submitted 1 year ago by KasanMoor@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Personal background: I strongly feel just about everyone grows up and has something shitty about them. I know growing up I definitely thought and said some less-than-ideal jokes about women, minorities, etc. And while some of that was the proverbial 'the times', and some was growing up in a sheltered hyper Christian southern American conservative situation, I regret my actions and am happy I grew past that. And I do think people, especially younger, can grow past their shittiness, especially with the help of others, which was true for me too... When I got my first W2 job a superior I looked up to helped mold me into a better person by calling me out on things and modeling a better behavior.

Current situation: I'm now the supervisor position, have been for a decade (retail is a trap) and I've taken that to heart, calling out jokes that aren't funny, etc. But recently we hired a new kid who acts really incel-ish, and who apparently has attached himself to me instantly. I've had moderate success so far just telling him his 'lol women dumb' jokes aren't funny, and modeling how working with women is... normal? Anyways, I don't wanna screw this up so do y'all have any suggestions for me to help keep him from going down an unfortunate path? I know at the end of the day I'm not responsible for others' routes in life, but I feel we should all do our parts.


I'm currently at this juncture and trying to decide whether to go back to school and start entirely fresh or to hold out for another year or two to see how things go. The anxiety of what the future may or may not hold is real and I'm just standing here, watching the distances shorten faster and faster while still not knowing.

What's your take, Beeple?

submitted 1 year ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

How do you all feel about bots?

I've seen a gpt powered summarization bot pop up recently. Do you find this useful? Do you hate this?

Do you think bots serve any useful purposes on this website or do you think we should ban all bots? Should we have a set of rules for how bots should interact - only when called, needing to explicitly call out they are a bot on their profile, etc?

I'd love to hear your thoughts

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

i have perhaps the most important social obligation possible—meeting my SO (who I have been dating for 5 years and engaged with for 2 1/2 years)—so that will largely and unfortunately preclude me posting or doing much here on account of living out of a hotel for the next seven or so days. it's also just a good idea to take breaks and i have a lot going on so this is an opportune time in any case. i'm sure you will understand this minor inconvenience


I have three Lemmy accounts, but I've started considering this one my home server.

I feel like the admins of this server are very invested in making this a good, friendly community. The culture at Beehaw is pretty consistently amicable and helpful, even when people have differences or need to vent.

It's also been pretty reliable with little downtime, and we have the cutest server-themed art to greet us even when things are temporarily offline.

I feel sometimes like I'm the meanest person here, because everyone is so nice. I'd go so far to say it makes me want to be a better person.

I've left so many online spaces because a lot of them turn out to be bad for me, but Beehaw is great. So buzz, buzz, buzz everyone, and thanks to the people who keep this place running!


Since my main lemmy's password is locked behind Bitwarden, I had to make a new account to post. Originally I started using passwords manager because I keep forgetting passwords. But my paranoid ass is so worried that someone saw me typing my Bitwarden master password so I feel the urge to change it. So now I forgot the new master password.

The password is a few word passphrase generated from a keyword. Like an acoustic poem, if you know what I mean. I know all the words except one word, and I know the starting letter of the word, just forgot the exact word. 🥲 Guess I'm gonna flip through the dictionary to find a word that feels right.

Um so... has anyone experienced memory issues? I'm a young adult (18-25 age range), so I feel so strange to be forgetting stuff so early. Like do young people normally forget things?

submitted 1 year ago by mooseknee@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Is there some rule that employees have to follow that doesn't allow customers to bag? Or is it just that they're incentivized to offer? I'd love some input from people who have worked in some of the bigger companies. For reference, I mostly use Publix.

submitted 1 year ago by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

things are in fact going extremely badly but we'll see if they pick up starting tomorrow night for reasons that will preclude me being here for about a week (seeing my SO)


I'm driving myself nuts eating like a little piggy every weekend even though I eat really healthy during the week. I even like my healthy food so it isn't like I'm depriving myself. But I meal prep for M-F and don't have it in me to cook on weekends so I eat tons of junk. So, does anyone else do this? Did anyone else get over this? Do you have some other food woes you want to get off your chest? Or some other random thing you would like to discuss?

submitted 1 year ago by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

i have no idea where to put this but it is oddly captivating

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by bermuda@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I'm sorry if this doesn't fit but I don't know where else to talk about this.

For context, I work for an unnamed global pizza chain restaurant as a delivery driver (there, I narrowed it down to like three options lol). At our store delivery drivers usually do basic inside tasks like dishes, boxing pizzas, taking orders on the phone, window washing, etc. when we aren't out on the road.

