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[-] 2 points 1 year ago

They can be arrested or just refused entry if they are known to be connected to extremist groups. They should be screened as any other person traveling to Denmark.

If we let them, especially external actors, influence our domestic policy, then they win. Look at what happened to the USA after 9/11. The terrorists won and it's proof that terrorism works. Not only do the people capitulate to the terrorists, but bad domestic actors use it as a means to push some other (anti freedom) agenda.

The alternative is just laying down and letting medeival assholes decide domestic policies of the secular world. Don't let terrorism win.

[-] 13 points 1 year ago

The burners are not causing problems. They're exposing a sickness that these individual people have in their minds. A healthy person doesn't try to hurt someone just because they're offended.

These sick people who would hurt someone for burning a book are the same sort that would throw acid on a woman for some bullshit medieval family honor, for example.

Better to incite them and get them arrested and perhaps even deported before they're allowed to hurt anyone. It shows you won't tolerate it in your society.

Hell, it may even encourage more moderate Muslims to move to that country if they know that the society doesn't tolerate the actions of the small, insane minority. The Muslims that believe in liberal ideals like freedom of expression are exactly the type of immigrants that make a society stronger and we should encourage them.

All this law will do is allow that unhinged mental illness to rest, in secret, before coming out in some other toxic way.

I'm not saying that the book burners are being entirely altruistic here. I wouldn't be surprised if they honestly hated all Muslims. But it is their right to express it without hurting anyone. This feels more like a "broken clock is right twice a day" sort of situation.

[-] 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

How about we strive for a society where people can burn their own property without having to worry about violence?

The islamists that react violently are only proving the point of the people burning the books. Tbh if you try to hurt someone for just burning SOMETHING THEY OWN, maybe you don't deserve to live in a first world country.

[-] 9 points 1 year ago

In this case, couldn't an artist simply not disclose that they used AI for things like script writing or character creation? It would be on the public to figure it out, wouldn't it? It's not necessary to prove that you didn't use AI in creating the works, is it?

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

It's really insane. The sponsored app even has a big fat "Install" button next to it! I've never actually clicked it, but I ALMOST click it every time.

[-] 22 points 1 year ago

I know it's just an anecdote, but I've know quite a few Muslim women that prefer to wear it. I've also met many who don't like to wear them. Is it really fair to ban it for the ones that actually choose to wear it?

Women choosing to dress conservatively isn't exactly something foreign to Italians. Let's not forget that nuns also wear very similar clothing and cover their hair. That's not so different from a hijab.

[-] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Wow, that's pretty crazy to think that so many people can't/won't get a bank account. Are these people undocumented immigrants with no identification? Is this the same part of the population that is targeted by the ID laws for voting?

How are those people getting money? Is it really possible in the USA to just be paid with an envelope of cash? Or is it under the table work? Or if they are poor, is there any kind of benefit/welfare from the government? Don't they need a bank account to receive those funds?

I'm just asking because in my country, I was able to open a bank account for free. I've had it for a year and I've never even deposited any money into it. But I have a debit card for that account. It seems impossible to me to have no access to a bank account. Even if you're homeless, you're still able to use your town hall as a contact address for official things.

[-] 27 points 1 year ago

I always chose to let my brother cut. Then, even if they were perfect halves, I still laughed like a maniac and acted like one piece was clearly better.

[-] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It says that they are sent to Britain to be trained. Unless they're being flown in to some military complex directly, why wouldn't they just run away once they've cleared immigration in the UK? Would British police arrest them even if they haven't broken any laws in the UK? Do Ukrainian army personnel have authorization to capture them and arrest them even on British soil?

[-] 4 points 1 year ago

That's a real concern if you're at all worried about spoilers. It's so easy just to have shit spoiled even if you try to avoid it. Passively hearing about it from school/workmates, social media, or even radio. The stupid radio spoiled the ending of Breaking Bad for me and I never got over it, I guess.

[-] 3 points 1 year ago

I think it's just the beginning. They'll split seasons eventually into 3 or more parts. Or if you wait till all seasons are released, they'll paywall earlier parts. They know people won't wait that long, especially with how easy it is to have things spoiled by social media or among friends/co-workers.

[-] 43 points 1 year ago

The streaming companies are starting to get wise to that. They've started splitting seasons and releasing them separately so that you have to be subbed for 2 months.

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