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[-] 17 points 3 hours ago

More links

Karim Khan said that he believes Netanyahu, his defense minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas leaders — Yehia Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh — are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip and Israel.

The prosecutor must request the warrants from a pre-trial panel of three judges, who take on average two months to consider the evidence and determine if the proceedings can move forward.

Israel is not a member of the court, and even if the arrest warrants are issued, Netanyahu and Gallant do not face any immediate risk of prosecution. But Khan’s announcement deepens Israel’s isolation as it presses ahead with its war, and the threat of arrest could make it difficult for the Israeli leaders to travel abroad.

Both Sinwar and Deif are believed to be hiding in Gaza as Israel tries to hunt them down. But Haniyeh, the supreme leader of the Islamic militant group, is based in Qatar and frequently travels across the region.

submitted 1 day ago by to c/
submitted 2 days ago by to c/

cross-posted from:

The channel has excellent visuals for the different steps

submitted 2 days ago by to c/

The channel has excellent visuals for the different steps

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/

The linked article is the intro message from her. I copied a part of it here:

Why I’m Joining Mozilla as Executive Director

Delight -- absolute delight -- is what I felt when my parents brought home a Compaq Deskpro 386 for us to play with. It was love at first sight, thanks to games like Reader Rabbit, but I fell especially hard once we had a machine connected to the Internet. The unparalleled joy that comes from making things with and for other people was intoxicating. I can’t tell you how many hours were spent building Geocities websites for friends, poring over message boards, writing X-Files fan fiction, exchanging inside jokes and song lyrics on AIM and ICQ chats with friends and far-flung cousins across the world.

Actually, I could tell you. In detail. But it would be embarrassing.

Years later I would learn that the ability to share, connect, and create is rooted in how the Internet works differently than the media preceding it. The Internet speaks standards and protocols. It links instead of copying. Its nature is open. You don’t need permission to make something on the Internet. That freedom holds enormous potential: At its best, it helps us explore history we didn’t know, build movements to better the future, or make a meme to brighten someone’s day. At its best, the Internet lets us see each other.

That magic -- this power -- is revolutionary. Protecting it, celebrating it, and expanding it is why I’m so excited to join the Mozilla Foundation as its executive director.

I started my career as a media lawyer to protect those who made things that helped us see one another, and the truth about our shared world. Almost fifteen years ago, I co-founded and built a media law clinic to train others to do the same. After a stint at a law firm, I joined BuzzFeed as its first newsroom lawyer, which felt sort of like being a lawyer for the silliest and most serious parts of the internet all at the same time. In other words, I was a lawyer for the Internet at its best.

I am not naive about the Internet at its worst. From the Edward Snowden disclosures to a quick trip to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, much of my career has confronted issues of surveillance -- including of my own religious community. I watched as consumers became more concerned about surveillance and other harms online, and so we built an accountability journalism outlet, The Markup, to serve those needs. The Markup’s mission is to help people challenge technology to serve the public good, which intentionally centers human agency. So we didn’t just write articles: Our team imagined and made things people used to make informed choices. Blacklight, for example, empowers people to use the Web how they want, by helping them see the otherwise invisible set of tracking tools, watching them as they browse.

[-] 6 points 3 days ago

Are the messages in her outbox? What some scammers do is they make a new account with the same name and profile picture, to then send messages that look like they're from a friend.

I remember reading about an Facebook phishing thing going around, but that involved getting the password and then spamming out messages. She could try and remember if she got any weird links that she logged in with. Sometimes the scammer sends the harmful link to the followers, so the handbag site might be the problem link

[-] 24 points 4 days ago

Usually because resources are limited, both financial and time, so people make do with what they can.

As projects grow, and as the FOSS alternatives improve, projects can switch over.

