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[-] 11 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

And those motocross. My family lives in a rural area with a rail trail. So to go there I often just cycle on the rail trail.

Unfortunately it's also used by a local motocross group. They're not supposed to but they obviously don't give a fuck.

At least you can hear them coming from kilometres away. Which is interesting because the police or whoever is supposed to enforce "bicycles only" on that bike path doesn't seem to hear them. Nor see the very obvious tracks.

The most insulting part is that they close the path in fall, winter and spring because they don't want CYCLISTS to damage the bike path, yet there's assholes on motocross driving on it.

[-] 12 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

The one about the memorial built in advance for a damn disaster that they all saw coming but did nothing about, except for the memorial of the future victims.

This disaster will have been preventable. All of the warning signs are here now. Yet, no one will have fucking done anything about it.

[-] 1 points 3 days ago

And those same people were thriving and doing much better when Trump was president?

[-] 11 points 4 days ago

TBF, the type of vehicle doesn't really matter. If you want to murder someone, do it with a car and just claim you didn't see the person, that you are shocked, and it's just an "accident". Nobody will question this.

[-] 6 points 5 days ago

Unfortunately this one depends a lot where you live.

I never owned a car but I live in Canada and public transit sucks. Our provincial government is actively cutting funds to cities' public transit. And intercity routes are detained by VIA Rail or coach buses >!!<that sucks.

It's easier for me to go to the airport and in another country than move in my own province.

VIA Rail trains are infrequent, always late, pricey and most employees are jaded. They also don't take bikes. It's a problem. Sometimes you can get stuck as a prisoner on the train, without food, water or toilets for multiple hours.

Another one was stuck for 12 hours last year.

Coaches are cramped and also have very limited intercity services. The city I need to go to frequently only has three coaches a day at inconvenient times. They are usually full and they charge $15 to bring a bike.

I've been car free for 20 years but I've come to hate taking the train or coaches here. I'm slowly realizing that my province really really wants me to get a car.

[-] -1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

PeOpLe On BiKeS dOn'T StOp On rED LiGhTs! HueHehUhEHUhE!

Meanwhile people driving multi-tons vehicles are not coming to a complete halt at every stop sign and it's completely fine. People in cars are important. They have places to go. Not like those idiots on bikes that may start ahead on a red light not to get hooked by a car turning right.

Look at all those damn people on bikes not stopping at stop signs:

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

This thread is giving me flashbacks to the times before Unicode, when swapping files between Windows and Linux partitions would have a good chance of fucking up every non-ASCII characters in their names.

There was ways to set it up so the ISO character sets would match, but it was still a giant pain to deal with different ones.

Blessed be Unicode.

[-] 26 points 1 week ago

Microsoft uses some of these. I remember having to do something like that to setup a minecraft account and at some point I thought I would just give up and lose my money.

[-] 8 points 1 week ago

No thanks, I'll keep pedaling.

[-] 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I work with IBM i/AS400 servers and those are not exactly the quickest thing to "reboot" (technically an IPL). Especially the old ones. I have access to the HMC/console but even this sometimes takes several minutes (if not dozens) just to show what's going on.

It's always a bit stressful to see the codes passing one after the other and then it stops on one and seems to get stuck there for a while before continuing the IPL process. Maybe it's applying PTFs (updates) or something, and you just have to wait while even the console is blank.

I've been monitoring those servers for years and I'm still sometimes wondering if it hanged during the IPL or if it's just doing its thing, because this part, even with codes, is not very verbose.

Fortunately it's also very stable so it pretty much always comes back a few minutes after you start wondering why the hell it's taking so long.

[-] 11 points 1 week ago

I am fortunate enough to know how to set up VMs and use Linux, so I run my own IRC server with a web interface (TheLounge). I can set the upload limit to what I want and settled for 100MB. This way my friends and I are not at the mercy of some proprietary software.

I do pay for a dedicated server that I also use to host my games' servers and also a mumble server, but it's so worth it, just to have control over our stuff.

submitted 4 months ago by to c/

The last two upgrades have broken my audio setup.

First the options for Network Server and Network Access in paprefs were greyed out and my sinks disappeared after upgrading to bookworm. I just had to create a link to an existing file and it was working again but, it's weird that it was needed in the first place. Pretty sure it has something to do with the change from pulseaudio to pipewire but I'm not very up to date on that subject and I just want to have my current setup to continue working.

Then yesterday I just launch a simple apt-get upgrade and after rebooting my sinks disappeared again. The network options in paprefs were still available, but changing them did nothing. I had to create the file ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf.d/10-gsettings.conf and stuff it with "pulse.cmd = [ { cmd = "load-module" args = "module-gsettings" flags = [ "nofail" ] } ]" in order to have my sinks back.

I know it's not only a Debian thing, as I can see this happening to people on Arch forums, but as Debian is supposed to be the "stable" one, I find it amusing that a simple upgrade can break your sound.

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