I'm meeting my grandfather for lunch on Friday. It'll be the first time I've seen him in several years. He went all the way down the hate hole. Never heard him cuss but last time we talked he was using the N word.

He'll be 87 soon. Most likely, I'll never see him again. He's going to find out we're moving out of the south to yankee land.

Fuck it. He's not the man I knew. He doesn't have the wisdom I thought he did.

I hate it and it fucks me up. I've lost my people to hate and stupid. So fucking stupid. They all want to suck some orange cock. Fucking really? That's your fucking Messiah? They didn't actually fucking read the fucking book they claimed they believed in while shoving bullshit down my throat and the throats of any child they could get ahold of.

Fuck em. They could wake the fuck up if they choose to. They could read. They could think. I tried to tell them.

I'm real sad about it. Not a fucking thing I can do about it. They can live inside their lie holes.

Blackberry Winter has skipped two years. There are armadillos, geckos, and fire ants now. Those critters didn't live here until things changed. The fucking woods smell and sound different now. They could wake the fuck up and quit listening to fox or their preacher but they choose not to.

I tried to tell them and they didn't listen because they choose to be ignorant.

fuck em

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[-] RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

He doesn't have the wisdom I thought he did.

One of the starkest shocks I had during the initial trump candidacy and pandemic was the veil being lifted on so many people I worked with or knew.

People I thought of as intelligent, level-headed, and reasonable suddenly appeared hateful, mulish, and willfully ignorant.

They didn’t care about the environment. They didn’t care if they got people sick or killed them with covid. They didn’t care about the open overtures to authoritarianism or fascism - if anything they directly welcomed this. The wild and rampant stupidity behind the conspiracies and Q-anon. The concerted attacks on women’s or lgbtq rights, the denial of equality or justice for people killed by police. The complete willingness to throw their fellow humans under the bus for any reason at all to spare themselves the inconvenience of not being able to eat at Applebees without a mask.

And they manufactured whatever slights they could think of to justify their actions regarding the above. It was retaliation for loss of perceived status as White People In Charge.

It completely killed discourse because you can’t have a discussion with someone who isn’t willing to argue in good faith. Who Gish Gallops and buthwhatabouts. Who exhausts their opponent with conspiracies that are so full of shit that you don’t even know where to start rebutting because they have no place in reality.

The trump election sharply split America in two. The country and the world are a far less stable place than a decade ago.

[-] ashok36@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

When you realize all the people you admired for their love of freedom actually just meant the freedom to be an asshole... That's a hard lesson to learn.

[-] RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Yeah, that’s the truth. Their freedom to not be inconvenienced regarding how their fellow humans are treated.

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[-] Madison420@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Goddamnit southerns, you are Yankees. The only southerners that weren't Yankees were confederates who can also be called treasonous traitors.

Essentially, if you're not a Yankee you're a goddamn traitor.

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Yes and no.

I'm country as a pinto bean sandwich. Yankees were people that lived in the north and talked different.

I used to have a lot of pride in my people. We are tough and proud. Able to endure heat that most people don't understand. Stretch a penny and squeeze a dime, fix a truck with bailing wire, JB weld and a coke can. Kind to others, stop on the road and help someone broke down.

Collard greens, corn bread, catfish, and a mess of green beans. There's bacon fat in the beans and they've been boiled down.

Black folks around, you say Ma'am and Sir to make sure they know you respect them. We're all people.

I started reading, left home, and lived near a big city for 20 years.

I come from profound ignorance. There's a good naturedness that seems to have left my people.

I think he's saying that "southerners call northerners Yankees, but they don't know that EVERYONE in the US is a Yankee once the confederacy lost, because not a single confederate soldier remained, reclaiming those states as Yankee territory and any citizen therein is a Yankee. Anyone who disagrees doesn't remember the lesson Ol' Sherman taught em"

[-] Madison420@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

100% wrong, Yankee has a meaning and has only ever been a north south during and after the civil war, you know when we killed a bunch of racist ducks and burned their cities to the ground.

