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And that bit of fun was handled by a plot in "arrested development". MR F!

yeah i'm getting lots of replies with stories showing my city ass i simply have no clue what the 'burbs are gettin up to anymore. Seems we're not ok.

I bet you want to make a comment on it but you can't. I know my mind wants to come up with a question and can't. Frankly it seems more likely the gun is there as a conversation piece than anything else like a tattoo.

Have you complimented his gun? I'm so curious!

if it weren't so dangerous i'd have loved to see that picture. I get the feeling his revolver was competing with his belly for size. am i right? I'm just guessing cuz if i had a six-pack i wouldn't want the gun distracting anyone.

while I actually loved that south park episode and their point that words (that word specifically) change their meaning over time, the "answer" they came up with is a joke of course. A joke that only works because bikers are upset and confused by the 'real' meaning of 'flag'. If the original meaning didn't exist it couldn't be used to hurt the bikers' feelings, it relies on its existing meaning to hurt them.

You cannot forcibly change what words mean. No matter how hard Trey and Matt wish they were iconoclasts and as much as i appreciate them? They REALLY aren't as clever as they think they are. What they did, if they had succeeded would just allow CHUDs to yell 'flag' at homosexuals and pretend they were calling them bikers, so it's a good thing it flopped.

As cool as it would be if "bundle of sticks" stopped being a slur, the slur itself is not the problem, the intent is. Intent behind calling bikers 'flags' is to make them feel like you're calling them homosexuals, relies on homosexuality itself being a slur. The end. No debate. Full stop. It doesn't even change anything, its hurting feelings RELIES on the meaning we currently agree on. Feel me?

this is probably a joke but in these times i have to check. fo' real?

shit there was another one! i guess its time for a rewatch

i want to do more airplane quotes but only this one is relevant! arrrgh!

That's my secret, cap...

[-] 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

What? Why? Who i say who in their right mind says this in a post absolutely soaking in their own tears? I think the complete batshit audacity is what i find most entertaining about you.

The PLAN™ is working comrade

[-] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Echoing other commenters see another doc this isn't aging at all.

I'm no doc either but swelling like this all the way back to May/June at your age is def not normal.

I know someone who's young and deals with gout, which sounds kinda similar but it could be a lot of things that could get worse from hesitating so duck that quack and get a second opinion

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