I've been working there for a little under 6 months part-time and overall I've been enjoying it but lately I've been hating it more and more because of just one person. Usually she works nights and I work mornings, but because our shifts got switched around, we've been working the same shift more often than not, so I get to interact with her more. Basically, whenever she's around me she is literally not positive. Has nothing nice to say. She's always either overly critical of me or just generally has a terrible mood whenever I'm around.

I know I've been working 6 months but I'm still a part-time worker so it's taken me a little bit to catch up on a few minor aspects of the job, and I'm still learning a lot of things (we have a lot of responsibilities), in part because the manager who trained me did a really bad job of it. I feel like it's natural to make mistakes but every time I make a mistake around her it gets exacerbated to an extreme amount. For example just today I was doing the dishes the way I've been taught and the way everybody else I know does it, yet she said I missed a spot on 2 of the like 20 tubs that just dried and gave them back to me. Instead of just going "you missed a spot" or saying "here's the way I do them," it was "you're doing them wrong and you're the reason we keep getting complaints from the pizzamakers about dirty dishes." I was baffled because I'd never heard a complaint from them about it, and I didn't hear one from my 6 managers or from the general manager.

I'm fine with criticism but it's just that none of it ever seems to be constructive. For another example, a few weeks ago we were having a conversation about how we handle the hotbags when we're delivering. Me and another driver said we like to have the pizza in the bag until the customer opens the door, while she and another driver like to pull it out of the bag before knocking. It's all personal preference and not really specified in the employee handbook, but she still made it out like me and my coworker were wrong and the way we did it was stupid. There was one time I had a brain fart and forgot to cut pizzas like 4 times in a row, and my actual manager came out and said "it's cool I've done that before" and made sure I cut them right while I was all embarrassed. I felt so much better after that one than a multitude of what this coworker does. And before anybody asks, she's a coworker. Same level as me, about 1 year more experienced. Not a manager. It's so crazy to me that she's such a perfectionist too because whenever she closes we usually end up with food fights at 2 am or a bunch of dishes stacked into a pyramid. Usual teenager shenanigans. But when I'm working around her, she pushes me harder than the damn general manager pushes me, and its his wage on the line when we aren't working the best we can.

And it sucks too because I don't see her do this to anybody else. She's got seniority over like 5 of my other coworkers but she gets along fine with them. We've even got a new guy who's only been working for 2 weeks and I see her and him laughing and joking around a bunch. I have a feeling that she just wants really hard to be a manager, because she posts "PSAs" in our group chat just like the managers do when she sees something done wrong, and always complains about some of my slower coworkers behind our back. Apparently the slowest coworker by metrics is moving to another store soon and she told me and said it was "good" and that "maybe we'll get somebody faster." I personally don't really give a shit who we get as a driver as long as it's somebody nice to talk to. If we're overloaded as a store that seems to me more like a problem with management than it is with individual drivers.

I know I'm not at work to make friends, just get paid, but it would be nice not to have such a mentally draining experience at work. It's not only mentally draining to be constantly critiqued by somebody who appears to be trying really hard to be promoted, but to hear her talk shit about people in the workplace like a middle schooler. She even called a customer "a fucking dumb idiot" for ordering ranch packets (which come with salads) instead of ranch dip cups (which come with pizza), which to me just seems so overblown. I don't want to be friends with everybody but I'd at least like to be positive, you know? I've got coworkers who come back from being stiffed on a delivery or come back from a delivery of 20 pizzas and 10 sides who aren't nearly as pissed off about it as she is.

We have a shift together tomorrow. Me for 6 hours and her closing the store. I just want to call in sick because I just don't look forward to whatever mean thing she has to say.

sorry for the really long post, I just had a lot to get off my chest.

TL;DR: my coworker is overbearing and always on my ass about stuff even though she's not a manager. She's not like this with other coworkers and she pushes me to be a perfectionist despite regular mistakes on her end when she closes the store. I can't just ignore her because even when ignoring her, her negativity seeps in.

submitted 1 year ago by dark_stang@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

It was me. I'm just excited that I published something and wanted to tell somebody about it. Especially something that might actually be useful to people (instead of just used by other businesses). It's not often I'm let out of the data warehouse cage these days.

Here it is in case anybody else needs an app to remind them about all the stuff they have laying around that needs to be constantly maintained.

I also made the satire app Antifa Recruiter a while back and updated it today. Just in case you need something to pull out at family gatherings.

Anybody else create anything fun or useful this week? Or does anybody have any constructive feedback on Maintain that could make it more useful?

submitted 1 year ago by mollthecoder@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I love beehaw, but I also liked supporting lemmy.one because the owner was a super good person who contributed a lot to the privacy community. I had my alt account there and even donated a couple times.

