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[-] 16 points 6 months ago

Finally found out why I couldn't renew my Let's Encrypt cert.

Did you know fresh installs of Debian Testing come with firewalld installed and enabled to auto-block all incoming connections? Me neither!

[-] 6 points 6 months ago

The only difference between a novice and a professional is that a professional checks what they are copying to understand it first before allowing it into their codebase.

Novices copy code to avoid having to understand it. Professionals copy code to avoid reinventing the wheel.

[-] 62 points 7 months ago

Getting static shocked by the TV screen.

[-] 57 points 7 months ago

A lot of folks blame this on kids simply not wanting to go outside anymore. But I believe a significant dimension to it also lies in the fact that the world is a lot more hyper vigilant about punishing things like trespassing, loitering, hooliganism, and the like.

The woods? Whose woods? Someone owns that land. Are they gonna call the cops on you if they notice you're in there? Do they not want you damming up their creek? Is that going to be considered vandalism? Do they not want to be liable if you injure yourself on their property? All questions that probably aren't in a kid's head, but I imagine would be on a modern parent's. The safety risks are high. Always were, that's not new. But the legal risks are new.

And yeah, it's not like getting in trouble for these sorts of things didn't happen back in, say, my dad's childhood. But I'd wager my dad would have gotten picked up by cops in his youth and sent off with stern tut-tut by the local sheriff for being just another incident of rowdy boys being boys, while my kid (if I had one) would be far more likely to make it out with a criminal record if they're old enough, or trigger a lawsuit against me for my negligence if they aren't.

[-] 11 points 7 months ago

Briefs. Actual support. The singular function underwear has.

Boxers are just commando with extra steps. Utterly pointless.

I consider all enlightened boxer brief centrists to be strictly in the briefs camp as boxer briefs are just briefs with leg extensions.

[-] 4 points 7 months ago

It would have been Fucking, Austria. But it finally broke under the pressure and was renamed. I have not dedicated any brain cells to remembering what exactly its new name is, which I guess is the intended effect.

[-] 8 points 7 months ago

What's a FOSS pword manager

There are probably more that these two out there but the two I know of that fit this bill are Bitwarden and KeePass. The latter comes in two flavors, the original KeePass that kinda looks like shit and tries to stay lean and defer niche features to plugins, and the fork KeePassXC that tries to give it a sleeker UX with more features natively baked-in. I will refer to both simply as "KeePass" for the rest of this comment.

that is easy to use

"Easy to use" is relative. If you're savvy enough to know what FOSS software even is, to care about using it, and to find your way onto an experimental platform like Lemmy to ask about it, I'd say youre more than capable of handling either of the above choices with ease.

reliable, likely to be around and working in 5 years

I'd wager that on both Bitwarden and KeePass.

and won't leave me feeling shit up a creek if my phone dies or I'm using a public terminal with software installation restrictions

Bitwarden offers free cloud hosting and a web interface. As long as you have access to a browser and an Internet connection, you have access to your Bitwarden key store.

KeePass is offline-only and requires specialized client software to read its key store file format. Though, since all it is is a file, you can use simple and straightforward methods to make it accessible wherever you need it. Copy it to a flash drive. SCP it between devices. Put it on a cloud service like Dropbox. You have options. It's just up to you to use them.

Bitwarden also lets you save locally stored files and manage them like KeePass, if you're into that.

Honestly, since each can be made to more or less behave like the other, which one you pick largely comes down to taste. Bitwarden is more turn-key if you want cloud hosting, KeePass makes you work for it. Bitwarden is a company providing a premium service you can buy, while KeePass is a completely free project funded only by good will donations.

I prefer KeePassXC, personally.

[-] 80 points 7 months ago

I replied to that thread.

OP was claiming to be working on a static HTML-serving search engine. They suggested that because it's just HTML and CSS, and that interested parties can use Inspect Element to read the network requests, that it constituted "open source".

Commenters then got on his case about not open sourcing the server backend. OP defended that choice saying they didn't want a competitor taking their code and building a company off of it that would "drive [them] out of business". Uh-huh. So, proprietary software, then. Bye.

[-] 2 points 7 months ago

Collectible marketable plushies of anime girls from a very specific franchise. Have a bit of a meme cult following. Both the franchise itself as a whole and this product line in specific.

Google will show you what they look like, and /r/fumofumo on Reddit has a collection of memes and shitposts to see, but if you don't get the appeal that wouldn't be surprising.

[-] 12 points 7 months ago

Had a lapse of judgement once and sent one of those 2FA passcodes sent to me via SMS to a shady guy on Craigslist. This was back when 2FA was still in the process of becoming ubiquitous, I do not believe I had seen one before that point.

I believe the only thing it allowed them to do was register a Google Talk number in my account's name. I immediately dissociated my account from the number after this interaction (strangely, you could not actually cancel the number, only disown it, so I guess the scammer still got what they wanted anyway) and changed my account password for good measure.

I've also bought many bootleg collectors items off of Ebay. Though, each time I've done so was fully knowing the listings were lying, and still wanting the bootleg garbage anyway.

[-] 14 points 7 months ago

MLMs can be actually viable jobs for a very select few of people. Not entirely unlike how you can theoretically make money at a casino. There need to be winners to the game once in a while, or else no one would play. The game is just rigged wildly out of your favor.

The general structure of an MLM as I understand it is sort of a cross between a wholesale job and playing a mobile gacha game. Unlike a normal business where you purchase stock to match your demand, and only stock items that actually sell, an MLM contractually obligates you to buy a certain volume of stock, and each shipment is essentially a lootbox full of who knows what. It then becomes your responsibility to get rid of the stock any way you possibly can.

When you buy all that stock, you are not buying it from a factory or a warehouse. You are buying it from another person in the same position as you, one layer up. They are also playing the lootbox gacha and trying to get rid of all the crap. Except, hmm, now they have at least one person beneath them who is contractually forced to buy from them, and can't select which stock they're buying. Gee, I wonder what you're gonna be getting...

Whenever you actually do manage to sell something off, a cut of that kicks back to the person who sold you that stock. And a piece of that kickback goes to the person who sold them that stock, and so on, up and up.

The real money in MLMs is having so many people beneath you that the kickbacks start adding up into significant income. This is theoretically achievable. But it requires a very specific kind of personality matrix who is not squeamish about being a little cut-throat to get ahead, and generally requires a significant investment where you are going deep into the red just for the opportunity. And even if you do make it there, you have to accept the knowledge that your profitability can only exist necessarily because of the existence of many people beneath you all spinning those slots and losing the rigged game to the house (who by this point is you).

[-] 11 points 7 months ago

I have a fair amount of crap, but not a lot of it is of much interest to most people.

Unless someone out there wants me to show up with a laundry basket full of Fumos and subject them to an unsolicited three hour lecture on Touhou lore...

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