If you see yourself as anything but a Yankee I'm going to call you a traitor and a closet feddy, it is what it is no matter how many friendly southern afforisms you offer.

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Wait. I'm a traitor?

Like, I have an entire culture that I'm grieving. Warts and all. Grew up in this. I talk different, look different, eat different from like the rest of the USA. I'm pretty much a walking talking stereotype of a redneck.

What the fuck is up with you that you think that's a reasonable thing to say? Would Mister Rogers like the person you're being?

[-] nik9000@programming.dev 0 points 1 month ago

I'm with you. Words change.

There are still good southerners. But it's hard sometimes. I still live here but I'm weary for my kids. It's fine for now.

I wish you peace with your family. Whatever that means.

[-] Madison420@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Southerns sure, those southerns are Yankees. The "others" that don't like to be called Yankee chose to succeed and got handled. So you're might be a southern but you're a Yankee or indeed yes you n either are a traitor or long to be one.

[-] Madison420@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

If you say you aren't a Yankee you're either a traitor or long to be one. We fought a war over that shit and those southern "not Yankees" lost.

Neat, so you're American and you do stereotypical shit and have a slightly different culture and dialect. You know what every other country on the planet would say a Yankee is? The stereotype of the person you claim to be, ie an American.

Mr.Rodgers was against racism so I'm pretty sure he's ok with not supporting the racist legacy of the South.

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

My god, I figure we're probably on the same side of the fence. You seem like you're some kind of angry and I don't know why.

There's so much racist freight in the south it ain't worth talking about. My banjo teacher's daddy was the grand wizard. Fucking for real, true statement.

I'm not racist. I've made deliberate efforts to include black folks (the primary other in my neck of the woods) in my personal and professional life.

I shook hands with a man today and told him goodbye. Iranian, he got out when shit went bad with the Shah snd the CIA and such. He owned the gas station down from my old house and expanded. We talked about getting old and staying working otherwise we'll die. We talked about his grandkids and how I want grandkids. I'm going to miss him a whole lot. He's a good man.

I'm a redneck, not a Yankee, and that's okay. I love my people even if they are sick.

Also, for what it's worth, my family was from the south. My reunions and funerals and weddings all take place somewhere in a holler with 1 Walmart about 40 minutes down the mountain.

My uncle once said, and my mother agreed, in relation to gay men "I wish they'd put em all on an island somewhere, they'd be happier that way".

But I wasn't lucky enough to know my grandpa as a man of wisdom. He'd said enough stupid shit, or abided it in his home when his children begged for '"Barack Houssein O'bummer's" birth certificate. He had a dog named Blackie, that I called Blackie because I wouldn't dare say it's real name if someone asked.

What was good in them did all truly disappear in front of me day by day from that point. Hell, I actually believed the 'states rights' reason for the civil war until I was at least 14 or so. Crazy what stupid can breed

[-] keystonerose@lemmy.nz 0 points 1 month ago

I'm not from the US but just wanted to say that I found your descriptions in this thread very evocative. Thanks for the perspective on a place in time that I otherwise hadn't seen

[-] Melvin_Ferd@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Hang out with grandpa and just ignore the trump shit. If it's just them liking trump and that then learn to let go and just be with people if you liked them before trump. Not your job to change people. But don't burn bridges. Internet taught a generation there are these clear lines that we can't ever cross. My dad is a die hard trump supporter. Love him to death. We have many heated arguments and he fully knows he won't listen to facts. I also refuse to listen to sources like fox or New York Post or other bullshit. We have many impasses. But I love him and would never dream of thinking less of him or going no contact over something that use to be a thing we all kept to ourselves. Not worth it. Don't let trump make you burn the people in your life that are family.

But I get if they're violent or deep deep deep into it. But also we should all get better at looking past this stuff. Trump will be gone one day and the bridges we burnt over it will never be worth it.

