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[-] 1 points 7 months ago

we are throwing accuracy out the window by using milli anyway so who the hell cares

It's a factor of 8 we're talking about. That's not far off from a factor of 10. If a factor of 10 difference is important enough to get its own prefix in SI, I think a factor of 8 difference is plenty enough to care about having clarified notation. This isn't like the mega/mebi thing where the drift is only on the order of 3%.

[-] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

mean: <2 eyes

median: 2 eyes

mode: 2 eyes

[-] 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They use a fuser unit to cook the toner and bind it to the paper. It's not exactly burning the paper itself per se, but high heat is definitely involved.

Source: repaired a laser printer with a damaged fuser unit that was actually burning paper.

[-] 14 points 7 months ago

Seeing "please" in the script for some commands but not all of them is giving me INTERCAL flashbacks.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I believe I pay USD $70/mo for 100 Mbps down / 20 Mbps up. American midwest.

Tends to actually measure around 10%-20% higher than advertised. Just ran some speed tests and got 120/40. Not complaining.

$5/mo or $10/mo of that I think is for renting the modem which I stupidly have not bought yet.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

I've never seen transfer rates given in MBps in the wild. It's always Mbps.

Serial network connections give no care to byte alignment, they operate either bit by bit or symbol by symbol (which are rarely byte aligned).

[-] 0 points 7 months ago

They mutually imply one another.

If something was private, but not secure, well, that implies there are ways to breach the privacy, which isn't very private at all.

If it's secure, but not private, that implies it's readable by someone other than the consenting conversational parties, which makes it insecure.

[-] 8 points 7 months ago

That sounds like it'd be fantastic for reading but, depending on how it's implemented, hell for posting.

Lemmy already aggregates posts from communities you follow into one feed. If it allowed the creation of an arbitrary number of sub-feeds configurable by the user, that would be incredible. But every user would have to build these on their own from scratch. Great for user choice, but no communities will come bundled by default, so small communities won't get a discovery boost.

If instead there was some kind of first-class notion of a "supercommunity" offered on the server side, where it acted as a transparent view of other communities, that'd be a great visibility boost for small communities. But if you tried to post to it, which underlying community would it post to? You'd have to either designate a default community to receive posts (which would be unfair to every other community there), randomize where it goes to (which would be a quagmire, what if your post is allowed in half of the communities present but rule-breaking in the others?), burden the user with choosing (which would be hell if there are a lot), or simply make it read-only. I don't really like any of these. It also raises hairy questions about who will control which communities are and are not part of the group, how the groupings react to defeds, etc.

[-] 4 points 7 months ago

Nvidia and AMD broadly cover the same use cases. Nvidia cards are not intrinsically better to my knowledge, Nvidia simply offers ultra high-performance cards that AMD doesn't.

If you just need nonspecific games to run decently, a card from either brand will do it. If you need to run the most intensive games there are on unbelievable settings, that's when Nvidia should be edging out.

ML dabbling may complicate things. Many (most?) tools are written for CUDA, which is a proprietary Nvidia technology. I think AMD offers a counterpart but I do not have details. You will need to do more research on this.

[-] 15 points 7 months ago

I am going to continue to tell people "just get an AMD card", but only if they have indicated to me that they are shopping for new parts and haven't committed to any yet.

Giving that advice to someone who already has an Nvidia card is just as useless as those StackOverflow answers that suggest you dump your whole project architecture and stuff some big dumb library into your build to solve a simple problem.

[-] 3 points 7 months ago

Doing alright, I think.

Had a good weekend. Went to a rodeo and played a lot of Factorio SE.

Discovered yesterday that my clothes dryer vent is plugged. Probably has been for some time, maybe years? Put in a maintenance request to have it fixed. Hopefully in the next couple days I'll finally be able to dry clothes in a single cycle instead of two. Pretty stoked about that.

Work is a tad stressful. Boss kinda shot from the hip with a new overhaul of our logistical processes and suddenly needs our in-house software restructured with a plethora of new features it was never designed to handle. I fear I won't meet any of the deadlines at the pace I'm going. Boss seems to understand this at least and isn't the type to hold me over hellfire about it.

Looking forward to next weekend. Going to an annual Paddy's Day pub crawl and visiting my parents.

[-] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Generally my policy is that if it's news I need to hear, it will find its way to me one way or another. I need not go seeking it out. I will look up something I've heard if I want more info, but I don't read news for its own sake.

The great bulk of news that reaches me being second, third, fourth-hand and beyond means I'm not well-informed about anything. But at least I'm not wasting brain cells on whatever dumb shit did, or what shit said, or what breakthrough made that does not remotely lead to the conclusion the article implies, or some journalist's speculative opinion piece masquerading as news.

If I could just get a dry listing of everything that happened the previous day, only including events of actual consequence like "law passed" or "person died" or "business discontinues product/service", and leaving behind any event that can be effectively retold as " scrawled message on public toilet stall" (like many celebrity and political articles) or anticipation pieces that try to predict future events, I'd be satisfied.

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