[-] 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I'd love to have tags on apps. So many apps have a simple minimalistic name on the app, which is impossible to remember. I make do by renaming the app with terms I might search by.

ex. "Authenticator Microsoft", or "Vancollect City Garbage Trash Recycling"

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

cross-posted from:

Take a skim through the link for full details (especially the breaking changes), but I have included some parts that I thought were important:

This release has been over two years in the making, so we're really glad to finally get it out to you. The long cycle does mean quite an extensive changelog however, with well over 1100 pull requests merged into our master branch since 10.8.0 first dropped back in 2022.


  • We now support "trickplay" a.k.a. live video scrubbing. When scrubbing through a video with this enabled, you will be able to see a live preview of the video at that timestamp. Note that this requires explicit client support, which may require some time to become available depending on your client.

  • [...]

  • We now support AVIF and WEBP images for Pictures libraries.

  • Tags are now accounted for during searches, allowing one to search by tag.

  • We now support multiple simultaneous subtitle tracks (maximum of two, a primary and secondary) in the web player.

  • We've revamped the administrative dashboard UI to help improve usability and ease of finding options.

API & Security

  • All API endpoints now return proper return codes, ensuring that API endpoint results can be reliably interpreted without additional parsing.

  • Parental ratings are significantly improved, with better enforcement, inheritable ratings, and more.

  • LiveTV and Collection permissions are now discrete and configurable per-user.

  • The EasyPassword (PIN) feature has been removed as this was a big security risk especially for administrator accounts; QuickConnect login is still supported however.

  • User permission handling has been unified and numerous bugs fixed, ensuring a more secure server from untrusted users.

Core Server & Networking

  • [...]
  • The server now supports in-process restarting, and removes the old hacky method. This should make things like installing plugins much more robust and ensure a consistent restart experience regardless of platform or install method.
  • [...]
  • The backend SQLite database now supports connection pooling, which should improve performance for database operations.
  • [...]

Also sections on Packaging, Transcoding & FFmpeg improvements/support, Scanning, Library & Playlist Management, and Casting

The Next Version

With our continuous integrations improvements outlined previously, we're quite confident that this will be our last "very long" release cycle. Our plan is for the next major version (10.10.0) to be released at most 6 months from now, some time in October. We hope this increased cadence will help alleviate the problems with large releases such as a very long time-to-stable for new features, translations, etc. and help lower the number of major bugs at each major release, streamlining the upgrade process. But this needs everyone's help. Back in October 2023, we made a call for developers, and we've gotten a lot of interest, but this is not a one-and-done event. We need contributions now more than ever, especially around the web frontend to help implement our planned design changes. If this interests you, please reach out and we can help get you set up.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Take a skim through the link for full details (especially the breaking changes), but I have included some parts that I thought were important:

This release has been over two years in the making, so we're really glad to finally get it out to you. The long cycle does mean quite an extensive changelog however, with well over 1100 pull requests merged into our master branch since 10.8.0 first dropped back in 2022.


  • We now support "trickplay" a.k.a. live video scrubbing. When scrubbing through a video with this enabled, you will be able to see a live preview of the video at that timestamp. Note that this requires explicit client support, which may require some time to become available depending on your client.

  • [...]

  • We now support AVIF and WEBP images for Pictures libraries.

  • Tags are now accounted for during searches, allowing one to search by tag.

  • We now support multiple simultaneous subtitle tracks (maximum of two, a primary and secondary) in the web player.

  • We've revamped the administrative dashboard UI to help improve usability and ease of finding options.

API & Security

  • All API endpoints now return proper return codes, ensuring that API endpoint results can be reliably interpreted without additional parsing.

  • Parental ratings are significantly improved, with better enforcement, inheritable ratings, and more.

  • LiveTV and Collection permissions are now discrete and configurable per-user.

  • The EasyPassword (PIN) feature has been removed as this was a big security risk especially for administrator accounts; QuickConnect login is still supported however.

  • User permission handling has been unified and numerous bugs fixed, ensuring a more secure server from untrusted users.

Core Server & Networking

  • [...]
  • The server now supports in-process restarting, and removes the old hacky method. This should make things like installing plugins much more robust and ensure a consistent restart experience regardless of platform or install method.
  • [...]
  • The backend SQLite database now supports connection pooling, which should improve performance for database operations.
  • [...]

