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[-] 9 points 11 months ago

Proxmox is both easy and powerful so it's a great choice for self-hosting. Your specs are fine, you'll run out of disk space first if you want a media center and then you'll run out of RAM way before your CPU can't keep up with the work.

I recommend Jellyfin over Plex as well, as a small note.

How many SATA headers do you have on the mobo? If you just move that into an enclosure that can handle a couple of HDDs you're probably golden. And I bet that Mobo can handle 32 GBs of RAM as well, if not 64? So you have a clear upgrade path before needing additional expensive hardware.

Overall I think it'll be great! How's your current network setup? Self-hosting stuff puts some demand on router and wiring that you don't really have if you don't selfhost anything.

[-] 119 points 11 months ago

Absolutely, and Microsoft knows this. You could even upgrade a pirated version of Windows to a legit copy when they did the upgrade drive for 7 I believe it was. Did it myself. And they completely turn a blind eye to OEM key reselling, which is why you can get legit windows keys for less than $10 these days.

They've also never done anything substantial against pirates, all they do is pester about buying a key and warn about the risks. The "worst" they do is stop you from using windows update which some see as a feature. When they could just completely lock you out and/or report you to the police.

The money is in server for Microsoft, but they're losing that battle slowly but surely since they can't make windows actually work properly in a container setting. I have customers that love Microsoft but despite their best efforts at making containerized windows workloads work it just sucks major ass. And virtually everybody is coming around to realize just how insane of a paradigm shift containers are.

And losing that battle is why 12 will likely move to subscription. And I'm willing to bet money that, in 10 years time, will be considered the starting point for Microsofts dramatic loss of market share in the home PC market. From 90% or so now down to like 50 ish %. But maybe some smart guys at Microsoft will nip that in the bud.

[-] 11 points 1 year ago

Another large factor is that it was communism up until relatively recently. Meaning wealth was largely evenly distributed outside the very top of the party. Not that people were well off, but far more equal than we are in the west. And while the oligarchs have an extremely outsized percentage of all Russian wealth buying real estate would make little sense in Russia, that would 1) put their position in Russia in danger by painting a target on them 2) a horrible hedge given Russia isn't the most stable economy. In total I think 90% sounds extremely reasonable. Though the average house standard is of course far lower than say Germany.

[-] 5 points 1 year ago

Good job Remedy on making a game that really uses high end hardware to craft something that looks incredible while actually scaling performance with settings. Double FPS going from Max to Low is pretty good all things considered and should be enough to make it playable on anything not too dated, at least with DLSS / FSR.

[-] 0 points 1 year ago

Your leap "[..] amounts to declare that government representative of all Jews" is large enough to qualify for a world record of some form. How in Earth's name did you reach that conclusion? If I imply that criticizing the King of England is hateful against Englishmen am I really then implying that every Englishman loves the King? Even his detractors?

I can't at all follow your logic. The poster is mocking Israel for the habit of supporters of the Israeli government of accusing any non-Jew criticizing them of antisemitism.

[-] 3 points 1 year ago

Yes? But also why type that as a response here, now? Screams whataboutism even if that wasn't the intention.

[-] 5 points 1 year ago

"Near"... If that is near I'd start running when they say "In the vicinity of"

[-] 39 points 1 year ago

Steam Deck?

[-] 26 points 1 year ago

Might improve it honestly...

[-] 58 points 1 year ago

Less is more, remove the joke explainer of labeling out seed. Much funnier that way.

[-] 24 points 1 year ago

I think it really was just an epic troll. The man had run out his cash reserves, was at an age where he must've started feeling old. Spent decades experimenting wildly with drugs. He was by every outward metric a broken person. And also a person that valued his freedom to do whatever above everything else. Prison, forced clean and facing the very real possibility of never tasting freedom again. I just can't imagine that he wouldn't snap, which is a failure of the state to not keep him safe while in their ward. He was also extremely action oriented, he wasn't the type to contemplate suicide, it's either do it or don't.

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