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[-] 13 points 1 day ago

it's the sort of tool that is really just fundamental now and should be ubiquitous and promoted and taught and talked about every where there is knowledge work. Even more so as there's a great open source version of the tool.

[-] 2 points 3 days ago

Suspicion is totally fair re BlueSky IMO. The system they’ve design seems to me (and others AFAICT) to have the potential to include interconnected components or sections with various degrees of independence.

The elephant in the room, which I point out on BlueSky whenever I can, is that no one seems to really be trying to build the hard parts of that out. Which is a shame because it could be interesting.

EG, there’s a chance that a hybridised system running both BlueSky’s protocol and the fediverse’s could be viable and quite useful. Add to that the integration with some E2EE, and it finally feels like an actual attempt at building something new for the modern internet.

Fortunately there is some noise around these ideas, so hopefully their system can outlast their finances. But yea, a rug pull is definitely not out of the question.

[-] 1 points 3 days ago

Oh I’m with you there! And otherwise totally understandable.

[-] 2 points 4 days ago

I think for python tooling the choice is Python Vs Rust. C isn’t in the mix either.

That seems fair. Though I recall Mumba making headway (at least in the anaconda / conda space) and it is a C++ project. AFAIU, their underlying internals have now been folded into conda, which would mean a fairly popular, and arguably successful portion of the tooling ecosystem (I tended to reach for conda and recommend the same to many) is reliant on a C++ foundation.

On the whole, I imagine this is a good thing as the biggest issue Conda had was performance when trying to resolve packaging environments and versions.

So, including C++ as part of C (which is probably fair for the purposes of this discussion), I don't think C is out of the mix either. Should there ever be a push to fold something into core python, using C would probably come back into the picture too.

I think there’s a survivor bias going on here.

Your survivorship bias point on rust makes a lot of sense ... there's certainly some push back against its evangelists and that's fair (as someone who's learnt the language a bit). Though I think it's fair to point out the success stories are "survivorship" stories worth noting.

But it seems we probably come back to whether fundamental tooling should be done in python or a more performant stack. And I think we just disagree here. I want the tooling to "just work" and work well and personally don't hold nearly as much interest in being able to contribute to it as I do any other python project. If that can be done in python, all the better, but I'm personally not convinced (my experience with conda, while it was a pure python project, is informative for me here)

Personally I think python should have paid more attention to both built-in tooling (again, I think it's important to point out how much of this is simply Guido's "I don't want to do that" that probably wouldn't be tolerated these days) and built-in options for more performance (by maybe taking pypy and JIT-ing more seriously).

Maybe the GIL-less work and more performant python tricks coming down the line will make your argument more compelling to people like me.

(Thanks very much for the chat BTW, I personally appreciate your perspective as much as I'm arguing with you)

[-] 5 points 5 days ago

Yep! And likely the lesson to take from it for Python in general. The general utility of a singular foundation that the rest of the ecosystem can be built out from.

Even that it’s compiled is kinda beside the point. There could have been a single Python tool written in Python and bundled with its own Python runtime. But Guido never wanted to do projects and package management and so it’s been left as the one battery definitely not included.

[-] 6 points 5 days ago

I feel like this is conflating two questions now.

  1. Whether to use a non-Python language where appropriate
  2. Whether to use rust over C, which is already heavily used and fundamental in the ecosystem (I think we can put cython and Fortran to the side)

I think these questions are mostly independent.

If the chief criterion is accessibility to the Python user base, issue 2 isn’t a problem IMO. One could argue, as does in this thread, that in fact rust provides benefits along these lines that C doesn’t. Rust being influenced by Python adds weight to that. Either way though, people like and want to program in rust and have provided marked success so far in the Python ecosystem (as eraclito cites). It’s still a new-ish language, but if the core issue is C v Rust, it’s probably best to address it on those terms.

[-] 2 points 6 days ago

If there is a platform that does it better, I bet people will start to notice.

