit has become tangibly worse in multiple ways (I think coinciding with this group, us, leaving).

Now don't get me wrong, Reddit sucked in many ways and for long before the migrations to Lemmy, but there is a noticeable difference in a few key areas:

  1. Less skepticism in replies

  2. Less sourcing of information in posts and replies

  3. Less counter positions expressed generally

  4. If there is a decent reply, you have to scroll much further down to find it

  5. Less plain labeling of obvious bullshit

Many of us used to introduce counter viewpoints or clarifying information into posts, with sources. That functionally worked as a roadblock to stall the quickly building momentum of disinformation/misinformation. Those roadblocks often feel absent over there now, IMO.

Not saying we hold a responsibility to go back there or that we were saving lives before, but the difference is very apparent to me - Have you seen it? Any examples?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by otter@lemmy.ca to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Reason for posting

  • this is the reddit community, so updates about the platform are relevant
  • some of these changes could be good for the people who find value in the communities there and are waiting for alternatives here (ex. niche subreddits / those that require a larger userbase, such as medical career communities)
  • We can learn from what they did well, talk about what they did bad, and improve our own platforms

The original post quoted below:

Greetings, mods

During numerous calls with mods last year, we consistently heard about the difficulties in informing and educating redditors about a community's rules, culture, FAQs, and other important information during key moments. This challenge is particularly pronounced on mobile platforms, where user engagement is high but community identity is less visible. Today, we're thrilled to unveil a suite of new mod tools designed to address this issue by effectively conveying information to users across various areas on Reddit.

Community Status

This week we’re launching Community Status, a new feature that will allow mods to set an editable status that shows up next to your subreddit’s name. This status will be visible to all redditors, and they’ll be able to click or tap on the status to view more information.

Mods can use this status for a variety of reasons, like highlighting live events associated with the community, commemorating cultural moments, incorporating memes and easter eggs, or showcasing specific posts from the community. This status will be visible across the popular/home feeds, post detail pages, and the community page.

Community Status User Interface

Community Highlights

In a call with moderators last year regarding community uniqueness and customization, a significant concern raised was the limited visibility of stickied posts.

  • Stickied posts, especially on mobile, are less visible due to changes that have reduced how clearly they appear in a community.
  • Only having the ability to sticky two posts is quite restrictive, and ends up placing mods in difficult compromises on what types of posts to sticky.

We understand that this has hindered moderators' ability to efficiently communicate and disseminate information within their community. To help remedy this, we’re excited to launch Community Highlights, a new supercharged pinned post experience. Next week mods will be able to do the following with Community Highlights:

  • Pin up to 6 posts.
  • Add a ‘label’ that shows up on the highlighted card, depending on what the type of post is.
  • Set an ‘expiry timer’ for how long a highlight will stay on the page.
  • Highlighted posts show up in this carousel format at the top of the page.

Used together, we intend for Community Status and Highlights to be a powerful new toolset notifying users about ongoing events within a community and assisting moderators in spotlighting posts they want to emphasize.

Community Highlights in Compact Mode

Community Highlights in Card Mode

Community Highlights Management

Post Guidance

After months of trialing Post Guidance, we’re beyond excited to drop the rope, pull the curtain back, and make this feature available to all communities, everywhere. For those unfamiliar with the feature, Post Guidance serves as a more intuitive tool where moderators can migrate and set up their subreddit rules and automoderator configurations. Users will then be preemptively alerted with a custom message that they are breaking a specific direction when trying to craft a post.

A heartfelt thank you to the 200+ mod teams who took the time to experiment with this new tool, provide us feedback and partner with us on this journey.

We’re currently building Comment Guidance (Post Guidance, but for Comments), with the goal of testing and launching it in the next couple of months.

Community Welcome Message

This July, we look forward to launching The Community Welcome Message. This feature will appear immediately after any user clicks the join button from a subreddit page. After the message is dismissed, it will be discoverable as an easy-to-use community guide on a subreddit’s About page. Mods will be able to add unique community assets and easygoing call-to-actions:

  • Community image
  • Short, custom welcome message
  • User flair selection
  • Resource links such as wiki links, join this welcome thread, and check out this funny post!

The Community Welcome Message is meant to convey the character of the community by quickly serving up the most relevant and important information to new community members while encouraging engagement.

Welcome Message User Interface

Temporary Events

Occasionally, certain events lead to significant spikes in traffic for communities, posing challenges for moderators to maintain quality and enforce rules. To manage this, moderators may switch their community's status to "Private" or "Restricted" until traffic normalizes. This not only presents challenges for moderators but also restricts and confuses well-intentioned users from participating in the community.

