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[-] 1 points 9 months ago

You hate the swipe to reply feature because you find it incoherent.

I hate it because I used to stim around with it.

We’re not the same. :P

[-] 4 points 9 months ago

Yes, their logo redesign hides the gamer origins because Discord has eventually realized everyone uses it and they are trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator nowadays.

[-] 3 points 9 months ago

I like the new call interface and the animations the calls have. I hate the fact pinned messages are under the “Settings” button for no reason and the fact the threads icon looks odd as hell.

[-] -1 points 9 months ago

From what I know, it is pretty regular behavior for a nose. This is how noses behave due to the way blood circulation works. So, every 3-6 hours, a nostril will feel like it’s clogged. If both nostrils are clogged, it’s most likely a cold where there’s a ton of mucus accumulated.

[-] 0 points 9 months ago

Alright, I hope you sleep nice and tight and sweet dreams. I’m sorry if I have been maybe too aggressive towards you and was impulsive. I hope you can look more into xenogenders and how they work one day and you’d understand that a coiner putting their own resources is totally normal behavior within the xenogender community. Until then, peace and respect.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

there are many reasons as to why there are only a couple resources. a lot of genders are only known to those who have coined them, but that doesn’t mean or invalidate the experience of those who coin the genders. every single minute, someone will coin a gender, and the only resources you have are their sources, their interviews, their statements and posts. as the gender will gain traction, there will be more and more people which will share their experiences and opinions on the gender. essentially, what you are missing is that such a gender who is yet to be fully understood by others than the coiner cannot and will not have sources beyond of what the coiner knows. sometimes, the only source for a gender is a single Tumblr post. that’s it; only a single Tumblr post or TikTok to evidence that gender as being coined. and once again with using your identity to shield yourself. yes, of course I am calling a nonbinary gay person right wing, because you can have fae/it/pup pronouns, be aethergender and puppygender, and yet still hold bigoted beliefs.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

As I have said earlier, the way you are reacting to this thing reeks of the way right wingers react when their viewpoints are pushed back against. “I was just trying to have a conversation” I don’t think denying someone’s interpretation of a fictional character and their close interpretation of it, or denying their identity is a good discussion topic. I don’t think bigotry has the right to be treated as a “civil and honest” conversation, because its premise is based on hatred and disrespect.

[-] 1 points 9 months ago

well, today you’ll learn that there’s more than a person with DID on the planet other than DroneRights. we do have DID, indeed, that’d be the correct answer to your question. but I think you’d rather argue that I used collective pronouns to describe my system’s existence than to actually face the music and read anything I’ve been trying to explain and/or take a pause and think about the fact that other perspectives than yours exist and maybe you’re not being “attacked” for an opinion, but simply rightfully criticized.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

TIL quoting someone and addressing it is “typing like someone”. TIL capitalizing your initial words in a sentence is “typing like someone”. also of course they blocked you, you insufferable asshole. you’ve been bad faith, and I don’t want to do anything with you. adieu, and do your work. have fun!

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

yes, I am doing a lot of ranting. I fucking am. because I care about queer people and it seems like all you do is weaponize your identity to justify your bigotry. also, for someone who fancies themselves to be a psychologist, I don’t think you truly understand the way slight subtleties can be the telltale difference between a person or another.

for instance, I will share with you a memory about an intersex person we met, one of the first ones we met online. it was about the pandemic era. we were exploiring our identity and figured out we were a demiboy (already proof that we are not DroneRights’ alt, because it never said anything about being a demiboy from what I’m aware) and possibly lesbian, and we were on this server called Neuroqueer. there was a trans man called Asher on there. he was a kind, sweet and caring person who was very silly and very cheerful. he told us at some point he is also intersex and would talk about the intersection between his intersexuality and his transness. DroneRights is not the first nor the last intersex person we will have encountered online, but we took the time to understand intersex people, to understand queerness fully and completely, and to make sure that, every time someone who is intersex is harassed and targeted, or appears to be targeted, for us to be good allies and stand up to them. maybe this will come as a shocker to you, but I don’t think an alt would just say this out of the blue: we are not intersex. but we need to stand up for intersex people anyway. to insinuate that I am simply an alt is simply based on your previous assumptions and on whatever happened within your community, which I don’t know. I do not know anything about your community, but I can tell based on what I’ve read so far that your community sucks and that someone needs to say the quiet part aloud.

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