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[-] 32 points 1 day ago

As an old fart, I actively dislike photorealistic graphics in most cases. I'm playing a game, and I kind of want it to look like a game, which generally means more surrealistic - exaggerated contrast, high saturation, low texture - than realistic. I'd rather play where the characters look like caricatures than my next door neighbor. And that doesn't even go into great games with sprite-like graphics.

Enough is enough. You've saturated the art budget, it's time to pay writers more.

[-] 9 points 4 days ago

Have an updoot, Offspring-fan.

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

I got my current number around 3 years go, and the vast majority - easily 95% - of calls I get are still real estate, political, or job search spam for the previous owner. It's on permanent DND, but I'll check the text log every day or two.

[-] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Without an adblocker, I used to mute the system and put youtube in a background window. Do something else long enough for the video and all its ads to play, then go watch it. They wouldn't play the ads on a second play through, and it would interrupt the cycle of constantly playing a new video.

[-] 10 points 4 weeks ago

You know that people pay taxes on the wealth embodied in their house, every year, right? Not even their equity in the house, but the full value - both the piece they own and the piece the bank still owns. Their primary residence is most of the wealth for most of the middle class, so we already have a wealth tax for everyone but the ultra-wealthy.

[-] 14 points 4 weeks ago

Tax on hoarded wealth is pressure to make that wealth do something productive. If you can't get enough return on your invested millions to pay the tax, then you will slowly lose that wealth. Property tax works similarly for farmers and landlords.

The ultra wealthy are exactly the people who should be making big, bold, high-risk bets with their money, because they'll be just fine if they lose a few million. Yet these are the same people who can live a comfortable, even lavish life off the lowest risk, lowest return investments, like government bonds. The rich say social safety nets discourage poor people from working, and I say that tax-free capital discourage it from working.

Also, very important to remember that wealth tax proposals generally target only wealth over a very high threshold. US proposals have been $10-50M, which seems pretty equivalent to the Spanish implementation.

[-] 17 points 4 weeks ago

I'm sure you'll understand if the rest of us are skeptical of a guy worth $20M arguing against a wealth tax.

I mean, you're right that restricted shares are a special problem in assessing "wealth," but that's why tax laws are complicated and full of loopholes.

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

I have something similar, but wifi. Never even tried to connect to it, because you just use the buttons to set temp & time.

I can imagine, though, that an app might have buttons for 'eggs', 'yogurt', 'steak', etc. Or maybe let you program temperature-time sequences. Or let you check how much time is left from the next room. Conveniences. Definitely no need for them to phone home, though, except maybe for an ad-driven 'recipe of the week' type thing.

[-] 20 points 1 month ago

The Android app should still be fine. I'd expect Apple's move to be followed by a lot of creators adding a "Don't use the iOS Patreon app" to their profiles.

I mean, apps that are just the website are a bad idea in the first place, but this specific problem is entirely contained to the iOS app. If some people prefer an app to a bookmark, that's on them.

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

Colon is part of your large intestine.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago

You'd need some way to cache that video, though, because it'd take 24 hours to write 8TB at SD card speeds of 80 MB/s.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

As someone who lives in a major US metro, I order online because I'd rather have a truck that's already on the road make an extra stop at my house than drive a single passenger vehicle 20 minutes each way to get it. Put stuff in the shopping cart, wait for it to hit the free shipping threshold, order. May cost slightly more than stores, but I save on gas and CO2. Groceries, definite go to the store.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

[update, solved] It was apparmor, which was lying about being inactive. Ubuntu's default profile denies bind write access to its config directory. Needed to add /etc/bind/dnskeys/** rw, reload apparmor, and it's all good.

Trying to switch my internal domain from auto-dnssec maintain to dnssec-policy default. Zone is signed but not secure and logs are full of

zone_rekey:dns_dnssec_keymgr failed: error occurred writing key to disk

key-directory is /etc/bind/dnskeys, owned bind:bind, and named runs as bind

I've set every directory I could think of to 777: /etc/bind, /etc/bind/dnskeys, /var/lib/bind, /var/cache/bind, /var/log/bind. I disabled apparmor, in case it was blocking.

A signed zone file appears, but I can't dig any DNSKEYs or RRSIGs. named-checkzone says there's nsec records in the signed file, so something is happening, but I'm guessing it all stops when keymgr fails to write the key.

I tried manually generating a key and sticking it in dnskeys, but this doesn't appear to be used.

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