This July, we'll introduce a new feature called Temporary Events to address these situations. This feature empowers mods to create "temporary events" for both anticipated and unexpected scenarios. When a mod initiates an event, they can choose from various settings to efficiently manage community involvement, inform users about the event, and alert the mod team. Mods will have the flexibility to activate the temporary event as needed or schedule it in advance. Once activated, the specified settings will take effect, overriding the current community settings if necessary. When done, the subreddit will return to its standard settings

Temporary Event Mod Interface

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about the features mentioned today, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below or via our support channels.


This was my conment on a post saying that pregnant people should always be used instead of pregnant women. My comment was under someone saying vitamins for pregnant women should say vitamins for pregnant people. I have a trans son and many trans friends. My comment was not promoting hate! Fucking reddit mods

submitted 1 week ago by AbaixoDeCao@lemm.ee to c/reddit@lemmy.world
submitted 2 weeks ago by DanTDM@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

As soon as people showed the slightest signs of paying less attention to the Israel-Gaza situation, the entire frontpage is suddenly not enshittified anymore. Wow, look at this insane rapper beef! I haven't seen memes this funny in ages! Hey hockey fans, look at this insane helldivers 2 drama! Of course, all the political bullshit is conveniently removed so you're not angry about that, you're not supposed to be angry about that right now...

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Orcus@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

More than half redditors doesn't know this exist.

Edit: Ok damn that's a lot of stuff, I agree tm people always messes things up and yes we are very outnumbered . I'm not saying we should be hating reddit I want people to know there's an alternative when the corporate mess shits on reddit after a while. Thanks for the , um, Interesting stuff. Couldn't help noticing it was more actually useful stuff instead of useless slander which makes up reddit i love you guys.


All it does is respond to the title. sometimes that works out for it....sometimes its horrible. Just a tiny bit down, check the old school cool. down in the comment graveyard is another number name one doing the exact same thing.

submitted 2 weeks ago by humuhumu@lemm.ee to c/reddit@lemmy.world

As title, i cannot use reddit (dot) com, it will always says password/username incorrect. I need to use old (dot) reddit (dot) com.


submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Cloak@lemmy.ml to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Historically, I've perceived Reddit as slightly left leaning, with strong pockets of conservatives. Recently though, a vast majority of comment sections seem to excuse violence, such as in this thread (TW: police brutality), where people say things like

TW: Supporting violence

The students didn’t hurt the bullets, right?

They paid to learn so....... You go learn today


Follow the rules of the people who own the property. If they ask you to leave then leave. Don’t interfere with people’s incomes or you’ll end up finding the fuck out

Got it. The next time I stand on a private piece of grass that I paid 200 grand for the privilege of using, I should expect to be shot at like I deserve. I'll keep that in mind.

When the owner of the property wants you to move on? Yeah. Move on. Or don’t and find out.

And I'm seriously wondering when Reddit got so bad that the hivemind supports calls for violence. Are these humans? Are they bots? Why does reddit allow this conduct?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by No1@aussie.zone to c/reddit@lemmy.world

I use old.reddit.com, and had trouble logging in from there today. "Too many redirects". I also use the Redirect to old.reddit.com extension. When I disabled that, the login link it now takes you to is https://www.reddit.com/login/. That, of course, takes you to www.reddit.com.

The old 'popup' login box has been removed. I also noticed that the in sub logins where they used to have username/password entry boxes have been removed.

More reddit enshitification to try and make us use their horrible UI.

submitted 2 weeks ago by mozz@mbin.grits.dev to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Good thing they were on point about not being willing to host it as long as he showed the guy's face -- everyone knows that videos that show a person's face are strictly forbidden on every social media platform.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Cloak@lemmy.ml to c/reddit@lemmy.world

I made an account 3 years ago to make a single post, which I wanted to be anonymous for. I logged in again today as I wanted an account for... um... science, and discovered I was banned a year ago. I find this ban incredibly odd as

  1. I did not log into this account for two years between the post and the suspension
  2. They do not state what rule I broke, which is not standard in my experience
  3. They do not offer the opportunity to appeal, which I also believe is not standard
  4. They tell me to make a new account. If I broke their rules, why would they want me to make a new account? Temp ban makes sense. Permaban makes sense. This makes no sense.

The only explanation I can think of is that they want to bump the user count.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/reddit@lemmy.world

For the threads with the older one on the left: https://lemmy.world/post/14859950

(Thank you @Nelots@lemm.ee )

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