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[-] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Some issues really don't straight up exist. Outrage TV will always come up with something to stir people up. Other issues are pretty complicated without any promising solutions, so it may just seem like they're being ignored. Conservatives will focus on those and claim to have the answer, but then their answer is something like "to eradicate poverty we need to put poor people in jail".

[-] 27 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Then you learn that the "something" they want to do is the exact opposite direction of what solving the problem would look like. It takes 2 seconds of critical thought to realize I'd much rather stick with the "milquetoast centrists" than ever consider voting for regressive conservatives.

[-] 52 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Well if the current front lines are pretty entrenched, and it's hard to take back occupied Ukrainian land, then just go take unprotected Russian land to make it even. Didn't Putin say he was up for a truce if the current lines were kept? Let's see how he feels about that when he has to give up Russian land. At the very least it will force Russia to relocate troops and resources.

[-] 3 points 1 month ago

Yeah. Mainly I go for the "what are you watching this week" stickied post to get an idea of what new shows might be worth trying.

[-] 24 points 1 month ago

Yep, unfortunately I still have to go to r/television on reddit to find good recommendations because the television community here is dead.

[-] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

While you might be right, it is a civic duty to vote. Your mindset is too dangerous, which is why the right-wing trolls try pushing it. Voting even why you know it won't make a difference is the most basic thing you can do to push back. Who knows what could happen if we get enough people out of that mindset. Simply voting, regardless of who for, is an event that every American should take pride in.

[-] 26 points 3 months ago

But... but it was the house that passed it... the house is currently run by republicans...

[-] 7 points 3 months ago

It should probably be expected that any country with the means will interfere in other countries elections. What bothered me most in 2016 was not so much what Russia did, but that we didn't seem to have much of a response to it. And yes can we please support democracy and not authoritarians. I feel like the whole cold war was about capitalism vs communism when it should have been about democracy vs authoritarianism.

[-] 45 points 3 months ago

I don't know much about investing, but i wonder if it would it be a good time to short those companies?

[-] 92 points 3 months ago

I remember a documentary about a famous northwest passage expedition that was never seen again. One of the inuit people they talked to during an investigation claimed they found a boat, and in the captain's quarters they found a body in the bed with a big smile on its face. That would be absolutely terrifying, but apparently that's what naturally happens to corpses when their lips and gums receed.

[-] 13 points 4 months ago

I wonder how much more energy it took to accomplish that compared to just shooting a rocket. Last I had heard railguns weren't really feasible because of the absurd amount of energy they would require even with perfect efficiency.

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