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[-] 1 points 1 month ago

I'd create my own macro or function for that. I have enough ADD that I cannot stand boring shit like that and I will almost immediately write a pile of code to avoid having to do boring crap like that, even with copilot.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

I have not and will not ever use AI generated code that I don’t thoroughly understand. If you properly understand the code you’re committing there shouldn’t be any damage. And beyond AI you should never commit code that you don’t properly understand unless it’s a throw away project.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

I’ve run into that exact issue with copilot (deleting my tests). It is infuriating.

I don’t think I’d trust it to refactor code for me, not for anything important. I’d need to completely understand both the initial state and the result on a statement-by-statement level to be confident the result wasn’t secretly garbage and at that point I might as well write everything myself.

[-] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

if you work in a shared codebase then PLEASE just follow whatever convention they have decided on, for the sake of everyone’s sanity.

That goes without saying; I'm not a barbarian.

“readability” is subjective. much like how there is no objective definition of “clean code”.

Did you not see the part where I said it's less readable "in my opinion"?

i am insisting that people use a common standard regardless of your opinion on it.

I can read this one of two ways: either you're making an assertion about what people are currently doing, or you're telling me/others what to do. In the first case, you're wrong. I've seen many examples of self-closed tags in the open source projects I've contributed to and/or read through. In the second case, IDGAF about your opinion. When I contribute to an existing project I'll do what they do, but if I'm the lead engineer starting a new project I'll do what I think is the most readable unless the team overwhelmingly opposes me, 'standards' be damned, your opinion be damned.

The spec says self-closing is "unnecessary and has no effect of any kind" and "should be used only with caution". That does not constitute a specification nor a standard - it's a recommendation. And I don't find that compelling. I'm not going to be a prima donna. I'm not going to force my opinions on a project I'm contributing to or a team I'm working with, but if I'm the one setting the standards for a project, I'm going to choose the ones that make the most sense to me.

[-] 2 points 2 months ago

If a spec tells me I should do something that makes my code less readable in my opinion I am going to ignore the spec every time.

[-] 1 points 3 months ago

GMT doesn’t have daylight savings but London does

[-] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I have no issue with their drivers working with their cards. I have issues using a proprietary, out of tree driver that taints my kernel and forces me to jump through hoops to get it to work whenever I recompile my kernel, which happens maybe once a month when Gentoo’s kernel source package is updated.

Also I use Wayland (because that’s what KDE defaults to).

[-] 17 points 3 months ago

I was an Apple fan for most of my life. And then Jobs died. The man was a huge asshole by all accounts but he sure knew how to design. Since then Apple has become just another tech giant making average products driven by business majors.

[-] 12 points 3 months ago

I’m about ready to rehome my RTX 2080 and get an AMD card so I don’t have to deal with Nvidia’s proprietary garbage or the shit-tier open source drivers.

[-] 1 points 3 months ago

Two cocktails will get me tipsy, two beers if they’re strong, but I can drink an entire bottle of vodka (over the course of 2-3 hours) without blacking out. Or at least I could in college, I’m not looking to try again.

[-] 34 points 3 months ago

That’s an artifact of JavaScript, not JSON. The JSON spec states that numbers are a sequence of digits with up to one decimal point. Implementations are not obligated to decode numbers as floating point. Go will happily decode into a 64-bit int, or into an arbitrary precision number.

[-] 20 points 3 months ago

hackthebox is essentially a puzzle solving platform where the puzzles are designed to teach you hacking. You're not supposed to hack the platform.

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