Also sections on Packaging, Transcoding & FFmpeg improvements/support, Scanning, Library & Playlist Management, and Casting

The Next Version

With our continuous integrations improvements outlined previously, we're quite confident that this will be our last "very long" release cycle. Our plan is for the next major version (10.10.0) to be released at most 6 months from now, some time in October. We hope this increased cadence will help alleviate the problems with large releases such as a very long time-to-stable for new features, translations, etc. and help lower the number of major bugs at each major release, streamlining the upgrade process. But this needs everyone's help. Back in October 2023, we made a call for developers, and we've gotten a lot of interest, but this is not a one-and-done event. We need contributions now more than ever, especially around the web frontend to help implement our planned design changes. If this interests you, please reach out and we can help get you set up.

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

Especially the new pinned posts, it looks like they might be new Reddit only. I guess we'll have to wait and try it once a few subs implement it

submitted 1 week ago by to c/


[-] 10 points 1 week ago

My thoughts:

A handful of these changes are things that Lemmy currently allows, or has Github issues for in the queue. Others (mainly moderation ones), are things that would be nice to have here as well. The temporary traffic spike feature could do wonders here with the spam waves

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Reason for posting

  • this is the reddit community, so updates about the platform are relevant
  • some of these changes could be good for the people who find value in the communities there and are waiting for alternatives here (ex. niche subreddits / those that require a larger userbase, such as medical career communities)
  • We can learn from what they did well, talk about what they did bad, and improve our own platforms

The original post quoted below:

Greetings, mods

During numerous calls with mods last year, we consistently heard about the difficulties in informing and educating redditors about a community's rules, culture, FAQs, and other important information during key moments. This challenge is particularly pronounced on mobile platforms, where user engagement is high but community identity is less visible. Today, we're thrilled to unveil a suite of new mod tools designed to address this issue by effectively conveying information to users across various areas on Reddit.

Community Status

This week we’re launching Community Status, a new feature that will allow mods to set an editable status that shows up next to your subreddit’s name. This status will be visible to all redditors, and they’ll be able to click or tap on the status to view more information.

Mods can use this status for a variety of reasons, like highlighting live events associated with the community, commemorating cultural moments, incorporating memes and easter eggs, or showcasing specific posts from the community. This status will be visible across the popular/home feeds, post detail pages, and the community page.

Community Status User Interface

Community Highlights

In a call with moderators last year regarding community uniqueness and customization, a significant concern raised was the limited visibility of stickied posts.

  • Stickied posts, especially on mobile, are less visible due to changes that have reduced how clearly they appear in a community.
  • Only having the ability to sticky two posts is quite restrictive, and ends up placing mods in difficult compromises on what types of posts to sticky.

We understand that this has hindered moderators' ability to efficiently communicate and disseminate information within their community. To help remedy this, we’re excited to launch Community Highlights, a new supercharged pinned post experience. Next week mods will be able to do the following with Community Highlights:

  • Pin up to 6 posts.
  • Add a ‘label’ that shows up on the highlighted card, depending on what the type of post is.
  • Set an ‘expiry timer’ for how long a highlight will stay on the page.
  • Highlighted posts show up in this carousel format at the top of the page.

Used together, we intend for Community Status and Highlights to be a powerful new toolset notifying users about ongoing events within a community and assisting moderators in spotlighting posts they want to emphasize.

Community Highlights in Compact Mode

Community Highlights in Card Mode

Community Highlights Management

Post Guidance

After months of trialing Post Guidance, we’re beyond excited to drop the rope, pull the curtain back, and make this feature available to all communities, everywhere. For those unfamiliar with the feature, Post Guidance serves as a more intuitive tool where moderators can migrate and set up their subreddit rules and automoderator configurations. Users will then be preemptively alerted with a custom message that they are breaking a specific direction when trying to craft a post.

A heartfelt thank you to the 200+ mod teams who took the time to experiment with this new tool, provide us feedback and partner with us on this journey.

