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[-] 2 points 10 hours ago

Absolutely. Some aspects are unavoidable, being an anonymous thread based forum, so trolling, flamebaiting, brigading and the like happen here just like Reddit.

Luckily on Lemmy we do have workarounds to some of these issues. You can join instances that disable downvotes for people who are bothered by it. Federated, publicly visible moderation has its ups and downs but at least you have all the information and you can decide to move to an instance where you fit in better.

[-] 9 points 10 hours ago

Rehosted for your benefit!

[-] 17 points 12 hours ago

Ah. That I can answer. Making posts on Lemmy being salty about downvotes begets more downvotes, almost guaranteed. Hope this helps.

[-] 8 points 12 hours ago

I'm not an expert in phycology so I can't answer your question. Sorry.

[-] 0 points 15 hours ago

It already has done much more than you give credit for. People are talking about it. More importantly, legislators are talking about it, which is the first step for things for laws to change/clarify what it means to own a digital product in the UK.

[-] 3 points 21 hours ago

They should be paid overtime and extra overtime for their efforts cooperating with the investigation. They should come chill in Canada while they await the results of the investigation. Smoking a few joints with us and having a few Hawaiian pizzas will make the time go by quickly.

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah I was looking to find where Harry Potter was in this guide.

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

I hope someone can help you with this. Maybe you need to make a post disguised as a tutorial, setting it up incorrectly and have someone correct you :P

[-] 1 points 2 days ago

Yeah. Hopefully this grant can give Immich the TLC it needs to address its current shortcomings.

[-] 116 points 2 days ago

beloved features — like the ability to “gild” posts by donating a Reddit Premium subscription — are not returning.

That was like more than half the point of gold. Some random comment getting lots of gold would mean the recipient, in turn, could give out gold too.


[-] 1 points 2 days ago

Lemmuffin day

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by to c/

Link is a 1h42m video interview between Louis Rossmann, FUTO and Immich developers with a introduction to Immich by Louis.

Immich is an open source self-hosted in-development tool to manage image libraries from a central server, and sync/distribute them across your devices, as an alternative to Google Photos. Also see:

The important news here is that FUTO has funded full time development on Immich for 3 years.


Inspired by:

From the article:

The B-2 is being divested in FY 2025 due to a ground accident/damage presumed to be uneconomical to repair

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Petition E-4965 is the one that is posted to, Ross Scott (Accursed Farms)'s campaign to end the practice of bricking games people have purchased, whenever the publisher doesn't want to support it anymore.

It is open for signing by Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents, until September 5th 2024.

Please spread the word to your Canadian friends and family who take interest in games, and please add your name to it to support this campaign to help preserve games in some form in perpetuity.

Thank you!

submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/

In 1974, Ivan Illich wrote that the typical American male spent 25% of his waking life either driving a car or working for the income required to pay for one. 50 years later, is this true? And, which cities consume the most -- and least -- of our time with driving?

submitted 1 month ago by to c/

Bonus points if there's a known onomatopoeia to describe the sound.

submitted 1 month ago by to c/

Before looking at the thumbnail, if you had to pick a random number between 1 and 100 that isn't a meme, what would it be?

submitted 1 month ago by to c/

Here's a table I adapted from Louis Rossman's video on the levels of piracy, grey areas and his morals and ethics on it. (spreadsheet file)

I tried to condense each rank and make it less about a specific type of media like CD audio or DVD video, along with a table of simplified characteristics of each situation. Of course more levels can be added and there are many situations not covered. This hierarchy is simply the way Louis ordered it from more to less justifiable; he respects people can think about it differently and I do too. He suggests that he doesn't really care about people that pirate without giving a shit about creators, and that he only has a problem with people who aren't honest with themselves about their motivations.

Setting legality aside, what 'level of piracy' is morally or ethically acceptable to you?


Also, terrorist travelled west therefore West is involved.

submitted 2 months ago by to c/

A comparison of American cities and Canadian ones on automobile, bike and pedestrian fatality rates. Cities with more bike and transit infrastructure and slower cars tend to be safer for car drivers as much as it is safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

What are your experiences as to what may contribute to higher or lower fatality rates?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

A case for "positive urbanism" in the US and Canada, by Recce/RMTransit but on PeerTube!

Most Lemmy sites haven't federated with channels on, because it appears it was created recently. Oh the Urbanity is on there too:

If you're interested in RMTransit, be sure to go to the *(Lemmy WebUI search bar while logged in) and leave ! there for about 15 seconds and it should start federating on your Lemmy server from that point on (new videos only). From then on you will be able do the whole "like and subscribe" thing but on the Fediverse, and comment right from your Lemmy account on future videos.

Recce has a blog, a Patreon and Nebula account if you like and want to support his work.


cross-posted from !

submitted 3 months ago by to c/

An OC shitpost about the recent spam wave using an old Japanese meme, don't ban me pls thx.

Video source

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joined 1 year ago