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[-] 11 points 2 weeks ago

i bet it's honestly more more from like 4chan and other modern online racist communities. where they would mock aave with racist caricatures. agree with the rest, but if it's related to aave then i doubt the old newspapers were the source.

[-] 10 points 3 weeks ago

from what i understand the had a personal pr department for his own image, then he got too full of himself because they did too good of a job making people like him. dumb ass narcissist assumed it was all him and fired the pr team. now he's just himself and everyone hates that.

[-] 28 points 3 weeks ago

it's so funny too, Netflix was the service solution. Netflix and Spotify being good for a while there was the biggest hit to piracy since it's inception.

[-] 3 points 3 weeks ago

there's locked mail boxes here. like at apartments with a shared lobby. the owner just gets a key.

[-] 2 points 3 weeks ago

most media players actually let you do that already and most pirated content includes at least subtitles you can toggle on and off. but if you go for a full Blu Ray iso or remux you'll usually get the commentary track.

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

oh I'm sure they actually did. if there's one thing Republicans are good at, it's being contrarian assholes about all climate related policy. I'm sure someone tried to poke every hole they could in this.

but you'd have to have a pretty warped understanding of emissions to think that mowing a field with sheep is even close to a lawnmower. this field needs to be mowed to keep the solar panels clear. even if these sheep weren't eaten or used for any other purpose, this would still be a good policy. as is though, we will also be getting wool, because these sheep will die without being sheered. we will likely be getting other products too. I'm not sure if they will be eaten, but probably not. they aren't very popular for meat here.

sheep are legitimately a very green way to mow a field when you consider alternatives. like, i guess they could use those hand push manual mowers or scythes or something, but that would mean hiring thousands of people. that may be ultimately the best thing for everyone but the billionaires that profit on it, but let's bee realistic here. that's not happening.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago

i mean, it's more about letting the Internet decide for them. a person that is so incapable of making their own assessments that they have to ask a random mob permission to date another isn't going to be a good person to date. didn't be or date someone that would trust random Internet weirdos who collectively have an incredibly awful track record of giving advice over just talking about it or doing some reading.

[-] 42 points 1 month ago

anyone who picks at every little thing a partner or potential partner does by requiring the Internet to approve it is toxic as hell. asking the Internet if a behavior that doesn't effect you is a red flag is a massive red flag.

[-] 0 points 1 month ago

yeah, it's likely for insurance or regulatory reasons.

insurance will find any reason possible to deny your claim. even if that is a failure to remove the keys from the ignition after the car burst into flames.

regulators shouldn't allow slack. with any company in a regulatory situation they will to exactly as much as they're allowed to get away with. give them an inch, they take a Mile. letting hazard tags slide based on judgement creates space for corruption and abuse. following procedures to the letter with strict documentation can help curtail that.

[-] 3 points 1 month ago

this might be a regional thing. I've never once in my life seen it spelled that was. to me til had only ever been an acronym for "today I learned"

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

shit, many people have their business and income tried to Facebook now. Facebook is constantly getting sued by small businesses after random stupid bullshit that takes them offline for a week.

[-] 27 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

they already kind of do over here. this case is going to set precedent for how broadly enforceable they are.

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