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[-] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

He doesn't have the wisdom I thought he did.

I know it's armchair/backseat advice, but if it comes up I suggest telling him this word for word. It's the kind of thing that would (or at least should) pierce the soul of a man his age.

[-] Crampi@sh.itjust.works 0 points 1 month ago

I think it did for my aunt I told her that I thought she was smart and wise, and that it made me sad and disappointed to hear her talk dumb

[-] MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 month ago

When I see stuff like this, I'm happy my father died when he did. He was also suffering at the time so seeing him no longer in pain was a good thing. I won't get into that whole story, but he started going that way when he became a bit too forgetful. As in, he couldn't even follow along with a normal conversation anymore. Happened sometime in the mid to late 2010's.

He watched stuff like Fox, and listened to guys like Rush Limbaugh, and he was religious. I don't really follow any media/news organizations, I don't listen to pretty much any broadcasts specifically, nor follow any specific celebrities, and I'm atheist/agnostic/non-religious (I have some beliefs, but they're not relevant to the story. I will say that I generally abhor any organized religion with a few exceptions).

I never saw him get consumed with hate over these things. He wasn't aware enough that he could have even realized that Trump was president at all.

I should also disclose, were not Americans. We're Canadians, but ask pretty much any Canadian about American politics and most of us will have a good understanding, meanwhile we generally know less about our own politics.

In any case, at the time that this decline into hate mongering started, his mental faculties were all but non-existent.

I'm truly sorry that you've had to deal with this op. I wish you the very best of luck moving forward.

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Appreciate the kindness. I kind of wish they all died early so I didn't have to see the rot.

Y'all watch out, be on guard.

Live well an full.

[-] ATDA@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

I've been having the same conversations. Told my family I love them as people but I'm moving because their politics quite literally are devolving into third world territory.

Can't keep power on, roads and bridges falling apart, rights being taken away.

If that's where you want to live that's cool but peace.

[-] weeeeum@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

I'm in a very similar spot. My mom is starting to slip mentally and the further she slides, the more hateful she becomes. Before she knew and were friends with many diverse people. Now she hates their kind. Gays, trans, immigrants, blacks, etc.

I theorize the more you decline mentally, and lose your ability to critically think, the most convincing arguments are most repeated ones. I've noticed that the strength of her opinions are usually based on the frequency that she hears it. I can predict how often she's gonna start ranting about black people, trans pedophiles, electric vehicles by the amount of content she's watching. The more she watches, the more she argues.

I can't seem to break her out of this cycle. The right has thoroughly brainwashed her that Democrats and leftists are scum and should only exist to be shamed and exiled. If an opinion or fact is even slightly related to democratic values, she just shuts off and rejects it.

She had a PhD and was extremely successful but now she has difficulty just using the oven. There are days when she is lucid and relatively straight thinking but other days she is entirely unintelligible and relies heavily on hand gestures.

Sometimes I wish she would pass. She causes so much pain for everyone around her (my sisters went no contact) and she is in pain herself. She is so extremely stressed and fears that antifa is going to burn down all of the great American cities, the homeless and blacks are going to ravage and loot everything and the left will be complicit since it's their "ultimate goal" to destroy america.

It makes me extremely sad.

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

It hurts a whole lot. I can't find a cure for their sick and I've tried.

Bless her heart, I don't think she can help it. I don't think you can fix it.

We can't fix or help them. They're sick in a bad way and we have to move on and take care of the ones that will let us.

[-] areyouevenreal@lemm.ee 0 points 1 month ago

The irony being they are actually correct in some cases. Lots of leftists want to destroy the state, and national borders in favour of a unified world. You also have tankies that want death to America specifically, and honestly I can understand the feeling.

[-] Facebones@reddthat.com 0 points 1 month ago

I don't think wanting to end America is "tankie," you're just using dramatic phrasing. We have a corporate right wing government that has cut off all roads to influencing politics to the left that pretends to fight between two sides which are actually unified in fighting off anything left of the mid right wing.

