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I wish for the responsible judges, politicians and CEOs to get spat in the face by their own children for being the disgusting vile pieces of shit that they are. Sadly, too often, the apple does not fall far enough from the tree.

and i wondered: if women in the past were hunting and thus using their skill like men do and yada yada, not gender roles like today and stuff, does that mean that there was no patriarchy back then?

But you asked exactly that - and I gave you examples of women that "were hunting and thus using their skill" and there was no patriarchy in some of those systems - even into the present.

Also - let's be real - most men nowadays who talk about "men hunting" are fat slobs who couldn't hunt a chicken with a limp ;)

There are tribal people that live in matriarchy. If that answers your question. Also, the amazons are not just a myth.

I think you went off on a tangent. This is not what I was complaining about. Also, I do not have a problem with "gender stuff" - I just have a problem with a lack of objectivity.

The theory proposes that hunting was a major driver of human evolution and that men carried this activity out to the exclusion of women. It holds that human ancestors had a division of labor, rooted in biological differences between males and females, in which males evolved to hunt and provide and females tended to children and domestic duties. It assumes that males are physically superior to females and that pregnancy and child-rearing reduce or eliminate a female's ability to hunt.

Oh boy, what a load of bullshit to start an article that may very well have a solid point. I lost all interest in reading at this paragraph.

"It holds" - as if there was only one theory - and everyone who believes that men were mostly hunters and women mostly gatherers would be guilty of the assumptions mentioned thereafter.

I, for one, only ever heard that due to men mostly hunting (because women were busy with children), men evolved to have a better perception of moving images e.g. small movements of prey in hiding, and women evolved to have a better perception of details of inanimate objects (e.g. finding things to forage). And that explanation - while not necessarily correct - made sense, and is in no way the sexist bullshit that the article insinuates.

The author of that article is not doing feminism a favor by basically alleging "all who believe men evolved to hunt and women to gather are chauvinists".

Interesting read but I'd argue a fish is a concept by characteristics, not considered a biological classification. Much like mammals.

Fish: has scales and fins and a swim bladder and gills. Sharks are not easy to classify as fish, and whales certainly are not.

Again, thanks for the article, it was interesting to read indeed.

[-] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

german people have large privacy and date security fears. This has kept them off of many other platforms. Most people in my friends circle never had a MySpace / Facebook… Being in an anonymous space like here is nice.

While this is true for me(*) - partially, it's not a fear, it's a certainty that my data is not secure anywhere online - I would be positively surprised (but kind of doubt that) if younger people actually think consciously about their online privacy.

* never had myspace, deleted all my facebook posts, comments, contacts & then account in 2012 when they changed the terms & conditions to own everything you upload - and before then I had never used my real last name there

I guess I should have clarified in my original comment that I was exaggerating - obviously, C++ doesn't get as bad as python, not even into the same ballpark.

My emphasis was on "don't use C++ like you would python" because that's not good advice imo.

Importing CSV into SQL is trivial and gives you far more control than Excel can.

Not quite, but smart pointers in the wrong location can be quite wasteful in terms of CPU cycles.

There's a tool for a given job. And for some, Excel may be decent. But for many, MS Access used to be far superior to Excel. Not sure if it is still maintained well, as I no longer use MicroShit

[-] 10 points 2 weeks ago

But, if you're a power user doing a lot of complex data analytics, Excel is still the king.

Only if you refuse to learn SQL and do everything in a fraction of the time with way more functionality.

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