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[-] 2 points 1 week ago

It actually saved my life a few months back, I had a dying windows server I needed to resurrect and the tools on there were perfect for it.

[-] 23 points 1 week ago

Hirens boot cd is a great tool if you're working with windows. You are not always going to need it, but when you do need it it's awfully nice to have it.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Anyone who owned doom 1 and doom 2 got a new item in their steam or gog library with damn near everything included including stuff like sigil and a new episode they just made.

There's a new doom 2 RTX mod that clips into that version and it combines ray tracing with voxel art to give the most impressive raycast doom 2 I've imagined so far. Well worth a look especially since it's free for a lot of gamers.

[-] 4 points 1 week ago

I picked up an Amiga at a yard sale and found floppy disks on Amazon. I didn't bother buying any and instead bought a gotek floppy disk emulator.

[-] 1 points 2 weeks ago

"dad I'm sanic"

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Having a pair of default gateways could be an issue. On Windows (which I know, isn't the OS here), you have to be pretty careful because if you're straddling two networks, you need to pick one network to be the dominant one, that's the one whose default gateway will get packets heading onto outbound networks.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

When I'm using linux, I do something similar, I just sync'd my home folder as my nextcloud directory and that similarly made all my files available.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

The way I've got it set up is I have a Nextcloud\Desktop, Nextcloud\Downloads, Nextcloud\Documents, Nextcloud\Pictures, and Nextcloud\Videos folder, and on each machine I use I point each of those points in windows to use the folder in the nextcloud folder instead of my users folder, then I run the official client to sync the entire nextcloud folder. By doing that, whichever computer I'm on I've got the same stuff in my main folders and anything else I have I can keep in the nextcloud folder. I've also got it on my mobile device just to automatically upload new pictures to the InstantUploads folder, but the app is a bit limited.

I live equally on the road working as at home, and I've got completely different computers for home and travel, so in this way I've always got all my files available since once I start up the computer it automatically starts pulling the local files. If you don't want a full copy of everything on both machines, I think you can tell it to just create links of the files and the client will download the files from the server as they're required, but I prefer having a local copy of the files myself.

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

I use nextcloud for syncing between different computers, because I tend to have different machines that are far separated geographically, and it works well. I put all my home folders on each computer into the nextcloud directory so I have all the same files everywhere I go and if I don't have one of my computers I can still log in and access those files.

I used to use nextcloud as my solution for everything, but a big problem with photos is it isn't really very navigable, and a problem with nextcloud as a general platform is everything is a plugin so if the plugin doesn't get updated you can be stuck on an older version of the software which carries its own risks. As well, given the interface, You have your media but you can't really go back and look at it. What I did instead is I set up a library in jellyfin with all my photos sorted into directories, and you can scroll and navigate through them fairly intuitively. I pulled my data out of google and facebook before deleting the accounts and so had many many photos but no way to really enjoy them, but that solution worked really well for me and I've been able to look at my old photos easily.

[-] 8 points 1 month ago

I find a lot of AAA games don't really do couch coop these days which is disappointing.

One game I always come back to (and it's ancient and Free to Play) is Awesomenauts. It's a cartoon sidescrolling hero shooter type thing, but it's a lot of fun.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago

I wonder if you've ever used a Chromecast based on this criticism.

For a standard Chromecast, you open the app on your phone, then press the cast button, then the device you want to cast to, and the the device begins to stream the media independently of your device. You can shut off the device you used to start casting and it doesn't matter because Chromecast is pulling the data on its own.

On some websites such as YouTube on PC, you also have a cast button and you can press it, select the device and it'll start playing. you can get this button to work on all kinds of sites, and a lot of open source software supports it to a degree such as VLC, Peertube (through a plugin), and Jellyfin.

Using google chrome you can cast your current webpage or your desktop, but that's not the standard use of Chromecast.

It takes some finagling, but you can cast from Jellyfin to a standard Chromecast right from your phone.

The latest version out is Chromecast with Android TV, which is really nice (for now). It's running a version of android and has the play store, so you can set up the Jellyfin android TV app, and stream from your home server without requiring a domain name or https like you do to stream properly on straight Chromecast.

