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As someone who has been working in Python a ton for the last couple years, it’s amusing to me how many downvotes you’re getting for simply noting that good code style and tight, terse, modularized implementation of business logic more or less addresses the issue. Because it absolutely does in the vast majority of cases.

It’s like 3D TVs, for a lot of consumer applications tbh

Just checked on my work box - if you go into Disk Utility and start the process to add a volume, the default selection is APFS, and there’s an option in the dropdown for for APFS (Case-sensitive)

But you’re not forced to actually wait through them like on YT - you can just scroll past.

[-] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

macOS also does this by default, but you can change it (though you have to reformat the disk in question). This is generally fine for non-system disks if you REALLY need it for some reason, but afaik it is not recommended for the OS disk due to assumptions that macOS-targeted binaries make (similar to the windows regex version matching that caused problems for a while because it became the unofficial best way to check windows versions for app install compatibility). It’s doubly annoying on newer Apple systems because the integrated SSDs are WAY faster than pretty much anything else you can connect to it. But for the most part, I find it’s more of a nuisance to keep in mind than a real problem (I’ve been dealing with dev-issue MBPs since about 2012).

As in the windows case, this is also an appropriate choice for the average Apple user (though the fact that they’re fairly ubiquitous as dev machines in many places is annoying on several levels, despite the generally solid best-case performance and thermals I’ve observed).

I can’t beanlieve you’ve done this

There’s only so many shell games they can play before the house of cards starts to come down. They are HURTING economically and financially. It’s not sustainable for them. This whole war was a giant gamble, and the longer it goes, the worse the odds for Russia. Granted, they’re not great for Ukraine either as time progresses, but they don’t really have a choice in the matter. As long as Ukraine can hold out reasonably well for the foreseeable future, I’m actually pretty optimistic for them in the long run.

[-] 85 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)


Also, look up the genesis of the conservative media apparatus - specifically, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and how that whole thing came to be in the post-Nixon era. There’s a lot of context, and none of it was done in good faith. The intent was always to game social norms and leverage populist appeals to emotion into tribal ideologies (I.e. us-vs-them/ingroup-vs-outgroup). That’s ultimately the fundamental basis for conservatism.

These days, foreign influence operations (often based in authoritarian countries) aimed at increasing the polarization of a target population also play a major role.

Really seems like the IAEA should have a military wing and unilateral emergency authorization to secure stuff like this from Russian idiocy. Like, I get why they don’t, and why it wouldn’t work even if they did have one (UNSC vetos by Russia), but holy fuck is it insane watching the fucking vatniks playing five-finger-filet with the biggest goddamn nuclear power station in the whole continent of Europe.

lol wtf are you talking about? You can literally take $100 off the price of a computer just because it’s not bundled with a Winderps license - the price is straight up lower because the license cost is $0. You can order some models like this straight from Dell or Lenovo or whatever.

Atomic OSes should be evangelized more aggressively to laypersons. IMO, they’re great for 3 specific use cases:

  • gaming (bazzite) - personally, I want my gaming box to “just work”
  • thin clients/low-powered laptops used as an entry point to your homelab or other remote systems - again, I like having at least one fairly bulletproof and super stable system to use as a human:homelab gateway/admin machine
  • non-techies. If the update fails, just roll back. Can’t remember if that’s generally an automated recovery process or not, but that sort of idiot-proofing is precisely what the general public needs in the context of Linux. Because there are a lot of idiots out there.

Bro just surrender. The Ukrainians will give you water and medical. It’ll probably be better quality than what Russia gives you in both cases.


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Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone protection and ERA.

👀Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone screen and dynamic tank protection. Dynamic protection, in essence, is blocks of plastic that explode towards the cumulative stream of anti-tank ammunition and deflect it to the side. Placing this protection on anything other than the powerful armor of a tank is fraught with even greater damage to the “protected” object. Published by Balu.



As the gifts went on, they began to suspect us of something 🤔


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Ukrainian pilots in light aircraft shoot down Russian UAV

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Also available with a roasted crab, which is what they’re famous for, but this version is still delicious, because those noodles are straight crack

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