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[-] 2 points 9 months ago

I must be a special, fantasy person that does road trips with 700mi or longer drives

Assuming you have the ability to drive at a perfect, ideal, consistent 80mph 700miles is 8h45m of driving. You aren't going to stop for a bathroom break in 8 hours?

200 miles will likely give you 3.5 or so behind the wheel. Take a break and stretch your legs.. It's better for your health anyway than sitting for so long.

Not to mention it's 3000 kilos. They really need to start adding vehicle weight limits to licenses. The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.

Yeah agreed but that's a different conversation unrelated to this thing.

[-] -1 points 9 months ago

Wonder what the engineering solution to this could look like..

Thinking something like a zero trust model being required for all web requests.. Like the target address would need to receive a validated identity token from some third party but that token couldn't contain identifying info about the requester. Likewise, the validating third party would need to verify the identity of the requester without having knowledge of the target address.

Then that raises more questions like who would we all be comfortable trusting as a verifier and what data would we use for that validation? The validation system and the data used to validate would need to be provided for free too to account for low income people so no subscription services or hardware MFA keys. Also who counts as an identity to be validated?

What do enforcement mechanisms look like if this does get built? Are the validators entirely passive or do they actively participate in the process? Like do we have rate limits imposed by the validation engine or do we just leave that to the target address/organization to impose themselves? What happens if someone is banned from a site? Does the site notify the validators to drop requests earlier in the lifetime of a request? Do individuals get a lower request quota than corporations? Would you have to form a company just to prototype a new tool/product?

If someone seriously wanted to work on this I'd jump on the opportunity to work with them. It sounds like a fascinating project.

[-] 21 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It's a big, stupid truck but so is every other truck it's competing against. It's got poor visibility but so does every other truck/suv being sold in America. The cheapest option doesn't have the longest range but it's still longer than the average person would realistically drive in a day. It can't haul much but the overwhelming majority of people driving trucks in America aren't towing or hauling things on a day to day basis.. The people doing real work buy vans or have special purpose trucks.

The steering geometry seems nice and the rear wheel steering is interesting. Those seem like the only major positives though.

It's not as bad as everyone seems to be making it out to be but it's obviously still a dumb car that shouldn't exist. That's all cars though really.

EDIT: Since the front windshield is flat, I assume its cheaper to replace than typical curved windshields? No idea though.. Might be talking out of my ass.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

Yep. I would LOVE one of these chips in a kubernetes node.

[-] -1 points 9 months ago

This is what it feels like to interact with the Linux/opensource/selfhost people sometimes.

"bUt ThEy CaN wAtCh YoU!!1!"

[-] 9 points 9 months ago

Certs are a waste of time tbh. If you have 8 years of experience, you should have more than enough to fill out a resume already.

An AWS cert is almost certainly even more useless for you specifically unless you wanted to get into devops/sre and do systems design. I have been in sre for a very long time and have never even heard of anyone writing tooling in Java. That section of the industry is entirely dominated by go, python, and (more often than anything else) bash for really quick automation.

[-] 6 points 9 months ago

Bluetooth on Linux fucking sucks

[-] 11 points 9 months ago

Hated Windows. TechTV had a download of day that "works on both Windows and Linux!"

"I don't know what Linux is but it can't be worse that Windows."

I've been on it ever since. That was 20+ years ago.

I honestly don't know how windows works.. I only ever used it for about a year and some change when I was a teenager in the 90s.

[-] 4 points 9 months ago

It's easier to think about Linux on the context of what an individual application needs to run. Pretty much everything you do will have these components.

  • configuration
  • an executable
  • a communication mechanism (dbus, networking, web server, etc)
  • something that decides if the application runs or not (systemd, monit, docker/docker compose, kubernetes scheduler, or you as the user)
  • a way of accepting input (keyboard and mouse, web requests, database queries, etc)
  • a way of delivering an output (logging to unique log files, through syslog, or to stdout/stderr, showing something on a screen, playing a sound, returning a message to the client, etc)
  • storage (optional)
  • some cpu and memory capacity

That's really it. If something isn't working, it's pretty much exclusively going to fall into one of those categories. What that means is going to vary significantly from app to app but understanding this is how literally everything works makes the troubleshooting process a lot easier.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

A small container running in kubernetes on an old laptop.

[-] 8 points 9 months ago

My personal laptop is whatever the first gen Framework is called. After many, many years doing the "cool" distros, I've settled on Mint and don't really have any motivation to do anything else.. I have real work I need to do and can't be bothered to deal with figuring out weird shit. I just need it to work.

TBH, the only things I use my laptop for anymore is a browser, vim, git, and kubernetes tooling.. I barely have any interest in running Linux on a workstation at this point. The only things that really interest me anymore are being run in distributed clusters. Desktop Linux is kinda boring and tedious for me.

[-] 3 points 9 months ago

It's fucking stupid to do it all at once but I think this should have happened ~5 years ago. Raising interest rates are how you fight inflation.. We wouldn't be in a situation where it costs 500 TL for one sucuk if they started doing this well before covid.


I'm trying to move my org into a more gitops workflow. I was thinking a good way to do promotions between environments would be to auto sync based on PR label.

Thinking about it though, because you can apply the same label multiple times to different PRs, I can see situations where there would be conflicts. Like a PR is labeled "qa" so that its promoted to the qa env, automated testing is started, a different change is ready, the PR is labeled "qa", and it would sync overwriting the currently deployed version in qa. I obviously don't want this.

Is there a way to enforce only single instances of a label on a PR across a repository? Or maybe there is some kind a queue system out there that I'm not aware of?

I'm using github, argocd, and circleci.

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