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[-] 2 points 3 months ago

this little car came out of the assembly line with 120hp.

For a car under 900kg of total weight, it is a lot of power. It would fishtail like an angry beast, burn rubber at a slip of the foot and make you crap yourself if you felt like pushing it a bit over the safety zone.

It was a defining car: you could buy it but it wasn't guaranteed you'd own it.

[-] 1 points 3 months ago

Considering the amount of plastics going into the building of an SUV, I'd risk tge hot hatch would survive.

[-] 10 points 3 months ago

So, what we should take from this is that any foray into any art is useless, therefore we should surrender any and all creative impulse to faceless companies.

Fuck no.

I'd rather distribute my work for free and have it read and enjoyed nonetheless than not write at all.

[-] 11 points 3 months ago

They accomplish that and the already diminutive presence they have in the world will shrink even more.

[-] 33 points 3 months ago

The French Foreign Legion is an elite force, open to non french individuals to enlist.

Because it is, by nature, a multicultural force, the legion has a specific trainning regime to develop unit spirit. These are not cannon fodder: any individual that can make the FFL, can after three years of service request french citizenship.

Russia seems to be just trying to find bodies to fill the ranks.

[-] 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Tell me what you think of this, then.

In my country, an ~~landlord~~ owner can not forbid pets in a house unless there are specific rules that completely prevents it (like an HOA imposition, where no animals at all are allowed in an apartment building); it was ruled by our Supreme Court having a pet is an unwaivable right the individual has.

(Yes, most people ignore this and just outright ban animals.)

However, the owner of a house can demand certain conditions to be fullfilled, in order for an animal to be housed there, like the animal being registered (ID chip), licensed (paid annually), vaccinated, properly kept (cages, terrariums or whatever necessary to accomodate, safely, the animal(s)), behaviour (a dog can not spend their time barking their head off, a cat yowlling, birds screeching) and for the guardian to assume full responsability for any and all damages the animal causes.

This part is legal and most people would run for the hills if they found such a clause on a leasing agreement, as for the moment they sign it, they are legally binded by it and failling to observe any condition is legal ground for breach of contract.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago
[-] 2 points 3 months ago

Connery was a good actor but I think he got stuck to the role of the secret agent/military man/though guy, although I enjoyed his performance in Finding Forrester.

Lazenby was the forgotten Bond, right? I agree. He had a presence but I think he was badly received after the Connery era as his Bond was more mild mannered. When Roger Moore took the character and broke off the previous mold, it simply erased the previous Bond and started the fan theory that Bond was a codename and not an individual.

[-] 15 points 3 months ago

Timothy Dalton was the best Bond, closest to the books.

[-] 3 points 3 months ago

Today, I was the 1% getting to know something new.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago

Some good humored banter never hurt anybody.

That is the sole thing I draw the line. Scynical as it may sound, ink on skin, no. It feels as an ownership brand that can never be taken off or thrown away.

I personally dislike the notion of being permanent on another life. Either because things don't work, people grow apart or someone simply dies, from misfortune, sickness or old age, nobody should be tied to another, in any way. Life should go on. Must.

And I'm happily and for a long time monogamous.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Here is my problem: I have an old house - nearly 100 years old - that I need to insulate but I have a few problems and concerns I need to deal with. The walls are essentially stone and an old kind on solid cement block.

I've been looking into the insulation solutions available in my market and it is basically a matter of gluing thick boards of styrofoam-like material to the walls.

On the outwalls this is not feaseable as the house faces a road with no sidewalk, so I'd be encroaching onto the road. Inside, adding 5cm of insulation would make small rooms smaller to the point some would be, for all practical purposes, rendered into generous pantries.

Because I live in a somewhat rural area, mice and rodents are a concern, so adding materials they can chew through makes no sense. It would be like supplying an easy to move through medium to run the entire house. I have seen houses and buildings with this kind of insulation chewed into, the moment the smallest of pieces of the hard plaster gets cracked, which is very easy. The added fire hazard is a concern as well, I'll admit.

I've already seen cork insulation but the base color is always brown and does not deal well with being painted on.

What other options may I look into? I'm in southern Europe but in an area with harsh winters.

