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[-] 1 points 1 day ago

I had many problems with installing grub in a dual boot configuration, so much so that I moved to systemd-boot and never had problems after. I don't know why, but it's config file approach felt more intuitive.

I'm actually not sure why GRUB is such a popular boot loader that comes packaged with so many distros. Maybe GRUB does something more complex than just bootloading, but I don't know if most users would care...

[-] 2 points 5 days ago

Well, I guess spirit is technically the cheapest. So that might be worth it to people all on its own. But I find the seating to be very cramped, I don't like the feeling of being "nickel and dimed" with their "charge for everything" scheme, and when I rode spirit they would have extremely generous take off and landing estimates so that even with many delays, they are still "on time".

None of this is really malicious, I think they are clear about the fact that they offer cheap tickets for a cheap experience. But man, as a customer, it feels bad. I will just pay the extra money and go with something else.

[-] 5 points 6 days ago

Friggin' Spirit Airlines!

[-] 2 points 6 days ago

That sounds exhausting. I hope you find peace, one day.

[-] 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This may be a minor point, but I often think in discussions like these, people are talking about the entire OS rather than just the kernel. And while you can take a fully featured desktop ~~system~~ environment for a spin, and it's pretty good, a lightweight window manager is lightning quick.

If you stick to minimalistic apps for things like photo viewing, you can open folders with 1000s of images in thumbnail mode at incredible speeds, or enormous PDFs. Those are the types of tasks that seemingly slow W10 to a crawl.

In general I also have pretty good luck with stability on my machine. I don't find myself needing to kill apps that start misbehaving for unexplained reasons, except Firefox... But usually an update sorts it out.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

This is a completely fair point. If I were given the proverbial golden keys to rewrite bidding practices, I imagine whatever I wrote would be subject to perverse incentives of some kind.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Do you think education is generally moving in the right direction? I have a few people in my circle that trained to be teachers and left the profession because of the lack of support from admin when dealing with troubled students (and troubled parents). They described a staff that was upside down, similar to a hospital (everyone is an admin, a very small part of the staff is actually teachers, and they never make the rules).

On the other hand it sounds like the mechanics of disseminating knowledge have increased tremendously due to research supported practices. I just wonder if the next generation is doomed, I guess.

[-] 24 points 1 week ago

Yes, another tragedy is when sales guy from company A talks to sales guy from company B.

You want a submarine to also fly into space? Oh yeah, we can do that! Our engineers are really smart, shouldn't be a problem. We'll have that design over to you in 2 weeks!

Later, when talking to the engineering team...

Well, I don't see what's so hard about it. We've had submarines and planes in WW2, you're telling me we can't innovative and combine those ideas? Well, this is an opportunity for you guys to really show off the engineering ability of the company... And I can't move the promise date now, I already talked to him on the phone and I'm about to go on my cruise. Call me if you need anything!

[-] 16 points 1 week ago

Excellent point about government sponsored anti corruption measures, too. Here in the US our government contracts award "points" to businesses which are minority or woman- owned.

In practice, the same construction companies simply institute shell companies, and make their wives/daughters/sisters the owners of these shell companies, charge a premium, and have the "owner" subcontract the work back to the same old company, effectively making themselves an extra 20 percent...

Small businesses (which may be minority or woman owned, but they don't play golf with the government buyers) are still totally forgotten.

[-] 93 points 1 week ago

I'm an engineer. When you see something really badly designed and think "wow, those engineers are so stupid! I could have done a better job myself!"

Please know that we did think about it. It's just that some guy with an MBA decides the schedule, and another guy with an MBA decides the budget, and terrible designs get released no matter how much we protest. I'm sorry we couldn't figure it out fast enough and cheap enough, though.

And yes, we do mistakes all the time too. It's just that we usually know about the obvious ones.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

I'm the same as you! I recommend "trash-cli", then you can undo if you mess something up. You can even set an alias to echo "wrong command" if you use 'RM'.

[-] 4 points 3 months ago

I guess their company might have a BYOD policy... Damn I hope that's the case.

submitted 7 months ago by to c/

A friend of mine is interested in the "sovereign artist" model, which basically means that you self publish and self release your own work on your own website, as opposed to using a publishing house or art gallery.

It's powerful because it gives everyone a platform to share "niche" art, but as a consumer, it can be difficult to find and "curate" high quality, interesting works of art. Is there a rating/voting system that exists that is resitant to internet vote tampering?

I'm talking about how 10 years ago, Amazon reviews were pretty helpful. But now they've been swarmed with paid and bot written reviews. Same with Slickdeals and many others.

I'd want a voting system that incorporates some ideas:

  • it would prevent one person from making multiple fake accounts
  • reviews wouldn't be suppressed or promoted by paid algorithims
  • the algorithm WOULD help connect people to items they are interested in. But maybe the workings of it would be open source, so it can be audited for bad acting.

Does a project like this exist somewhere? Rather than host that project in one place, it could be powerful to defederate and prevent the temptation to manipulate algorithms.

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