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[-] 2 points 1 week ago

Have you thought about why public transit is poorly funded and developed?

Because the automotive industry actively dismantled it in the early twentieth century and then lobbied ever since to redirect funding to highway maintenance? The largest single government project in existence in the US National Highway System.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Some people, when given a choice between cannibalism and dying of starvation will choose the former. The ones that do may choose to regret it, but they are alive to have the capacity to regret.

At the point that you are struggling to survive, any society that does not immediately render aid is no society at all (not to you), and is either an enemy, taking resources you need, or prey.

I find it unfathomable that people imagine that poor people and untermenschen should just resign themselves to dying off. It explains why the working class might resort to terror attacks to assert their right to exist.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Getting a job takes months on average. And the way our current system works, you have to lie about experience to get your first job, and then upgrade a couple of times to get a living wage with survival benefits. That takes years.

You have to eat and sleep today. If you have ongoing medical requirements, your healthcare can't wait for a job.

[-] 46 points 1 week ago

Since the publishers are also trying to suppress out-of-print media, abandonware and public domain material (also fair use) and the courts are favoring the publishers over the good of the public, we know it's no longer about promoting science and useful arts or building a robust public domain.

The companies and courts alike are breaking the social contract, hence the trmporary monopolies enstated by the agencies of the same state are invalid. Piracy is no longer a valid crime since the state licenses are no longer valid.

(They will still enforce the will of the state — ICE does a lot of raids to enforce commercial interests when it's not massacring refugees— but that doesn't legitimize the will of the state. It only shows they are willing tyrants glad to use violence to oppress.)

We have nothing to lose but our chains!

[-] 10 points 1 week ago

This is like bullet deflectors to keep your gun from shooting holes in the propellor.

Yes, early WWI planes had them.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Yes, but that model is late in the gravity game. We were toying with the two bodies experiment before heliocentrism, let alone higher-dimension curvature of space.

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

Eventually some pissed off engineer who knows a thing or two about color will create a conversion utility to allow GIMP to seamlessly work with CMYK.

That angry engineer might be you if you have friends who fill in the gaps within your own knowledge base.

[-] 8 points 1 week ago

It won't affect much except bleeding edge theoretical physics. Much the way we don't need relativity to make airplanes fly (but round-earth gravity models help for long distance flights).

Physical laws are mathematical models that reflect natural forces and predict outcomes (accurately that we can fling cans of passengers across the world safely). It wouldn't be the first time we discovered that some previously constant forces are actually variable (much the way the force of gravity is affected by distance, noticeable only when you lob something high enough.) We shrug and change the variables, and some physicists near retirement may balk and say it's ridiculous, as Einstein did regarding Heisenberg's probability-based quantum mechanics.

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

In my case enjoying life is not something that I can simply do. I manage mental illness which features chronic suicidality, but it's been driven into me very hard that I am at fault for my grief and trauma. But having a sober understanding of why I feel the way I do, and the social forces that drove parents, teachers and authorities to treat me the way I did helps me counter those neural processes.

This cartoon illustrates the dynamic I've encountered, and I hypothesize the mental illness epidemic in the US is intergenerational and compounding.

That we're also dealing with a couple of imminent great filters the human species is unprepared to navigate hits hard for me.

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

My doom and gloom is catalyzed by a lot of things including, yes, a novelty cookbook that appears to be made in recognition of desperate times. It isn't the only thing that informs my doom and gloom, and this isn't to say I don't have hope. But it is a Goblins at the gates of Gondor kind of situation, in which a lot of things have to go simultaneously right before we're out of the fine mess we're in.

[-] 25 points 1 week ago

The US needs so, so, so much reform. Especially regarding public transit. In most parts of the nation anything that isn't a car stuck in traffic is for poor people who are also disregarded across volumes of needs issues.

We're falling back to where we were in the great depression, and it still seems nothing short of violence and bloodshed will stop our ownership class from exploiting the rest of us.

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