We’re currently building Comment Guidance (Post Guidance, but for Comments), with the goal of testing and launching it in the next couple of months.

Community Welcome Message

This July, we look forward to launching The Community Welcome Message. This feature will appear immediately after any user clicks the join button from a subreddit page. After the message is dismissed, it will be discoverable as an easy-to-use community guide on a subreddit’s About page. Mods will be able to add unique community assets and easygoing call-to-actions:

  • Community image
  • Short, custom welcome message
  • User flair selection
  • Resource links such as wiki links, join this welcome thread, and check out this funny post!

The Community Welcome Message is meant to convey the character of the community by quickly serving up the most relevant and important information to new community members while encouraging engagement.

Welcome Message User Interface

Temporary Events

Occasionally, certain events lead to significant spikes in traffic for communities, posing challenges for moderators to maintain quality and enforce rules. To manage this, moderators may switch their community's status to "Private" or "Restricted" until traffic normalizes. This not only presents challenges for moderators but also restricts and confuses well-intentioned users from participating in the community.

This July, we'll introduce a new feature called Temporary Events to address these situations. This feature empowers mods to create "temporary events" for both anticipated and unexpected scenarios. When a mod initiates an event, they can choose from various settings to efficiently manage community involvement, inform users about the event, and alert the mod team. Mods will have the flexibility to activate the temporary event as needed or schedule it in advance. Once activated, the specified settings will take effect, overriding the current community settings if necessary. When done, the subreddit will return to its standard settings

Temporary Event Mod Interface

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about the features mentioned today, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below or via our support channels.

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

Search engine indexing, rather than search inside Lemmy/threadiverse platforms

That way people come across the good content when searching for things

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

This browser extension "would allow Facebook users to automatically unfollow their friends, groups, and pages, and, in doing so, to effectively turn off their newsfeeds, which Facebook algorithmically sorts to drive user engagement," the Knight Institute said in a statement.

Interesting, I've been doing that manually for a while now (not Facebook though, I haven't opened that feed in years).

Here's an article from 2021:

[-] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I did a search on the image for more information, but instead I noticed something cool

This exact post is the third result (I clicked through and checked the comments)

[-] 10 points 1 week ago

Maybe it could be specific to each user?

Few ideas

  • a community for people to post in on their cake day, where they can comment on some aspect of their life that's improved in the last year / something they're grateful for

  • if you come across a cake day account, pop into their history and comment on something you find interesting

[-] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I would say to just try it out and see how it is! The live USB works nicely and you can decide you don't like a distro and move on rapidly. There are also tools out there that let you load up multiple distros on the USB at once, and then pick which one to use when you boot up.

I went through my own struggles with dual booting Linux some time ago. If you search on Lemmy, you can find those embarrassing posts. It was my fault, I got confident and messed with 'grub' in all the wrong ways, before cutting my losses early and reverting everything because I had other commitments to deal with.

The good thing though is that it's totally possible to put Windows back 100% the way it was before, even after messing up as badly as I did (I couldn't boot into either operating system because the machine couldn't find the boot entry). Once you're ready to replace windows with Linux (or dual boot etc.), make a good backup with something like Macrium Reflect and you should be safe to go for it. I highly doubt you'll make the mistakes I did, the story is to say that you can mess up and be just fine!

As for your use case:

  • affinity programs aren't on Linux from what I remember, you might want to experiment and see if you can run it with Wine or if you have an alternative (ex. Dual boot, different programs)
  • Not sure about Davinci, comments suggest that it runs ok on Linux. I like KdenLive

As for what people recommended, and what I'm planning to try soon

  • Kubuntu (if you want Ubuntu that looks similar to windows)
  • Fedora (what I tried last time)
  • Linux Mint
[-] 4 points 1 week ago

I wasn't sure myself honestly, thought I'd check if someone else brought it up first

I think people get super excited to share the good news that it's not a company behind it and all the benefits that come with that

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

cross-posted from:

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Good summary by another user in the crosspost over in !

submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/
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joined 11 months ago