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[-] 21 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

This is a nice graph for debunking the idea that biology offers a sort of refuge for the proponents of a strict binary sexual framework. Let it be known that once in a while some people born with penises are XX while some people born with vulvas are XY, and that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Maleness and femaleness might be fact as poles of a spectrum (might be more complicated); what they are NOT is an either/or mutually exclusive phenomenon. The distribution of the population on that supposed spectrum probably look like an inverted bell curve, with most persons closer to either end... but to be honest I suspect the curve is not as pronounced as we are led to think.

Personally speaking I’m forty something and by now I’m convinced I’m not 100% pure male stuff. I don’t give a shit if it’s biological or social. I feel it in a myriad of ways. I’m comfortable enough in the way I’m treated and perceived though so I let sleeping dogs lie and ride the male label. I’m hairy, I have a dick, I don’t want trouble. So this is totally unscientific, but I swear sometimes I recognize this same ambiguous essence in someone else; there’s a faint feeling of kinship. I’m willing to bet the silent majority has plenty of folks who wouldn’t have minded being a wee bit further from the poles if others didn’t make such a fucking fuss about it.

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

It's not a take though, it's a thing. The tendency to fall into irrational beliefs has been called "Dysrationalia" in psychology and is linked to higher education and intelligence. An example would be the tendency of Nobel prize winners to espouse crazy theories later in life, which is humourously referred to as the Nobel Disease.

[-] 46 points 1 month ago

It's important to note that opting into the Apple ecosystem locks you out of any form of agency on your hardware. They've moved hard against repairability and they maintain a stranglehold on spare parts.

For that reason I prefer my personal desktop computer to be a PC I can open, maintain or upgrade myself in terms of hardware. The operating system is my choice as well.

I understand not everybody has the means or interest to tinker with their machine, but I still think Apple's business practices regarding hardware is wasteful and polluting.

[-] 7 points 1 month ago

Runs away from doomscrolling

Lands on this beauty:

[-] 8 points 1 month ago

sapped by design

[-] 14 points 1 month ago

That is a lot of bile even for a rant. Agreed that it's nonsensical to blame the dev though. This is software, human error should not be enough to cause such massive damage. Real question is: what's wrong with the test suites? Did someone consciously decided the team would skimp on them?

As for blame, if we take the word of Crowdstrike's CEO then there is no individual negligence nor malice involved. Therefore this it is the company's responsibility as a whole, plain and simple.

[-] 9 points 2 months ago

That's just a quote from the woman speaking about her experience. I've personally heard often about childbirth as potentially causing incredibly intense pain.

[-] 15 points 2 months ago

Cramming as many meetings as possible in a single day is terrible advice for sure. Your focus will rapidly decrease after two hours. Add another two hours and you'll become the reason the meeting was useless.

[-] 36 points 2 months ago

Hum this all sounds pretty bad to me. Either life coach kool-aid or LinkedIn fodder. I hope I never have to work with someone who thinks this is insightful.

[-] 5 points 2 months ago

Teaching changing minds, influencing... it needs plenty of repeating and sleeping on things. To be fair, when all else fails applying pressure has its place as well. Nevertheless small victories are still victories.

The ability of Ladybird’s team to face scrutiny of all kinds is important for them to eventually gain traction in the browser market. But I’m still hopeful, and we need more options.

[-] 4 points 2 months ago

Kernel/Syscalls/jail.cpp includes the gender neutral "they" as well. Good on them for merging that PR.

[-] 41 points 2 months ago

Open source money? Why not just call it crypto so everyone understands what this is about?

Happy Pi Day! (
submitted 6 months ago by to c/

It’s March 14th! An excellent day to eat pie and do maths. I might brush up on my geometry and try the NASA Pi Day Challenge.


I’m a dev. I’ve been for a while. My boss does a lot technology watch. He brings in a lot of cool ideas and information. He’s down to earth. Cool guy. I like him, but he’s now convinced that AI LLMs are about to swallow the world and the pressure to inject this stuff everywhere in our org is driving me nuts.

I enjoy every part of making software, from discussing with the clients and the future users to coding to deployment. I am NOT excited at the prospect of transitioning from designing an architecture and coding it to ChatGPT prompting. This sort of black box magic irks me to no end. Nobody understands it! I don’t want to read yet another article about how an AI enthusiast is baffled at how good an LLM is at coding. Why are they baffled? They have "AI" twelves times in their bio! If they don’t understand it who does?!

I’ve based twenty years of career on being attentive, inquisitive, creative and thorough. By now, in-depth understanding of my tools and more importantly of my work is basically an urge.

Maybe I’m just feeling threatened, or turning into "old man yells at cloud". If you ask me I’m mostly worried about my field becoming uninteresting. Anyways, that was the rant. TGIF, tomorrow I touch grass.

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