Feeling that there's no pulling back seems perfectly reasonable to me. Institutions aren't infallible eternal entities and their time sometimes comes. We'd all love a peaceful transition that doesn't ruin anyone's day to day, but how much systemic violence does it take before responding with violence is the only tangible response?

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[-] Yokozuna@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

I'm from the South so I feel your pain, people are painfully ignorant. I'm more interested in the fact that you said the woods sound and smell different, could you elaborate?

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

This will be hard to put into words. I figure it's a result of climate change/global warming.

There was an eartheir note in the smell when I was a kid. Now I smell more clay and piss, I think the piss smell is from the insects changing. I smell less oak and a lot more privet. Less walnut and pecan sharp smells. Lots of a green smell that I only used to know in high spring. Fungus and wood rot way more often. Something like cut grass even in February.

There was a constant whine and buzz. It was a background noise and is mostly gone. There was always knocking in the trees and it happens way less. The ground had a buzz and shuffle that is way less, even though big beetles move through.

There are new whinings, there's a deeper buzz.

It's all subjective, it's different, things have changed.

I'm trying to put words to this, but it's like trying to talk about the way water feels.

[-] Kashmir@midwest.social 0 points 1 month ago

I'm sorry. It's still hard to grow up and realize that people aren't who we thought they were. Never meet your heroes, as they say.

[-] GoMati@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Of course it's them - hateful and aggressive - not understanding you.

Why would it ever be you - knowledgeable, well-informed guy writing nice, respectful posts about them on the internet - not trying to understand them?

Probably better to move out south.

[-] Facebones@reddthat.com 0 points 1 month ago

My Dad growing up was probably fairly conservative but cool where it mattered - people are who they are, live and let live, that sorta shit. We never really discussed politics or anything.

When I graduated he remarried, sold the trailer I grew up being told would be mine, bought a house he lost within 2-3 years and kicked me out of basically immediately. I ended up in the Army, caught an IED, got seperated. Couldn't even use the "guest room," charged me $500/mo (in 2008, kinda insane then but maybe not so bad now lol) to sleep in the open basement and kicked me out again cause I wasnt paying up fast enough.

An ex convinced me to call him years later. First words out of his mouth - "You have that money you owe us?" I never reached out again.

Over covid, he tried to add me on Facebook. I'd blocked him but he made a new one. Hell no, but you're my dad I'll let you creep. On a post about the protests going on - "Those protesters wouldn't be a problem if we just gun em down." I blocked him and then had to tell me aunt ("you can't just block family over politics") that this isnt political, its moral and I don't want anyone like that in my life. Bright side, I never have to feel bad about it ever again.

Its OK to let people go and cut them out. Blood family, chosen family, friends, they all stay with you even if your paths split apart. Never let old bonds tie you to a toxic situation. My Dad killed it growing up, now he's a fascist. As you said, the man I knew was gone, and I do NOT owe whoever this new guy is anything. If thats the life they want to live, let them.

[-] Machinist@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

I got lucky, my father died when I was 4. My step father was good in spite of his religion.

That shit fucking sucks. I'm sorry for you. Sucks donkey balls.

Those things make us hard. We're hard and take care of the ones we love. We make sure they don't ever have to live like that. You sound tough, we'll keep on going and loving. All we can do.

[-] sexy_peach@feddit.org 0 points 1 month ago

There's a really cool community on reddit called QAnonCasualties. Maybe we need that here.

He’ll be 87 soon. Most likely, I’ll never see him again.

suck some orange cock. Fucking really? That’s your fucking Messiah?

Once you've reached 87, I wonder if you'll reflect back on that last time you ever saw your grandfather, but maintained too much distance because he had the wrong political alignment.

[-] sexy_peach@feddit.org 0 points 1 month ago

I don't believe that you owe your toxic family time

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