Writing program (
submitted 8 months ago by to c/

Besides Libre Office, what other programs/solutions exist in the Linux world for writers?

(Please, don't suggest VIM. After all the memes and comments I've read, I've come to dread it).

I like writing but the standard Writer tends to send me in a constant formatting spree.

I want to get back to writing regularly and something that could help me stay focused and somewhat organized would be nice.

submitted 9 months ago by to c/

It's friday, so lets try to end the week in a positive note with a laugh.

My own: got the first compliment of my life after a locker room raid.

I was told I was pretty easy on the eye with no top on, with a smile and a wink to boot, after a few minutes of playing the toss the bundle around game.

submitted 9 months ago by to c/
submitted 10 months ago by to c/
submitted 10 months ago by to c/

And what do you recommend to hang on walls, for decorative purposes, besides family photos?

Mine are blank and barren, an empty canvas for the maniacal decorator in me, after carefully negotiated with the family.

submitted 10 months ago by to c/
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

A few years ago, almost out of despair, I moved away from Debian in order to be able to play a few games natively.

On those days, the main concern with running games on Debian came mostly from unavailable dependencies or older, incompatible versions.

Fast forward today, returning to Debian, all installers from GOG run smoothly, with no error, but many games report errors on launching.

So, as per the title, what crazy voodoo magic is cast upon Debian to create Ubuntu, Mint and others, making those derivatives gaming-capable but their base distro not?

Can someone enlighten me on this, please?

Out of many games I tried, I managed to run three: Kingdom Rush and the Frontiers sequel and Martial Law.

Other titles failed miserably, including Desperados, Eschalon and even Stardew Valley.

Because it's useful/required info:


  • AMD Athlon II x2 250
  • 8GB RAM
  • GeForce G210

It's a very reliable work horse, with maxed out memory. The GPU proprietary drivers are no longer available; running nouveau.

When launching from the console, I get this report (example from Stardew Valley): 7: Bad substitution 9: source: not found 12: get_gameinfo: not found 13: get_gameinfo: not found 14: get_gameinfo: not found 29: define_option: not found 32: standard_options: not found

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

As I'm about to start renewing and expanding the computer fleet in my house I decided I want to have a machine solely for my personal use, where I can use some solutions no one else will feel comfortable with in the house.

I've been wanting to try window managers for a while but after researching on it for a bit I'm none the wiser on which to choose.

There are a few distros out there that already deliver this kind of experience but I want to use the opportunity to learn and start from a stock Debian and build from there to where I want to get to.

I'm fully capable of setting up my computers as is but I'm aware WMs require a bit more involvement, so having at least good documentation is a must.

I'm also not averse to learn some coding, even more when considering I want to have a fully costumized conky, but I've never coded before.

The machine will be used essentially for writing, web surfing and email and, if possible, running Stardew Valley.

Any advice will be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Ever had one those moments in life when you know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, you are making a very, very bad decision, with a great chance for instant regret and a miserable, probably long lasting, outcome and notheless followed that path?

Yeah, that one. Care to share with us?

I'll start. I dated a person, after we had already dated for a very short time, during which I was cheated on and eventually was left for a fourth person.

Yeah, not my brightest moment. And yes, I was cheated on again and again was left for another person.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I need to build one that can be used outdoors.

Where can I find the schematics for this kind of circuits?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

While moving from one nest to another (we're lemmings here; RP it a bit) I realized I still have all computers I ever bought or assembled, except for those that literally broke beyond any hope of repair.

Some are no longer used daily but all work and being on a point in life where everything and anything in the nest needs to have a purpose or a function, led me think what actually renders a computer useless or truly obsolete.

I was made even more aware of this, as I'm in the market to assemble a new machine and I'm seeing used ones - 3 or 4 years old - being sold at what can be considered store price, with specs capable of running newly released games.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at two LGA 775 motherboards I have and considering how hard can I push it before it spontaneously combusts to make any use of it, even if only a type writer.

So, per the title, what makes a computer obsolete or simply unusable to you?


So I felt necessary to update the post and list the main reasons surfacing for rendering a machine obsolete/unusable

  • energy consumption

overall and consumption vs computational power

  • no practical use

Linux rule!

  • space take up
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