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[-] 6 points 10 months ago

The former definition is being openly stated by the Israeli president, prime minister, and senior government officials as explicit justification for years of illegal settlements and apartheid.

The latter definition is a purely speculative excuse from Euro-American liberals that ignores that Palestinian Jews existed before Zionism in order to pretend that Jews can’t exist as part of a multiethnic society.

[-] 6 points 10 months ago

I’ve had 3 ereaders and the only real changes I noticed between my oldest and newest is water resistance, lighting, and barely noticeable resolution improvements. Upgrading won’t fundamentally change your reading experience.

[-] 5 points 10 months ago

So you got banned for homophobia then?

[-] 7 points 10 months ago

you based your entire opinion here on “whatever the opposite of America is”

Pure projection. I treat Russia as an ordinary liberal democratic state led by ordinary human people with rational self-interested motives rather than a cartoon villain with an army of mindless robots. My refusal to treat them as fundamentally evil, irrational, or inhuman doesn't suggest that I think they're "good", selfless, or beyond criticism. It means I judge them by the same standards I'd use to judge any similar state with a similar political and economic system in similar circumstances.

I don’t need to like how America acts to also not like how Russia acts.

If you're an American as I am, then your taxes funded the 2014 coup of Ukraine, the ongoing war on Donetsk and Luhansk, sabotaging the Minsk agreements, and prohibiting a negotiated end to the ongoing conflict. You're not some unbiased neutral observer if you're pretending to claim "both sides bad" while actively funding and voting to maintain the war and block every local attempt at peace. Absent continuous US intervention for over a decade, this war never happens.

I don't care where Russia and Ukraine decide to put lines on a map between them. That's exclusively up to the people that actually live there, and Euro-Americans like me aren't entitled to an opinion about it. I care that my government stop using money generated by my community's labor to murder the people that live there.

[-] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Believe it or not, history didn't actually start in 2021, and Nazi collaborators didn't all suddenly disappear in 1945 after enthusiastically carrying out the holocaust. Many German Nazis went right back to work at NATO, the West German government, and various US intelligence and military projects. The Ukrainian fascist organizations, Stepan Bandera's Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists among them, that directly participated in the murder of over a million Jews, Poles, and communists operated continuously through the 2014 coup where they overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government with the backing of the United States. The coup government had been waging continuous open war on Russians living in Luhansk and Donetsk for 8 years before Russia came to their defense at the explicit request of their democratically elected governments.

Of course, you either already know this and don't care, or you're going to choose to ignore it to substitute with some cartoon fantasy about how there was peace in the world until Putin and his orcs arbitrarily decided to blacken the land with their unclean hordes and wipe out the good, clean, pure Men of the West for absolutely no reason and with no strategic objective beyond embodying the metaphysical concept of evil.

[-] 6 points 10 months ago

“Suddenly the Fuhrer is fascist just because he supports the Vichy government’s right to sovereignty over France?”

[-] 11 points 10 months ago

Germany continuing their longstanding tradition of funding Nazi collaborators to kill Russians.

[-] 0 points 10 months ago

"love it or leave it" says the "anti-authoritarian"

[-] 3 points 10 months ago

Yes I've seen it used that way commonly. I'm seeing it used that way commonly right now. The "joke" originates from a picture of Xi Jinping and Barack Obama in which the Asian man is compared to a yellow bear, and the black man is compared to an African cat named "Tigger". If you saw people calling Obama "Tigger" (or "a tigger", so be a bit less subtle about it) as an epithet, I seriously doubt you'd be willing to accept claims of ignorance, or that "catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go" is just a harmless phrase that people say because it "upsets" him in a totally race neutral way.

I'm glad you mentioned the Trump hands thing too, because while there's not an analogous racial component, you make the joke for the same reason: it's not to "upset Trump", who absolutely doesn't know you exist and is totally unaffected by anything you personally say or do. You do it to identify yourself to other American liberals as a consumer of John Oliver or Stephen Colbert's TV shows. I think it's petty and stupid to substitute fandom for politics, but at the end of the day, correcting you on that isn't terribly important to me. Trump is a white American whose deliberate actions have made life materially worse for most people I personally know, and who has no shortage of public statements that are repugnant on their face. The entire US political and economic system exists to protect him and people like him.

Why do I give a shit what petty superficial shit you say about Xi then? I promise it's not for his benefit. I don't know the guy, and crucially, I don't think you do either. I believe that you hate him, but I don't believe it's for anything specific that he personally said or did. I'm no expert, but by all accounts he seems to be a pretty boring guy that says pretty normal generic shit about development, stability, and cooperation. I'm willing to bet you don't speak Chinese, or have some terribly deep personal connection to China, so I'm also willing to bet he only exists for you as a vague symbol of "badness" constructed through your consumption of English language capitalist media. Media produced by Euro-American companies with a direct financial stake in manufacturing consent for a war against China. I think if Xi were replaced tomorrow with a literal mannequin, you'd still believe you had good reasons for hating that mannequin. The reason I wasted my time typing all this isn't because I believe Xi needs to be protected from you (maliciously or not) making racist jokes on the internet. It's because I would really prefer it if English speaking people that probably believe themselves to be kind and good and caring didn't invest their time and effort and energy into dehumanizing and othering one of the most populous nations on earth toward the end of justifying a nuclear war that will probably end human life on earth. There are simply less destructive ways to get your lulz online.

[-] 6 points 10 months ago

Have some perspective my dude: nobody saying this shit on the internet in English is doing it because it “upsets him”. Xi Jinping isn’t reading this. You are not in communication with him. He doesn’t know who you are. White anglos say it to each other because it makes them feel good to have a license to make racist jokes in a context where their peers won’t shame them for it.

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