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Pffh, please. Like Elon, I dropped out on Day 2 and found some fun to have.

That article only left me more frightened and confused.

That is core wholesome frugality. 10/10

Michael Jordan told me to just stop and get help!

[-] 6 points 2 days ago

24 ounce/0.71L glass beer steins that look tasteful and are heavy, but not too heavy. $1.25 each at the store.

[-] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Plus, Italy. "Hand over the fresh pasta, all of it." would be enough. Just don't forget to send them a note. It might save Monte Cassino Abbey and a bunch of other cool stuff.

[-] 11 points 2 days ago

Teach me your ways, senpai.

[-] 10 points 2 days ago

NCD is more cost efficient than war college. All we're missing in the curriculum is beach volleyball.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

I like your style.

[-] -1 points 2 days ago

Thank you for your insight. The Army doesn't have bases, they have "posts". That one was my grandparents' first post after they got married. My mother was born in the post hospital at Fort Bragg. I don't know you. You don't know me. Have a nice evening, anyways.

[-] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The link now works correctly. Does an extra [] matter?


How many of you were this? Just shout "Stonky" instead of "Spartacus" and step forward, you know the drill.


That's how you know your empire building is going GREAT. IT'S FINE. WE DON'T NEED KURSK.


How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?


Zelenskyy= Theoden, prolly. Aging well, but so tired of the bullshit.

Flores, can you hear me? (

1/13/2024, I found this worn neck gaiter in a pack of milsurp clothes. Flores, can you hear me? Flores, can you see me? Did you lose this at the post laundry? I'd like us all to share our cherished memories of Flores, whether he's still in the E4 Mafia or moved on to opportunities in managing a chain of vape stores in Tulsa. You are not forgotten, Flores. Have a happy Easter.


In Robert Heinlein's novel "Farnham's Freehold", the protagonists accidentally end up in a very technologically advanced feudal society that depends on a drug called "Happiness" to control things and keep social classes rigidly separated. The hypothesis of this question: the drug is a pleasant tasting drink you take daily. It has no known negative side effects. It rapidly induces a feeling of deep contentment, peace, clarity of mind and general satisfaction with your life. You will not become physically dependent on it. You don't have to pay anything to get it. A small, unchanging dose must be taken every day to maintain this effect, but you don't control its distribution. It is distributed by the ruling class of your society, but no one is coerced to take it, as they are psychologically dependent on it. After many centuries of Happiness distribution, no one has shown desensitization or needed a higher dose. The protagonists in the book rejected their doses, escaped briefly and were recaptured. Would you take Happiness? Why or why not?


Will Putin have his phallic insecurity tables transported to South Africa on their own plane? Will they get there in time? Does he want to be a big dog again, enough to show up in person and risk arrest? Where is Mrs. Putin? What air defense doin?

CROSSPOOOOOST from my boi u/lusterko at If you are not following that subkbin, you're missing out on rich veins of raw meme ore. Lusterko is posting like it is his job. Quality Ukraine posting there, he seems to keep it up 24/7. Until has an API, let's support this one by whatever means necessary. I think Lusterko takes hryvnias. EYEBROW/WRY GRIN.


Crosspost from BombOmOm at Why would Prigoz hand over hundreds of millions in valuable equipment that the Russian Ministry of Defense claims is theirs? Is this part of the massive atate-sponsored community theater project to set up his heart attack?


Many an innocent bystander passing through here, asking "what is this sublem about?" I think this question deserves to be escalated to the highest level. What are the chinesium turnbuckles that tenuously hold this rusty, fraying cable to the next cable? What holds up the saggy clothesline that is NCD? What keeps us from becoming just another 4chan, living off the dusty HWNDU laurels of former days? Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?

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joined 1 year ago