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[-] 9 points 7 months ago

I got a soda machine that uses packets of powder instead of a c02 cannister.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

Are you under the impression that I approve of cutting off the female clitoris because I take issue with your hypocrisy?

I guess that's more comfortable for you to believe, but then consider that that by your own logic you are defending male genital mutilation.

[-] 81 points 7 months ago

It's sort of become a bit of a meme to end every google question with 'reddit' to trick it into showing you an actual human response. I'm sure that's been good for traffic

[-] 0 points 7 months ago

If you and your buddy both shit your pants then you should put in some new underwear before complaining about the smell of your friend

[-] 3 points 7 months ago

I'd be more inclined to give it all to RIM and tell them to bring back physical keyboards on smartphones.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

That's where the trillion dollar purse is.

[-] 4 points 7 months ago

I did some research

Plato had a complex relationship with the arts, including plays. While he appreciated some aspects of the arts and was a skilled literary stylist himself, he found them threatening due to their potential influence on society. Plato proposed censoring poets and playwrights in his ideal Republic, believing that the arts could shape character and manipulate people[4]. Despite his reservations about plays and other art forms, Plato's dialogues, often considered literary masterpieces, reveal his engagement with dramatic elements and theatrical imagery to express philosophical concepts[5]. Therefore, Plato's views on plays were nuanced, reflecting both appreciation for literary expression and concern about their impact on society.

Citations: [1] Why was Plato against literature and art? Specifically why did he attack ... [2] Thread: Plato's argumentation against theatre and representation [3] The Role of Play in the Philosophy of Plato - jstor [4] Plato's Aesthetics - Rowan University [5] Theatre and Philosophy: The lies in Plato's closet | Double Dialogues

[-] -1 points 7 months ago

Calling a whole country backwards while your own country is doing something backwards is hypocritical, thanks for coming to my ted talk

[-] 8 points 7 months ago

I wonder what the Israeli contingency plan is if the US were to revoke military aid?

It's a major national security concern for them, and a lot of military leaders with clout are dependent on that aid. They must have some sort of PR / Psyop operation ready to drop in such an event.

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