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No it's a joke and a trend from a video on tiktok. Why do people, especially here lately, jump to hate on anything 'TikTok' or 'new' from the younger generations? We all had our stupidity, shit, people STILL staple bread on trees

Please and thank you don't violate barriers. It does not allow someone into your space, you don't have to give anything of yourself to say them, and if you're a good person you probably mean them. A better example for what you're looking for would be handshakes. It's common in most western cultures at several social functions, and it can be considered rather rude to refuse one, it got a lot of folks angry during covid apparently. That's where two parties acknowledge the social bindings that call for a physical touch establishing a mutual respect. I never miss saying a please and thank you, but best believe I'm still doing the 'covid shrug' when I turn down handshakes.

So, you'd tell your child that "yes, you have autonomy in this, but your feelings regarding your need for personal space matter less than your grandmother's want for a hug" is what I'm gathering? Do you educate your mother on the child's wants/needs? There's a reason why people are educated that, as far as physical touch is concerned, nobody else's feelings should be taken into account. If someone can't love a child without hugs, then I don't think they really understand the concept or application of love.

I'm not saying this is your case, the next bit is an extreme but important to the overall argument, I think. People have identified that exact thinking pattern in why they didn't report sexual assault from a family member. Because they weren't taught how to properly say no and why the right to refuse touch is important, it was that much easier to abuse them.

I dont like my picture on the internet. So I refuse all photos where possible. I have family, they take pictures, they're aware of this and so I'm never the direct focus of the shot (you might see me in the background).

OP said they don't want to take pictures with people, they shouldn't have to take pictures with someone. Instead, you should be teaching your son to stand up for their boundaries, even in the face of 'tradition'. If your kid says "I don't like hugging grandma", are you making them give hugs or are you encouraging them to tell people in their life, who they trust, how they feel?

Your link states Israel says they're a Hamas operative. Al Jazeera says that isn't true.

I'm gonna err on the side of the journalists that Israel is actively targeting instead.

Yeah the loopholes were written by people who went into business, learned the tricks of the trade, got advised on how to skirt the system, 'retired' to an advisement position lobbying or joining the government entities responsible for making policy so they can put new loopholes into the system and advise companies on how to use them.

Also, for what it's worth, my family was from the south. My reunions and funerals and weddings all take place somewhere in a holler with 1 Walmart about 40 minutes down the mountain.

My uncle once said, and my mother agreed, in relation to gay men "I wish they'd put em all on an island somewhere, they'd be happier that way".

But I wasn't lucky enough to know my grandpa as a man of wisdom. He'd said enough stupid shit, or abided it in his home when his children begged for '"Barack Houssein O'bummer's" birth certificate. He had a dog named Blackie, that I called Blackie because I wouldn't dare say it's real name if someone asked.

What was good in them did all truly disappear in front of me day by day from that point. Hell, I actually believed the 'states rights' reason for the civil war until I was at least 14 or so. Crazy what stupid can breed

I think he's saying that "southerners call northerners Yankees, but they don't know that EVERYONE in the US is a Yankee once the confederacy lost, because not a single confederate soldier remained, reclaiming those states as Yankee territory and any citizen therein is a Yankee. Anyone who disagrees doesn't remember the lesson Ol' Sherman taught em"

Releasing hostages was NOT something Israel said would end the conflict. They pulled that little line out of their agreed deal. Temporary ceasefire if they release all enough to look pretty for the camera and then start it all over again.

You've said before that the only actions taken in the last 70 years in that region were from Palestinians attacking Israel, ignoring every single event that Israel took the lion's share in. Are you being willfully ignorant as to avoid finding out details you don't like?

Not a single person in this thread is praising Hamas, no one is advocating for the death of civilians, or celebrating it. But they are calling out dehumanizing behavior, like personally signing (with a cute message no less) bombs that may or may not be dropped on civilians. Historically speaking, like, within the last week even, we can assume some of those bombs were dropped on designated safe zones.

Job: IT Support

New Outlook exists

Customer: "I hate change, can't you just put it back to how it was"

No, I can't. You can use Classic Outlook, but that won't have the features you want, and it's going out the door so you have to change. No, I can't program the Ribbon to look like it used to, that's just what Billy Microsoft decided.

That's so upsetting, mostly because fuck anyone that takes that joke as a legitimate call to violence from some of the nicest guys to have ever toured.

I think you absolutely CAN make those jokes, and you should. Nothing is 'sacred' as a space for jokes, and surely not the literal satanic piss stain. The 'right' gets put on blast for making legitimate calls to violence, and making jokes. You have to do both.

This pearl clutching over "wish he died" jokes is so stupidly puritanical. The world WOULD be a better place if he hadn't pulled through, the same that it would have been if Bush had been taken out before the 27 middle east invasions. Same if you'd dropped Duterte off a building, Putin out of a window, Mussolini (his granddaughter, the people already got to the man himself) off a cliff. Authoritarians and warmongers and xenophobics have no place in the realm of polite, they gave up their seat, and so they can sit on the stage and be mocked for the spectacle they are.

And that's what I think they're failing to measure. I think they're unable to accurately divorce the increase in sales from other incentives/market forces, and so they're just doing what they've been doing regardless of actual merit, or the merit is being improperly evaluated

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