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[-] 22 points 6 months ago

This was a few month ago during the last COP. Really no surprise that the COPs have been quite useless.


Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.

[-] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If you can't find local advertisements, you can look through social media. Some big ones are fridays for future and the a22 network. For some of them, you can also help remotely. You could also look for some kind of green party or ask some of the larger players whether they know anyone.

If you are involved in science, also take a look at scientist rebellion.

[-] 5 points 6 months ago

I'm doing my best. Unfortunately however, I do believe we are in a position where this is not sufficient anymore so I'm also joining activists in the street and invite everyone to at least think about doing the same.

[-] 15 points 6 months ago

Governments are increasingly targeting activists with repressions. Why not follow the science and actually save our climate? This would end climate protests really quickly. There is little explanation except for malice that the combination of criminalizing activists and continuing emissions seems preferable.

Recent examples:

Reminder: Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.

[-] 10 points 6 months ago


(No) Discussion:

Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Previously, Steffen et al. (2) proposed using the Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) (27), an empirically based metric of human impacts on population abundances, as an interim proxy for functional biosphere integrity. It was noted, however, that the link of BII to Earth system functions remains poorly understood and BII cannot be directly linked to the planetary biogeochemical and energy flows relevant for establishing Earth system state. In addition, BII relies on expert elicitation to estimate temporal changes in species abundances/distributions, and this knowledge is not readily available for many regions, including the oceans. Martin et al. (28) have also recently suggested that BII only partially reflects human impacts on Earth system.

We therefore now replace this metric with a computable proxy for photosynthetic energy and materials flow into the biosphere (29), i.e., net primary production (NPP), and define the functional component of the biosphere integrity boundary as a limit to the human appropriation of the biosphere's NPP (HANPP) as a fraction of its Holocene NPP. NPP is fundamental for both ecosystems and human societies as it supports their maintenance, reproduction, differentiation, networking, and growth. Biomes depend on the energy flow associated with NPP to maintain their planetary ecological functions as integral parts of Earth system. NPP-based energy flows into human societies should therefore not substantially compromise the energy flow to the biosphere (30). The proxy complements the diversity-based dimensions of biosphere integrity, covered by the genetic component, which captures the importance of variability in living organisms for the functioning of ecosystems. The suitability of NPP and HANPP for defining a planetary boundary has previously been discussed by Running (31) and Haberl et al. (32).

That's regarding the method for biosphere integrity from the paper.

[-] 9 points 6 months ago

Bad news everyone. We are not only destroying our climate. We are ruining our planet in many more ways. Current research suggests 9 planetary boundaries and we are breaking 6 of them (one of them being climate change). We are really not doing great as humans. Let's try to stop that and save us.


Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.

[-] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I'm not keen on eating bugs, most of them just are similar in environmental damage as vegan food. Insects are also already in almost all processed foods because they are small and almost everywhere. They just don't fall in the same category as what we in the western civilization typically consider meat (as a food).

[-] 26 points 7 months ago

Yes, we need to significantly reduce the amount of consumed meat (maybe not insects, if we consider them meat). A step towards more vegan and vegetarian food would definitely be necessary. Yes, not everyone needs to be vegan. But we need to consume way more vegan and vegetarian food.

[-] 11 points 7 months ago

We have seen, that people and societies are extremely adaptable to changes in lifestyle. The transformation of the Netherlands to a cycling -friendly country for example. Car free city centers. People were very opposed to them before. But once the changes were made, people were happy with them and adapted to the new options. There's also negative examples where people adapted to new negative lifestyles such as car centric cities. Or smog, pollution, garbage landfills, or rivers that one is not allowed to swim in due to pollution. People are surprisingly adaptable to new conditions. We just have to do it.

[-] 2 points 7 months ago
[-] 41 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

We have the technologies. The list goes on and on and on. We just need to employ them instead of waiting further for magical fixes.

Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.

submitted 7 months ago by to c/
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