I noticed it's been inaccessible lately, and I'm hoping it didn't get shut down.

After FMHY and now this, I'm starting to have concerns about the volatility of the fediverse.


Title. Key management is so not intuitive at all. You have your session verification key in case you have no access to another session. Fine, i totally understand. Then you have E2E room keys you can either backup on your homeserver or in a file. Fine, except not so much. I exported my room keys to a backup file and deleted them from my homeserver. I signed out of element completely. I sign back in just fine, i verify my session with my session verification key just fine. I import my E2E room keys and see 32/32 keys imported success. Great. One encrypted room shows my historyperfect, the other "Waiting for this message, this may take a while". Exactly why is this? Every key imported fine so why arent all messages in all rooms decrypted?

submitted 1 year ago by marin@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

It took us three days with breaks in between but we finally finished this giant puzzle. Never underestimate how difficult a thousand pieces could be. It was a really nice offline activity to spend with my partner ♡


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/6846019

I should really start doing regular backups again, do the 3-2-1 backup strategy again, and organize my backups but there's so many files and stuff on my devices and external drives that it's overwhelming and I don't know how to properly sort it. ADHD kicks my ass too and I know that it takes a while to backup and that means my computer needs to idle so it can get done faster and doesn't slow my computer down.

Also, I'm struggling with cloud backups too. Google Drive and OneDrive often had errors in the middle of uploading and I'm hesitant to spend money on a cloud service. And doesn't Backblaze need you to have your device connected at least once every 30 days or your data will be deleted or something? I have ADHD and I can't guarantee I'll be on top of that. And do I upload image backups to these servers? Is that even possible? What about video game backups and other large files? Or all the videos I have? Aren't these cloud services really slow as well? I feel like I'll end up having the same problem...I could use zip files, but I keep worrying something will get removed in the middle of it.

And how do I check backups? I can't reasonably check every single file I've ever made.

I don't know how to handle all of this. I mainly use FreeFileSync for copying drives over with anything being overwritten just being moved to a Revisions folder. I also sometimes use Macrium Reflect for image backups, but the free version is being retired... I tried Veeam once but it didn't backup the AppData folder when I tried doing a file level backup about a year ago.

I have a Mac and a Windows computer by the way. I do want to check out Linux someday though.

I don't know if I can do a NAS either. I don't think I have an extra computer lying around and I'm a college student who needs to travel from home to my college campus. And I don't have a lot of room on my bedroom desk...And I hate how backups often prevent me from using one of my computers.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Vestria@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

One of my most active subs on Reddit was /r/MensLib, an open, pro-feminist, trans-inclusive space for people to discuss men's issues without toxicity and without anger or violence directed at women or men. It was a (mostly) wonderful community that fostered lots of genuine, heartfelt discussion, and it would seem to me that Beehaw as an instance would be the perfect place for such a community to take root on Lemmy.

I'm aware of the community on lemmy.ca, but there is both an article written in bad faith (though I don't think it was posted in bad faith) and a post from a bad actor on the front page that has been up for several days with no mod action, which concerns me.


(Edited to be more fair to the most active poster on the lemmy.ca community, as I don't think they're posting in bad faith and I should have been clearer about that)

submitted 1 year ago by kelvinjps@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org
submitted 1 year ago by CherryClan@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I had a dumb phone until around 2011 and I really miss not staring at my phone all of the time. The only thing that gives me pause is my family sending links via text. I've tried other ways to limit screen time but if it's there I'm gonna use it.

submitted 1 year ago by Reil@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Phones are getting better support lives these days, but they still physically outlast their software support. How important is that safety net/blanket for you?

submitted 1 year ago by gloombert@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I'll go first! I wanna move to a ranch in Canada with a boyfriend who can turn into a werewolf, and own some goats and chickens, and we will have a houserule where no-one can purchase disney plus. What about you guys?

submitted 1 year ago by Provider@feddit.de to c/chat@beehaw.org

Wollte euch zu diesem Artikel fragen, wie Ihr die Anfangszeit des Internets in Erinnerung habt (bin gerade noch zu jung dafür). Wünscht ihr es euch zurück? Und glaubt ihr es kann überhaupt wieder so werden? Würd mich sehr intressieren

submitted 1 year ago by bermuda@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I've found this site to be a lot better than the alien site, but having looked at the mod log just now I'm still seeing a lot of comments that remind me of the very reasons I left that site. Big ups to the mods and admins for keeping the site clean of that trash though

Can we please bring back cloaks? (www.darkincloset.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by metaltoilet@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

They're so great!

  • Pockets
  • Super cool looking
  • Warm
  • Blanket whenever you need them

||Just don't make them a neckbeard thing people!||

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