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I finally managed to see a Little Ringed Plover (Flussregenpfeifer, lit. “River Rain Whistler) from up close! They’re so tiny and adorable, I love them! :-)

Got really discouraged because I barely saw anything in the nature reserve today but he really brightened my day. Thank you Plover!


Managed to get a decent recording of the Common Firecrest I heard today and it was a lot of fun! I mostly do bird photography, but I want to start recording birds' songs and calls with something that has better audio quality than my iPhone.

Basically: Does anyone know of a good and not outlandishly (≤ €200) expensive audio recorder you can use? Preferably one that also has microphones that can deal with wind noise.


I always take a walk around my office during lunch. Finally managed to see and also record a firecrest. Such a tiny but cool-looking bird!


Seeing a glowing (b)orb in the trees is always a delight! So here's a male Eurasian Bullfinch (Gimpel / Dompfaff in Germany) after just having preened, his feathers still slightly fluffed up.

He was sitting in a tree really far away, but spotting him was simple — so colourful! Saw him on the weekend in North-Western Germany.


Seeing a glowing (b)orb in the trees is always a delight! So here's a male Eurasian Bullfinch (Gimpel / Dompfaff in Germany) after just having preened, his feathers still slightly fluffed up.

He was sitting in a tree really far away, but spotting him was simple — so colourful! Saw him on the weekend in North-Western Germany.

[-] 0 points 1 year ago

For that to happen, I believe that interacting with people from other instances and moving your community and account from one instance to another have to become possible / easier.

At present, people flock to the instances with most users as those often have more local content (local content is generally easier to find than federated content) and they often have a smaller risk of shutting down. If I create a community on a smaller instance, the chance of it being found and interacted with are also much smaller than if it had been created on a bigger instance (because of, as I said, local content being user to find).

Sure, I can create an account on (example URL, not an actual instance) with 10 users, but if my instance decides to shut down, my community of, say, 500 users will now have to move somewhere else and all old content will be deleted.

[-] 0 points 1 year ago

Ideally, I think no one instance should have a million users to begin with.


joined 1 year ago