Yea ... I suspect it's a protocol problem more than any one platform, because there's just too much flexibility in the protocol and so any inter-platform transfer is necessarily noisy. Multiplied by the number of platforms, and you get quite a bit of noise.

To your point though, a new platform that kinda does it all on its own could likely take off quite well and then set a new de facto standard around how to do things. Bonfire seemed to be that, and may still be. AFAIU, they're trying to solve performance issues right now before properly opening up.

[-] 9 points 6 days ago

Fair, but at some point the "dream" breaks down. Python itself is written in C and plenty of packages, some vital, rely on C or Cython (or fortran) and rust now more and more. So why not the tooling that's used all the time and doing some hard work and often in build/testing cycles?

If Guido had packaging and project management included in the standard library from ages ago, with parts written in C, no one would bat an eye lid whether users could contribute to that part of the system. Instead, they'd celebrate the "batteries included", "ease of use" and "zen"-like achievements of the language.

Somewhere in Simon's blog post he links to a blog post by Armin on this point, which is that the aim is to "win", to make a singular tool that is better than all the others and which becomes the standard that everyone uses so that the language can move on from this era of chaos. With that motive, the ability for everyday users to contribute is no longer a priority.

[-] 4 points 6 days ago

Definitely interesting idea (I hadn't really quite seen it formalised like this)! I've kinda had vague similar-ish thoughts along these lines too.

Any chance you'd be willing to go into any more detail, or point to specifics? I'm not familiar with what's going on over on bestiver or in the way of service-type things.

[-] 6 points 6 days ago

Just feels like every attempt at alternative social media is dying as the internet shrinks to a few corporate websites that control everything.

Yea ... it's sort of a lens for me as I view/critique the actions and decisions of people building alt-social ... this stuff is hard and fragile but also important ... so not fucking around with it kinda matters (to me at least).

The hate toward BlueSky from mastodon/AP people, for example, is misguided I think. The, IMO, general lack of concern for inter-platform interop across the fediverse bothers me too, where I ask whether a platform is being a good "fediverse citizen". And some of the "cultural purity through vigilance" culture out of the mastodon/microblogging crowd is, IMO, short sighted.

A common thread being a readiness for negative behaviour and effects rather than building and supporting.

[-] 1 points 6 days ago

As in a new one would be necessary to do the sorts of things I'm suggesting ... or the current moment requires a sort of rebranding and pivot that is best served by a new platform?

[-] 5 points 6 days ago

In general, this is true of the broader population as a whole. Mastodon got the size that it's an actual place (and I think this applies to lemmy/threadiverse too). But it's by no means "THE place" or even categorically a big public place. More like old-school forums that have a particular user base and vibe that you visit from time to time.

For the fediverse, the "migration" was exciting and successful, but compared to big-social, a drop in the ocean. And the biggest clue for that is that the people most excited about Threads joining the fediverse are Evan (author and lead "advocate" of ActivityPub) and Gargron (masto CEO/founder) ... they want to taste that big-social scale and know that they don't have it and likely never will.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

While territorial claims are and will likely be heated, what struck me is that the area is right near the Drake Passage, in the Weddell Sea (which is fundamental to the world's ocean currents AFAIU).

I don't know how oil drilling in the antarctic could affect the passage, but still, I'm not sure I would trust human oil hunger with a 10ft pole on that one.

Also interestingly, the discovery was made by Russia, which is a somewhat ominous clue about where the current "multi-polar" world and climate change are heading. Antarctica, being an actual continent that thrived with life up until only about 10-30 M yrs ago, is almost certainly full of resources.

submitted 4 weeks ago by to c/

New genre just dropped!

I've liked some of the other things this guy has done, but didn't get into this track at first. As I kept watching though, I got more and more into it and am certain I'd be down for an album of this stuff.

submitted 1 month ago by to c/

Fun to see him (kmac2021) making shit again

submitted 2 months ago by to c/
Rick Beato on AI in music (
submitted 3 months ago by to c/

For those who know Rick Beato, you may already have opinions one way or another. Generally I welcome his channel to YouTube.

