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[-] 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I didn't take the image to be showing a macbook, it could just as easily be my computer or probably many others.

[-] 11 points 1 week ago

I like and use signal, but of course the problem is convincing someone else to start using it in order to send you a message.

[-] 32 points 1 week ago

I've seen people say there's good weird and bad weird, and if you don't mind calling yourself weird it's probably the good kind.

As for calling maga people weird I think it's effective because their whole deal is about vibes. "We're strong, we're smart" and it really bothers them to be perceived otherwise. It's also not something you can "debate". Either people accept it or they don't. What are you going to say "no, I'm not weird"? Sure thing buddy.

[-] 20 points 1 week ago

I think the issue they're raising is that these clips aren't from porn, they're from movies that happen to have nude scenes. They argue that taking the nude scene out of the larger context is molesting them.

I can understand not liking it, but I don't see how it would be unexpected.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Lol, all guns have zoom

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

I was thinking for now you need a ptz gun with a separate human controller from the human flight controller.

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

You're right, doesn't sound great. In the example they shared, sounds like the issue wasn't that the car couldn't drive around the fire truck, but that it couldn't break a programming rule about crossing into a lane that would normally be opposing traffic. Once given the "ok" to follow such a route, the car handled it on its own, the human doesn't actually drive it.

I could imagine a scenario where you need one human operator for every two vehicles. That's still reducing labor by 50%.

Obviously they want it to be better than that, they want it to be one operator per ten vehicles or no operator at all.

And the fundamental problem with these systems is they will be owned by big corporations, and any gained efficiency will be consumed by the corporation, not enjoyed by the worker or passed on to the customer.

But I think there's true value to be found there. Imagine a transportation cooperative - we're a thousand households, we don't all need our own car, but we need a car sometimes. We pool our resources and have a small fleet that minimizes our cost and environmental impact, and potentially drives more safely than human drivers.

[-] 7 points 1 week ago

It could be a career, or religion. For me I was planning to become a pastor, but then became an atheist. It really did throw me off. In my case I think I'm much happier than I would have been, but do kick myself because I could have been positioned much better if I wasn't making plans in this other direction.

[-] 8 points 1 week ago

Seems like a company that initially differentiated itself by hyping 3D printing, and once they realized that won't work they've got to pivot without spooking everyone.

[-] 7 points 1 week ago

Every business's biggest expense is labor. Skilled labor costs more. The people in charge like it when you save money.

I think it's wrong. But only because the interests of the people who own the machines and businesses diverge from the worker's interests. I'd like to see more worker cooperatives. If the workers own the machines, then it's good when things are automated.

I also don't believe anything will ever be truly automated, or that it's a good idea to try.

All that to say we don't have to resort to an explanation of "managers must hate engineers" to understand why they would want to eliminate positions.

[-] 6 points 1 week ago

I don't think it's just managers saying hey we could automate such and such a thing away. It's human nature to think "how could I improve this" which almost immediately leads to "if I get this right it could mean no work at all"

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

Isn't the question here why shouldn't friends not let friends use CSV?


I know people can wear two video cameras to recreate a first person experience in virtual reality. I also know they make those mannequin head stereo mic sets that create interesting spacial audio, supposedly because they mimic the head's shape and position of our ears.

Instead of the dummy head, does anyone make a mic set that you can wear, with the mics in approximately the position of our ears / ear shaped?

I was thinking you could do some interesting things with that, like recording a band in their practice space from the perspective of the band members. Or tracking lead vocals where the singer is singing to a person wearing the mic set.


Some animals sing (birds, whales) and plenty of animals make sounds together at roughly the same time (wolves howling, prairie dogs yelling at threats). Are there animals that harmonize? Or animals that make sound that's rhythmically coordinated, like has a time signature?

Guess I'm asking about more finely coordinated sounds. It's something that's pretty neat about human music.


No, not talking about their own shit or vomit, har de har. I mean how dogs can't have chocolate, can't eat grapes. Are there things it's no big deal for them but would be toxic for us.


Just learned that Wikimedia has a project called Wikifunctions. I'm a big fan of Wikipedia and associated projects, and on its face sounds like a cool site. I do wonder how this would work in practical terms though, like how could it actually be used?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I saw a post on lemmy about how we could prevent 133 holocausts by promoting animal rights and veganism. The article opened by doing some math about how many dogs you could torture and kill in order to be equivalent to taking a human life, and then how many animals humans kill, and concluded that we're committing holocaust equivalents many times over.

I have respect for people who question the status quo and think seriously about morality. Thinking about slavery, it used to be argued "this is the natural order," "this is actually the moral thing to do" and so on. It wasn't easy then to stand up for what we now see as the obvious moral position. So I have some receptivity to this type of argument.

That said, I think back to when I was a Christian (atheist now), and was fully bought into the anti abortion movement. They argued that fetuses were human, that we were committing fetus holocausts all the time. Taking that view to its logical conclusion, one could justify things like killing a few (abortion doctors, judges) to save many (fetuses).

The author of the vegan piece was not advocating for such things. But one could ask why not. I think the fact the conclusion (133 holocausts) is so far outside accepted views should prompt some examination of the starting premises. (Is any killing of an animal for food the same as torturous factory farming, should we do something about animals that eat other animals etc)

I'm glad I read the piece because there's value in hearing other perspectives. We can't see ourselves and our own blind spots. I would have responded in-thread but that community description said "not a place for debate", so tossing out this thought here.


I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.


Every week or every month each level of government throws a party funded with taxpayer dollars, and attendees are selected at random from the residents and given advance notice of the party schedule.


My default buying process is research + spreadsheet creation, this time thought I'd ask the community here if you have any experience / wisdom with garage door openers. Thanks for any help!

Additional info: Single car garage built in the 1950s in the U.S. The current opener is a lift master, just eyeballing it probably from the 90s. The door could be original? I don't know. It's wood, seems fairly substantial.

Yesterday and this morning started having issues with the door just stopping in the middle of opening or closing. When it stops, the remote button becomes unresponsive for a few seconds. When it starts moving again it goes the other direction so you have to keep pressing and try to get it to close/open before it stops again. This morning I ended up pulling it down part of the way because I'd gone through several rounds of up, down, up, down. It doesn't seem to want to move manually which isn't surprising. Worried my car is going to get stuck in there before work so I figure should probably be proactive here.


Or by only putting one stick of memory in, or changing the slot you're using.

I was assembling a computer and everything seemed to be correct, the fan would spin up, I'd get some lights, but there was no image on the screen, not even the BIOS. I saw someone else make this suggestion and didn't think it was likely to work, but it did. First I just tried one stick, and it booted. Then I tried both sticks and it didn't work, but I reseated and then it did.

(Also worth pointing out that your motherboard should have diagnostic lights which if you check the documentation may point out which component has an issue)

Thinking about Lemmy's demographics many here may have heard of something like this, or have more helpful suggestions about troubleshooting which would be welcome. But thought I'd write out a little post about my experience to contribute to Lemmy SEO supremacy.

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