The big issue with Chromecast in my view is that it's a Google product which means 3 things:

  1. it's proprietary, which has many risks coming from that nature and a crappy largely hidden API
  2. it can be shut down any moment if they desire (see google graveyard), and being an always-on device it's possible they just brick it on the way out
  3. it will suck up as much data as they can from you to try to sell you more crap
[-] 13 points 1 month ago

Creative industries in general have been somewhat stagnant including TV, video games, movies, and so on.

Part of it is the raw bureaucratization of society where box checkers and rule followers are getting into creative positions and being uncreative.

That's also why there are good things out there in niche spaces, because creative people didn't disappear they're just keeping low.


Short side hamper handle from the top:

Long side hamper handle from the bottom:

I always enjoy prints that just become part of our lives (and especially ones that let us keep using something that's going to the landfill otherwise)

The hamper has handles that break. For most people I think that'd be time to replace it. I didn't want to do that, so I designed a new handle based on the handle on the short end. This ended up being a mistake later, I'll explain then.

I printed 2 handles (the connection between the two is just to make the printing work better since it can print the two pieces as one piece, then I just snap the two apart and clean up the spot they were connected)

I used my rotary tool to remove the remnants of the original handles. I should have used the cutting tool but I had the diamond grinder so I used that. It worked fine, I was able to fully remove the old material. A quick test fit confirmed that the handle design was pretty good (I just used a tape measure for the measurements so this was a real potential problem)

I went to the long side, but realized that the design of the hamper was different lengthwise than widthwise. I removed a couple tabs that were going to block the new handle, and instead of putting it in as designed, I just put it sideways, which fit.

I put the two in and added gorilla glue. Gorilla glue requires water to foam up, so I wet all the parts. Now everything is fitted, the glue is in, and it's just drying now. I'd consider this repair a success, and I expect the strong PLA part to give the whole hamper a lot more stiffness at those parts, and there's significantly more material in these spots that break. If the other two handles break, I'll just print two more, and at that point I can't help but think that the hamper will be bulletproof.


Link aggregators have a problem on the fediverse. The approach is server-centric, which has positives, but it also has major negatives.

The server-centric approach is where a community belongs to a certain server and everything in the world revolves around that server.

The problem is that it's a centralized formula that centralizes power in a the hands of a whichever servers attract the most users, and potentially breaks up what might be a broader community, and makes for a central point of failure.

Right now, if and talk on then a lot of things can happen to break that communication. if defederates then the communication will not happen. If breaks then the communication will not happen. If shuts down then the communication will not happen. If's instance gets taken over by management that doesn't want person1 and person2 to talk, then the communication will not happen.

Another problem is that and might never meet, because they might be on and This means that a community that could reach critical mass to be a common meeting place would not because it's split into a bunch of smaller communities.

Mastodon has servers going up and down all the time, and part of the reason it's able to continue functioning as a decentralized network is that as long as you're following people on a wide variety of servers then one server going down will stop some users from talking but not all of them so the system can continue to operate as a whole. By contrast, I'm posting this to one server, and it may be seen by people on a wide variety of servers, but if the one server I'm posting this to goes down the community is destroyed.

There are a few ways to solve the problem...

one method could work as something like a specific "federated network community". There would be a local community, and the local community would federate (via local mods, I presume) with communities on other instances creating a specific metacommunity of communities on many instances that could federate with other activitypub enabled communities, and if any of the federated communities go down the local community remains. If any servers posed problems they could cease being followed, and in the worst case a community could defederate totally from a server (at a community level rather than a server level) In that case, and could be automatically linked up once both connect to (I'm thinking automatic linking could be a feature mods could turn off and on for highly curated communities), and if shuts down or defederates with one of the two, and would continue to be able to talk through their federated network.

Another method would be something more like hashtags for root stories, but I don't know how server-server links would be accomplished under a platform like lemmy, kbin, or lotide. I don't know how hashtags migrate on mastodon type software and how that migrates. In that case, it might be something like peertube where a network is established by admins (or users, I don't know) connecting to other servers manually.

