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Fair, but it's also limited to the very top of the bell curve at any point in time.

[-] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The fastest marathon time for men is 2 hours 1 minute and for women it is 2 hours 14 minutes.

It's an unacceptable leap in logic to infer (from that statement) anything about populations of men and women. You've picked only a single sample from each population and chosen that highly biased representative.

Sorry if this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but how do we know that BlueSky isn't padding their stats with internal bots? I could see this being a viable strategy to attract users and overcome the social network bootstrapping problem.

Rate-limiting could also be applied at the federation level, but I'm less sure of what the implementation would look like. Requiring filters on a per-account basis might be resource intensive.

Why resort to an expensive decentralized mechanism when we already have a client-server model? We can just implement rate-limiting on the server.

Are sockets not files?

[-] 12 points 4 days ago

Objects may have a single trailing comma.

I just came.

Large ISPs still don't support it. It's a fucking travesty.

I think there's a pretty big overlap of gamers and programmers who use Windows or WSL because they don't want to have to dual boot.

It's definitely faster. I have seen measurements from many people showing that Windows is slower compiling Bevy on the same hardware.

Yea I agree. Good UX is a lot of work, and I think FOSS projects rarely prioritize it. Even good documentation is hard to come by. When you write software for your own use case, it's easy to cut UX corners, because you don't need your hand held.

And good UX for a programmer might be completely different from good UX for someone that only knows how to use GUIs. E.g. NixOS has amazing UX for programmers, but the code-illiterate would be completely lost.

I believe that the solution is "progressive disclosure", and it requires a lot of effort. You basically need every interface to have both the "handholding GUI" and the underlying "poweruser config," and there needs to be a seamless transition between the two.

I actually think we could have an amazing Linux distro for both "normies" and powerusers if this type of UX were the primary focus of developers.


Who are these for? People who use the terminal but don't like running shell commands?

OK sorry for throwing shade. If you use one of these, honestly, what features do you use that make it worthwhile?


More specifically, I'm thinking about two different modes of development for a library (private to the company) that's already relied upon by other libraries and applications:

  1. Rapidly develop the library "in isolation" without being slowed down by keeping all of the users in sync. This causes more divergence and merge effort the longer you wait to upgrade users.
  2. Make all changes in lock-step with users, keeping everyone in sync for every change that is made. This will be slower and might result in wasted work if experimental changes are not successful.

As a side note: I believe these approaches are similar in spirit to the continuum of microservices vs monoliths.

Speaking from recent experience, I feel like I'm repeatedly finding that users of my library have built towers upon obsolete APIs, because there have been multiple phases of experimentation that necessitated large changes. So with each change, large amounts of code need to be rewritten.

I still think that approach #1 was justified during the early stages of the project, since I wanted to identify all of the design problems as quickly as possible through iteration. But as the API is getting closer to stabilization, I think I need to switch to mode #2.

How do you know when is the right time to switch? Are there any good strategies for avoiding painful upgrades?

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