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[-] 0 points 1 week ago

In grocery stores in many parts of the US at least, it is extremely hard not to find bread in plastic bags. Even the one of 3 near me that has its own bakery puts the bread in a plastic bag, and then in another bag that is paper with a plastic "window", and the paper part has a PE wax lining for god knows what reason.

[-] 17 points 1 month ago
[-] 2 points 1 month ago

I mean.... just rotate it 90 degrees ((()))

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

Oh, I'm sure this'll end well.


[-] 2 points 1 month ago

Corpse, Corps, Horse, and Worse

I will keep you, Susy, busy,

Make your head with heat grow dizzy;

Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;

Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer.

banger poem

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

Best I can tell from quick internet searches: Old English: wīfmann/menn ("female person/s"). The w rounded the following vowel giving a wo- pronunciation, which for some reason (umlaut?) stuck for the singular but not the plural. The spelling of the plural changed to match that of the singular in spite of the pronunciation.

* Everything here carries the caveat "in some dialects, ..." because English

[-] 11 points 1 month ago

Nah, reach is a huge advantage. I'm not sure how rapier fencing differs from regulation sabre/epée/foil, but here's my 2 cents from that perspective:

Smaller people are not, as a rule, substantially quicker than larger. If you see any difference in your experience, it's likely a selection bias (shorter people have to be quicker to compete at the same level). The shorter person must enter the strike range of the taller person before the taller person comes within theirs and must be significantly quicker or more skilled to overcome that dead space. If the taller person can maintain a proper distance, gg. Taller people can also lunge farther, giving a wider active range.

Targeting is a smaller issue than you make it out to be; footwork and maintaining balance, which reposition the core, are at least as important as leaning to dodge, and advantage the taller person (longer legs = more movement range). If the taller person is coming from above as you say, they can just continue their slash (sabre) downward toward that less mobile core, or squat a bit deeper if the arc won't reach. If instead you were referring to a poke, they're either already targeting the torso anyway (foil) or whatever body part is most easily reachable (epée; still often torso, but cheeky wrist/arm strikes can be something of an equalizer here), and anyway they are already striking at a range that the shorter person cannot, making a successful counterattack more difficult.

Besides reach, a height difference is brutal when it comes to sabre fencing; the shorter person is restricted to targeting arms and torso (can't reach the head easily), so the taller person can anticipate strikes from fewer angles. The taller person can come from any direction and has gravity on their side for own overhead strikes. Those suck to defend against.

[-] 0 points 2 months ago

That's some expensive cereal...

[-] 27 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

So could we produce a surface tension-free water?

Homie dats a gas. Or supercritical fluid, which actually is indeed used for "washing" (SC CO2 is used to decaffeinate coffee). However, like others said, surface tension /= cleaning ability. Part of what soap does is increase the effective solubility of things that are not normally soluble.

[-] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

So you're saying that you don't like trying to relight the thermal oxidizer for the formaldehyde stream that went out due to spillover from another process, with an emergency flare? Got it.

[-] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I mean, sure, stuff like that is super dangerous, but at least it's obviously, flashily dangerous and for that reason have a lot more attention paid to them. The real nasties are arguably the ones that aren't so flashy but are much more common amd don't have immediate effects. Formaldehyde and benzene will give you cancer, and acrylate monomers will make it so you one day wake up allergic to the mondern world.

[-] 4 points 3 months ago

This post made me go try something in clojure again and man I forgot just how fucking good the language is. Everything fits together so nicely.

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