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For me personally cryptocurrencies solve the problem of Russian money not being accepted anywhere because of one old megalomaniacal moron

Huh, this one looks pretty cool. Is it good enough to use as a default search engine, or would it still be better to leave google for it?

I'm asking again, why do you think your theory is more correct than current scientific consensus? Convince me as if I am an investor

While it happens, there's absolutely zero guarantee you're one of those who are correct without research

If you don't have research backing you, why are you so confident? Just because you feel like it?

Where then? I mean, you seem to be more confident in yourself than most biologists, so you sure know more than them and can prove why humans belong to a different category?


This godforsaken country is introducing the bill that allows to strip people of birth-given russian citizenship for some things - like desertion and discreditation of army (which happens every time you question war)

So, my question, if someone loses all citizenship, what happens next? Is their life basically over? Is there a way to re-gain citizenship (like, in another country)? Can they be deported?

I mean, where do you put humans as a species then

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

AFAIK, nobody knows why exactly they started doing this, but they just do this now, as a tradition, that in each game there's a character named Cid who is (most of the time) related to tech in some way. Same for Biggs and Wedge - they aren't in each game, but they always come in pair. When there's Biggs - there's always Wedge. They could do completely random roles, usually not major ones, but it's just a recurring element

Wait for some of them to transition

I mean, it's always been like that here. It's a really poor country, most people don't have money to play games. Regional prices make it a bit easier, but after russian money stopped being usable internationally, most people returned to piracy

I don't agree, /s is immensely useful for neurodivergent people, some of which cannot recognize sarcasm at all.

Also, really often something that is "obvious sarcasm" for you is a genuinely held belief by someone online. Nothing is too ridiculous for the internet


When I was on reddit, "Hot" sorting (of both main page and subreddits) usually was more than enough to see ones that are new and popular at the same time

This doesn't happen on Lemmy. Both "Hot" and "Active" seem to be biased towards old upvoted posts over new ones a bit too much, for me first page is always full of 3-4 day old posts

I know there's "Hide read posts" setting, but I don't think it's a good solution. First, it seems like you have to interact with post in some way for it to be considered read, be it open it or upvote it, you can't just "haha meme funny" or "this post is not interesting to me" and scroll past it. Also, I still would like to see read posts, so I could see if there's some new conversation going, or if I want to see it again for some reason (like maybe I came up with a witty joke to make in thread six hours after reading it)

So, what sorting do you use, and does it solve the problem for you - if it is a problem for you in the first place?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Hi! So, I have a serious problem with tab hoarding. And now I want to write a browser extension - a bookmark manager. I've already attempted it once, and even got to MVP, but then didn't really use resulting program, was a bit too clunky, and also I realized that this is not the solution to the problem.

Now, few months later, after reevaluating my approach and also finding an imperfect solution that actually works (using Toby as my bookmark manager and closing about 400 chrome tabs), I now have an itch to try again. In a nutshell, it's a bookmark manager (i.e. having good categorization, unlike read-it-later apps like Pocket) oriented on read-it-later functionality (i.e. having a separate read-it-later list, quick saving and quick deletion of tabs from either main library or read-it-later list, unlike most bookmark managers)

For context, I am senior android developer with 7 years of experience, specializing on Kotlin (so that's why I'm searching for kotlin-based solutions, like Kotlin/JS and ktor), but my webdev experience is limited by last time I attempted this, and a half-year class in my uni almost ten years ago. And now I have ideas of doing this as a self-hosted app, to avoid limitations of both IndexedDB, and Kotlin/JS, and also to allow sharing bookmarks between browsers (and, if hosted online, between computers). But I haven't done stuff like this before (had no need), and only approximately understand things like Docker and stuff. But I'm a quick learner.

So, after some (pretty shallow) research, I got an approximate idea how it would work:

  1. Extension written in Kotlin/JS, using Compose for Web + Kobweb Silk (adds containers like Row/Column and Modifier) - That's the part I'm familiar with, I've already learned from zero how it works last time
  2. Ktor server that handles business logic - Never needed ktor in android development yet, so a new area for me
  3. Parse-platform server - Never worked with it either, but looks useful

Not quite sure if I really need three layers, or if I should just use a database and access it with sql queries. Or maybe the other way round, to move business logic to extension, and access parse server from it

So, I'd like some feedback on how dumb am I, if this even a good idea, how should I fix flaws with my plan, or is it fractally dumb, and I should quit programming altogether for coming up with ideas like that without even doing proper research?

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