He has been beating this AI and "computerised music" drum for a while though. I was grateful to see him join the dots between computerised music and AI just taking over: "a computer makes better computer music than a human".

It's a pattern I think I see in technological development. While for us or socially it may look like inflection points change everything, there is likely to be a continuous arc of technology that just happens to mean different things to us as it goes. Electrical technology for music -> electrical technological music ... was always a clear trajectory ... and that people are already accustomed to the hyper-polished "digital" sound of AI music because of the past 20 years just confirms that.

submitted 3 months ago by to c/

Nicely executed VFX experiment (they have a companion video on how they did this and what their motivation was, which is interesting if you're into VFX stuff).

submitted 3 months ago by to c/

Seeing more "cake days" pop up lately, it seems we're approaching (or in) the 1 yr anniversary of the Reddit migration.

It's kinda sweet actually that we all get this reminder of it with the pickup in "cakedays".

It reminds of my seeing the wave happen. I was on lemmy before the migration (not a flex, I joined mastodon in the twitter migration and explored the other fediverse platforms around looking for a reddit/forum alternative) ... and followed a bunch of communities over on my mastodon account. Early last year many of these communities were fairly quiet (or at least quieter than now) and so I didn't really see any of them in my mastodon feed. I'd actually forgotten that I'd followed them. I'd heard word about the API stuff over on Reddit, but I knew something was happening when I started seeing more and more posts in my masto feed that confused me ... it wasn't clear where they were coming from. Double checking I'd see that they came from lemmy communities I'd forgotten about ... and I realised I was seeing lemmy literally come alive!

All these cakedays are kinda the same thing ... a sort of internet equivalent of a weather event or season.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

cross-posted from:

Google's play on Search, Ads and AI feels obvious to me.

* They know search is broken.
* And that people use AI in part because it takes the ads and SEO crap out.
* IE, AI is now what Google was in 2000. A simple window onto the internet.
* Ads/SEO profits will fall with AI.
* But Google will then just insert shit into AI "answers" for money.
* Ads managed + up-to-date AI will be their new mote and golden goose.


See @caseynewton 's blog post:

Cntd (Edit):

That search/SEO is broken seems to be part of the game plan here.

It’s probably like Russia burning Moscow against Napoleon and a hell of a privilege Google enjoy with their monopoly.

I’ve seen people opt for chatGPT/AI precisely because it’s clean, simple and spam free, because it isn’t Google Search.

And as @caseynewton said … the web is now in managed decline.

For those of us who like it, it’s up to us to build what we need for ourselves. Big tech has moved on


With the VisionPro hype already dead (maybe forever?), bad or tasteless iPad ads, purposeless updates to iPad, Apple dropping their car project, and reaching out to OpenAI or Google for AI services ... it certainly feels like it to me. They've at least run into their limitations recently however much they want to find the "next iPhone".

With the VisionPro, I always thought it'd flop and so predicted that it'd be the end for Cook. I'm still holding onto that prediction.

submitted 4 months ago by to c/

A little thread I wrote on masto after watching this talk by Bret Victor and reflecting on their stated ideals for how computing ought to be designed.

submitted 4 months ago by to c/

By "augmenting human intellect" we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems.

Man's population and gross product are increasing at a considerable rate, but the complexity of his problems grows still faster, and the urgency with which solutions must be found becomes steadily greater in response to the increased rate of activity and the increasingly global nature of that activity. Augmenting man's intellect, in the sense defined above, would warrant full pursuit by an enlightened society if there could be shown a reasonable approach and some plausible benefits.

Quote from Doglas Engelbart provided in this talk by (Bret Victor).

submitted 4 months ago by to c/

They’re not done yet. Just announcing (and the verge reporting on it).

Their announcement (here) is quite forceful though, interestingly. The article described it as a manifesto.

See also a recent post here about their survey on integrating activity pub:

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