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[-] 1 points 6 months ago

I've worked retail, office jobs, call center jobs and warehouse jobs. I made an office 'friend' in two of those jobs. One who id grab drinks with outside of work and another who id chat to via text occasionally. But as our jobs changed and lives moved on. So did we.

I don't feel the need to be forced into social situations, people are tiring and there's better things I could spend my time on that being shoved into a room with co-works who I have no interest in talking to and have no interest in talking to me.

Both my best friends are long distance friends. I've known one for 13 years, we've met up once. And one for 9 years who I've never met in person. And they're the best friends I've ever had. If they have issues, I'm right there via text or call to help. Same if I have issues. We send eachother gifts for birthdays/ Christmas, or just because. The 9 year friend and I do a book trade and recommend eachother things we think the other would like (not just book recommendations).

My partner and I have been together for almost 2 years now, we live in different countries. And it's honestly the best relationship I've ever had. Not because of the distance, we visit eachother multiple times a year. But the distance also isn't an issue.

So long distance friendships/ relationships can work.

Just because some people need that face to face interaction, doesn't mean everyone else does. Especially when it's forced by a workplace. If it was to meet up with a friend, I'm sure it would be more welcomed. But being made to meet up with co-workers who aren't friends/ close with, that sounds miserable. Being made to do something you don't want to do/ aren't interested in is never fun. Ever try get a teenager to clean their room? Often not very high on their list because it's something they don't want to do. The same can be said for social events with co-workers for a lot of people.

[-] 2 points 6 months ago

I wanted something that was limited edition. Like the consoles.
So I have the limited edition animal crossing switch and the legend of Zelda Gameboy advance SP.
I also have numerous collectors editions of games.

Also, anime/ gaming figures. Have numerous shelves filled with them now, it's really cool to see every day in my living room.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

Larian said they were releasing a complete game. I honestly hope they don't release an expansion. The ending was great, and I don't know where you go after. An expansion past the ending would almost cheapen the whole game for me. After a huge build up to the fight of the netherbrain. It wouldn't feel right to continue after that.

And only getting to 12th level felt fine. I don't think it needed to go higher. Mine abs my partner's characters were beasts even at level 12. So it doesn't feel like it's necessary.

[-] 2 points 7 months ago

Okay okay. So let me get this straight. Story bad. You realise story has been a centre point of gaming for a long long long time.

Second. As someone who has played games for 25+, there's plenty of games out there if you just want constant combat. Doom for example. Halo. Overwatch. Apex. Dark souls.
Even combat heavy games have stories though. Overwatch has background lore and in game story now.
Doom gotta save everyone from bad alien dudes.
Halo. Stop the covenant using the rings.
Dark souls... Well dark souls is so lore heavy it's hard to keep up with the story.

So if you don't like story in games. Well maybe stick to space invaders and leave the good games to people who actually appreciate good games.

[-] 4 points 7 months ago

Billy talent are great for political, fuck the government/ big corporations type songs. Not protest songs so much. But it feels pretty on theme. Their messages are great.
Surprise surprise and viking death march are two of my personal favourites songs by them.

[-] 7 points 7 months ago

You assume that because I play games that I'm a young boy?
I'm a woman in her 30s. Ive been playing games since I was 4. Ive played sega, Nintendo, playstation, Xbox and pc games. I also play d&d.
I play a wide range of games from Pokémon, Zelda, animal crossing to doom, overwatch, diablo, the dark pictures games, Alan wake, baldurs gate, mass effect, slay the spire.
I'm not playing due to corporate manipulation. I play because I want to play, because I enjoy engaging my brain and being able to focus on something fun. So please, continue to shit on things people enjoy instead of actually focusing on the things you enjoy.

[-] 8 points 7 months ago

I'm a die hard Nintendo fan. Been playing Nintendo since I was like 4.
Pokémon is one of my favourite gaming series ever.
However, I also play games that are basically Pokémon but with a different name. So long as there's not actual copyright being broken, who cares? Pokémon is an insanely successful franchise, if other companies want to try using the idea for their games in hopes of success. Go for it! It's fun seeing all the variants.
I get why people hate seeing their favourite game 'ripped off', but if Nintendo see it as an issue, they'll deal with it themselves. People need to chill out, I'm pretty sure Nintendo are capable of fighting their own battles. It's not like they're a small company of 10 people who might of not seen the game.

[-] 3 points 8 months ago

Oh man, you've got sooo much to go! It's great. I love that whole starting area. It's so much fun.

My second play through was a wood elf bard. She was pretty fun to play. Considering I'm a barbarian player usually. First play through was a half orc barbarian, she was really cool.

[-] 5 points 8 months ago

I'm in my third play through of it. It's such an amazing game, so many emotions and amazing storylines.

Where are you up to?

[-] 2 points 8 months ago

That's why I specified 'between consenting adults', because yes, 13 and 28 is definitely a problem.

[-] 51 points 9 months ago

3 year age gap is nothing. I don't understand people's need to be disgusted by or police consenting adults.

There's 15 years between me and my partner. Both 30+ so both very much consenting adults. But Christ, you still get people chirping with the 'power differential' bullshit. Like seriously, you'd think I was 13 the way people go at the age gap. Then again, that was when I actually used Reddit so.

People are always gonna be outraged by something stupid.

[-] 10 points 9 months ago

I never thought I'd experience this. But I was on a short flight that was an hour long. So I was in what I call the tuna can plane. The small city hopper type. When we were getting off the plane, I stood up and full force twatted my head off the overhead bins.
I'm 5 foot... I dunno what dazed me more, the shock or the smack on the head. Lmfao.

Guarantee it happens again when I take that flight soon.

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