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[-] 16 points 5 months ago

Oops I did it again

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

Okay, so if that's your actual DNS Server, can you confirm that it works? dig @yourdns, for example. Afterwards try to use the default DNS of your system dig If both works, your DNS config should be fine. Try a curl -v too. is just a random domain for this, use whatever you want. I don't see anything badly configured so far.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

Okay, no external software for DNS management present here. Is that ip a working DNS Server? Is it your server itself perhaps?

[-] 3 points 5 months ago

From the output, you don't have any routing rules for your machine that block outgoing traffic. The dig command confirms that you can talk to servers. is a common DNS Server. Based off of this, it seems like your problem is that your system has a bad DNS configuration (it's always DNS).

Can you parhaps cat /etc/resolv.con? This file normally contains the used DNS servers for Linux systems, unless using special software.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Can you dig @ If so, its certainly DNS. If it's not DNS, perhaps try to check your iptables iptables -L && iptables -t nat -L.

[-] 29 points 5 months ago

Good news, hope the Turks get that idiot out of the office.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

Good to hear, I've only been in the Linux World for a few years myself, but I was very surprised too. Through I don't think that using cp is any different in terms of creating boot records and a partition table.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Why would you count Rufus and balena etcher not trustworthy? Sounds like you're to deep in the paranoia, which I completely understand, but gets just impractical "Man yelling at cloud" depending on how deep you are.

dd is just another program too, why trust dd? Linux is just another Program too, why trust Linux? And so on. You can audit every (OSS) Program if you want in theory, but let's be real, no one does that because time is better spent elsewhere.

[-] 14 points 5 months ago

Company: Here is a security vulnerability in your OSS project, please fix our production is vulnerable.

Random Guy working on OSS library in his free time: Sure, I have some time next month.

Random Guy works full-time, has a family and friends. Random Guy is not your supplier and has no obligations and warranties WHAT SO EVER, even implied. That's what the license of his project says.

If Company wants it fixed, they better allow him to work full time on it, or pay part time work. Or they pay someone else to maintain Project and send the changes to Project so Random Guy can take a little look and merge if he feels like it. Random Guy won't just merge company code and be done with it, more code in a codebase needs to be maintained now after all.

This also works with features of course. The time of Random Guy is valuable and if Company wants Random Guy to work on something they use, they'd better pay good money for that time.

repost is sus (
submitted 1 year ago by to c/
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