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[-] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Even if this were true, did the pharmacists get a raise? Are they making more money? Or are they just seeing more patients (doing the extra emotional and mental labor that entails) and paying less attention to each one while Safeway and Walgreens pocket any increased revenue?

This is awesome and there is gonna be so much fraud! All the fraud.

The previews made the movie look nonsensical and confusing.

[-] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

My code projects lately?

"This project uses an API written in PHP, with HTML in Lua (OpenResty) and JavaScript. We're starting with the PHP component, please write me a burger with cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup and mustard."

"Absolutely! I'd be happy to help with that! I understand that we're creating a burger in PHP. Here is a burger, with cheese, bacon, lettuce tomato and mustard. Explanation of the burger: The bacon is on top of the cheese, so it doesn't fall off. The lettuce is included, to create an underlying HTML structure."

"Um, that's not at all what I asked for. First of all, you completely forgot the ketchup, which I explicitly told you was a requirement. Secondly, you said there was mustard, but I don't see any. Third, the cheese is cottage cheese? No one puts that on burgers! Why would you put cottage cheese? Third, the bacon is turkey bacon. That's not what I wanted at all. On top of that, the lettuce is UNDER the burger, not ON it. We're not writing HTML, this is meant to be a rest API. All the output should be JSON.

Please try again. Write me a burger in PHP with pig bacon, mustard and ketchup, which you forgot to include last time, cheddar cheese (NOT cottage cheese) and tomato, pickles and lettuce INSIDE the bun. This is an API, so don't write any HTML!"

"I appologize for the misunderstanding. Here is your burger with bacon (made from pigs, not turkey), mustard, ketchup, cheddar cheese, tomato, pickles and lettuce inside the bun. I understand this is an API, so I've taken out the HTML. Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with."

"It looks like you've called a function to put the lettuce inside the bun, but you never created that function?"

"You are correct. Your PHP code would need to have the function defined to put the lettuce inside the bun. Here is your updated PHP code with the putLettuceInsideBun function included."

"Thank you, there's a tomato and the lettuce is inside the bun now. I'm not sure why you called the putLettuceInsideBun() function twice, but at least it's in there now. I note there's still no bacon, cheese, ketchup or mustard. You know what? I'm just going to write those parts myself!"

"Writing PHP code can be a fun and educational challenge! Please let me know if I can assist you any further with your PHP hot dog grilling project."

If those words are connected to some automated system that can accept them as commands...

For instance, some idiot entrepreneur was talking to me recently about whether it was feasible to put an LLM on an unmanned spacecraft in cis-lunar space (I consult with the space industry) in order to give it operational control of on-board systems based on real time telemetry. I told him about hallucination and asked him what he thinks he's going to do when the model registers some false positive in response to a system fault... Or even what happens to a model when you bombard it's long-term storage with the kind of cosmic particles that cause random bit flips (This is a real problem for software in space) and how that might change its output?

Now, I don't think anyone's actually going to build something like that anytime soon (then again the space industry is full of stupid money), but what about putting models in charge of semi-autonomous systems here on earth? Or giving them access to APIs that let them spend money or trade stocks or hire people on mechanical Turk? Probably a bunch of stupid expensive bad decisions...

Speaking of stupid expensive bad decisions, has anyone embedded an LLM in the ethereum blockchain and givien it access to smart contracts yet? I bet investors would throw stupid money at that...

The Fediverse is Already Dead

Eh... This take is one grumpy dude in a hacker space somewhere soap boxing.

[-] 37 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

"At 9:43 EDT, the devs decided collectively to do a "rollback" to the previous release. This was the worst possible mistake,"

No, the WORST POSSIBLE MISTAKE was doing a major roll out, then NO ONE STICKING AROUND TO WATCH WHAT HAPPENED! Seriously, who does this?? It's like lighting the fuse on your firework show, then having an all hands staff meeting in a sound proofed trailer with blackout curtains.

We're also using Forgejo for a small consulting team working on lots of different projects for a lot of different clients.

A couple of our team members who came from a more complex and scaled environment (particularly our DevOps / SRE guy who's worked at such places as LinkedIn and Snowflake) want to move us to Gitlab because it's "more powerful" but I like Forgejo because it's just super simple. Just does exactly what I need, doesn't give me to many more options.

We have

  • Projects segregated into teams, organized by client (so only those working on a specific client's projects have access to their repos).
  • Able to invite clients and put them into the team for their project (we've had a couple clients that want that).
  • Able to automate deployments with webhooks (this was pretty easy to get working).

One of our devs wanted to use Actions. It's hard to get that working and (at least a month ago) there were warnings that Actons aren't mature yet and are probably insecure (looks like that may have changed with the recent jump to Forgejo 8.0). I think it's now a non issue for us though because we were like "Dude, stop trying to role your own CI/CD, that's why we have two infrastructure people!"

As a security professional, what finally got me to move from Apache to NGINX was OpenResty.

I sometimes still put Apache behind it, depending on my goals.

And a bunch of sociopath capitalist short sellers got hard.

This exact thing happened to one of my clients. And it sucked because they didn't even register the domains with Ionos, they registered them with some other company that then got bought by Ionos. They were not technically savvy and didn't understand what was happening until it was way too late. They lost about 8 domains closely associated with their business and with their CEO's research.


Not me. I have a client who's a very sweet old lady who's business is doing real bio science to treat cancer patients with cannabis extracts.

She's very easily frustrated with technical problems and definitely has the boomer attitude that if you buy something expensive, it means it's good. But she's been getting more and more pissed about enshittification and big software companies screwing over their customers over the last couple years. Adobe's new TOU has her hopping mad. She has all the research papers she's worked on over the last 20 years in Creative Cloud.

I've been consulting with her off and on for six years and she will get SUPER frustrated with glitches and trouble shooting. I don't think there's anything out there that will work for her to ditch Adobe. But I thought I'd ask here, see if there's anything she might try.


The goal is actually that I'm able to hook my ticket tracking system (I'm using Zammad) to various ToDo lists I can expose to other people. I'm happy to write middleware to make that work, but I don't want to write a whole ToDo app.

Needs to be able to track multiple lists that can be shared in a granular way (I want to share some lists with some people and other lists with other people).


Hello everyone.

I haven't had any need for OCR software in probably 15 years, but I have a client who has 7 document boxes worth of forms filled out by hand that they need digitized. They're scanning them into PDFs this week, but want to recover FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email and then a hand written feed back box and load those all into a database.

ChatGPT recommended ABBYY, but it looks like it might be overkill for a one time need like this.

I told them that a couple teenagers doing data entry might be more accurate and cheaper. IDK if that's really true though. I'm not at all an expert on OCR software.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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