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[-] 8 points 4 months ago

To put it in context, Artemis did many fully destructive tests but typically on the ground. Artemis had and spent an overhaul budget that was likely close to a hundred times that of what SpaceX is spending in today's dollars.

And even better representation, all the fully destructive tests of SpaceX have carried out have costs less than a single successful shuttle launch. And it has a much larger payload.

Even with the destructive tests, of which are planned this way, not only is SpaceX is far cheaper than any past space program, they are advancing fairly rapid.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Basically everytime you go back it will make changes to the future in such way you don't exist thus the time machine by its very nature can never be discovered. Everyone that does immediately erases their future self from existence.

[-] 3 points 5 months ago

Ignoring creative liberties, it is assumed silicone based life forms would need high temps to thrive. Is quite possible that they would immediately die if exposed to human temps. Possibly these high temps would result in very fast computational skills.

Is interesting though. The speed at which you think is not entirely related to intelligence. If you created a computer the size of the solar system, it would be far far far more intelligent than an individual human. But because information would take hours to traverse across different regions of that brain, conversations and answers to questions might be incredible slow to come. We actually already take this into consideration when designing computers. The physical length memory is from the CPU is now critical.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

Balloons are open. Most typically do not expand but the excess air just escapes out the bottom. Basically they will rise till the overall weight matches that if what they displace.

There are more efficient balloons that do expand and can attain same great heights. Far more than conventional aircraft even. But that expansion is mostly due to excess material in the construction and little from stretching. Thus the pressure difference is minimal while the volume increase significantly with altitude.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

A rock may be intelligence. It just thinks at a far shower rate than humans.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

Shorting is a very important and good mechanism to bring prices back down to earth for any stock. Without it, you would see even higher valuation of which ultimately will be corrected to real financials and valuations. Be it one week or one century. And without shorting, there would be even more l people making dumb investments and intimately being bag holders.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

But about as democratic as can be. No one was forced to buy Reddit. Benefit or not to the company, the company was essentially sold. The new owners of their very own choice will want a return. A big return to essentially cover 8 billion they just paid for it.

Reddit will need tens of billions in revenue to make the profits those new owners will demand. It is that drive to justify the cost that will make it another shitty bloated ad platform.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

We have a great great great great ..... grandfather that was a single cell.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Their capitalization was I believe around 8 billion. This is the number they need to understandably recover from an investment point of view. If I was an investor in a risky type of investment like this. Risky mainly in that it could be a dog forever, I would want to see 25 prevent profit in their financial statements relatively quick.

I am saying this all from an investment point of view of the people that now own it. More or less, Reddit needs to start showning profits of some 1.6 billion a year. That likely means they need 10 or 10s if billions in revenue per year. That will give you an idea what they will be developing and how advertising will need to be excessive. They will go the way of tiktok and other platforms in that emotional and divisive algorithms increase viewership.

[-] 9 points 5 months ago

Comments are correct here with one missing high level component for routers. That is the very top level routers are designed for tier 1. I started an internet company and we got large enough to decide to become a tier 1 provider. There is one big difference in this configuration is that we publish our own blocks of IPs and we listen for published IPs. We have routers that essentially maintained a list of where all the IPs or block of IPs worldwide needed to go. More importantly, I would send out a list of my IP blocks that would propagate across all the tier 1 routers across the world. That could take an hour but more likely minutes.

Having this allowed me to essentially connect to the internet at zero cost. There is some cost to be assigned IPs but I was trusted. While I say zero cost, I still had to pay for large bandwidth dark fiber to new York or other major meet me points. I also had to pay rack space to put a tier1 router into these buildings. But what is really gives me is the ability to have multiple connections to the pipes and because I publish my own IPs, I can balance all the routes and other providers can find the best way to me thru a process called weighing. Also if I loose a connection which is rare at this level, I could rapidly and automatically republish my route on working connections and usually within 15 minutes, all the routers in the world would know. 15 minutes actually is likely long. These days 5 minutes.

Now the interesting part of this, I publish my own IPs. I have to be extremely careful as with a single stroke, I could say I own all the IPs to China. Well likely a few strokes. I certainly could make a simple mistake and take control of a shit load of IPs. That means suddenly traffic could come to me that was destined for another country. More correct, because they are publishing, it would just make a mess and take some IPs down. If I publish a big block in China, I would essentially DOS myself because the pipe sizes I buy are factors smaller. Now this is a trusted system because we all connect together randomly. There is and can not be any central control as we all need to publish freely for this to work. But if I were to screw up and say divert a shit load of IPs destined to say Washington, it would rapidly be figured out and I would rapidly be determined to not be trusted. I would be shut down physically at some point.

Essentially I have fairly normal routers with one feature that allows them to dynamically keep track of all the routes worldwide and to periodically publish all the IPs I own.

[-] 3 points 5 months ago

A better question is, would more houses get built and if so, who would build those houses? If not, and there are more people needing houses than houses available, do you not think that the extra money would mean people would be willing to pay more?

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Talk about inflation spiral. lol

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