Finally, I think you could implement the metacommunity without changing the entire fediverse by having the software auto-aggregate metacommunities. You could create a metacommunity community1 on that would then automatically aggregate all posts on communities called community1 on all known servers. The potential downside of this is you could end up with a lot of noise with 100 posts of the same story, I haven't thought much about how you could handle duplicates so you could participate but wouldn't have 100 similar posts. In this case with respect to how to handle new posts, each metacommunity would be a local community and new individual posts would be posted locally and federated to users on other metacommunities. If metacommunities of this sort became the norm, then the duplicates problem may be solved organically because individuals using metacommunities would see the posts on other metacommunities and wouldn't bother reposting the same story, much like how people see a story and don't repost in individual communities.

One big problem is scaling, doing something like this would definitely be a non-trivial in terms of load per community. Right now if one person signs up to one community, they get a lot of posts from one server. Under a metacommunity idea like this, if one person signs up to one community, they get a lot of posts from many, many servers. has 5967 total instances connected to it, and 2155 instances running lemmy, lotide, kbin, mbin, or friendica that could contain similar types of community, that's a lot of communities to follow for the equivalent of one single community, especially if some of the communities in the metacommunity have a lot of traffic in that community. You'd have to look at every known server to first see if it exists and second if it has a community appropriate for the metacommunity, and the metacommunity would have to routinely scan for dead hosts to remove from the metacommunity and live hosts that may start to see an appropriate metacommunity has been created.

I'm sure there are other solutions, but I'm just thinking of how things work within my current understanding.

Of course, for some people, the problem is one they don't want solved because it isn't a problem in their view (and that's a legit view even if it's one I'm not really amenable to). Some people prefer smaller communities, or want tighter control over their communities. For servers or communities that don't want to be brought into a metacommunity, it seems like some sort of flag to opt-out (or opt-in as the case may be) should be designed in -- I'm thinking something in the community description like a textflag NOMC or YESMC that server software would be designed to respect.

With respect to moderation, It seems to me that you could have a variety of strategies -- you could have a sort of default accept all moderation where if one instance moderates a post other instances take on the same action, or whitelist moderation where if one instance or one set of moderators on a whitelist take an action then other instances take the same action, or a sort of republican moderation where if a certain number of instances take an action then other instances take the same action, and probably an option for individual metacommunities to only accept moderation from the local community the original post came from. I suspect you'd want a choice in the matter per metacommunity instance on a server.


Anyone who knows me knows that I've been using next cloud forever, and I fully endorse anyone doing any level of self hosting should have their own. It's just a self-hosted Swiss army knife, and I personally find it even easier to use than something like SharePoint.

I had a recurring issue where my logs would show "MYSQL server has gone away". It generally wasn't doing anything, but occasionally would cause large large file uploads to fail or other random failures that would stop quickly after.

The only thing I did is I went in and doubled wait_timeout in my /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

After that, my larger file uploads went through properly.

It might not be the best solution but it did work so I figured I'd share.


Apparently it's been out since June and I just never realized, but there's a new pfsense out.

Not exactly timely, but I bet I'm not the only one who easily forgets about that particular thing. Most of my stuff is set to autoupdate so I tend to forget.

The upgrade downloaded a large number of packages, I think about 160, during which network connectivity continued to function. After downloading, my router PC reset, and that first boot after the upgrade took quite a few minutes. I ended up running the 90 second timer out after which it reset to 20 seconds a number of times. I was just about to start digging for an HDMI cable to see what when I heard the router beep and my internet came back. Perfect upgrade, didn't need to fix anything afterwards.


So both lemmy and lotide were having big problems where they'd get totally overwhelmed, especially once I started federating with huge instances. At first I thought it was because my servers aren't very powerful, but eventually I got the idea that maybe it's because it can't keep up with federation data from the big instances.

So I decided to limit the connections per IP address. Long-term testing isn't done yet, but so far both my lemmy and lotide instances aren't getting crushed when they're exposed to the outside world, so I think it's helping.

In /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, under the http section, I added the line "limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=conn_limit_per_ip:10m;"

Then, in my sites-available folder for the services, I added "limit_conn conn_limit_per_ip 4;" or something similar. Both lemmy and lotide have different sections for ActivityPub and API, so it appears I can limit the connections just to those parts of the site.

It's only been a few days, but whereas before both instances would die randomly pretty quickly once exposed to the outside world, now it appears that they're both stable. Meanwhile, I'm still getting federated posts and comments.

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