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[-] 1 points 1 day ago

I remember that series, it was basically Myst but as a learning game. I played a bit of 'Chemicus' as a child but also never got far. These games where probably all way to hard for children. I wonder, do learning games even exist anymore? I spent many hours with games like 'The Mystery of Mathra'.

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

Now I got the Tivola jingle stuck in my head. My very first PC game was a Tivola game. It seems they really fell from grace in recent years when looking at their website today.

A Beginner's Guide to Tea (
[-] 50 points 6 days ago

There is also the original 'original source'. It includes a version of the picture without the labels and the axis flipped.

[-] 10 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)
[-] 4 points 1 week ago

Have you tried plaintextaccounting? I am using hledger, it works very well for me.

[-] 43 points 1 week ago

I see little reason to use any of the BSDs. Neither for desktops nor for servers. The only benefit I see is that you can take the BSD licensed code and use it to create a closed source product like the PlayStation without having to contribute anything back. I dislike that benefit with quite some intensity.

I ran FreeBSD on my home server for a while since the old TrueNAS versions use it. The supposed simplicity of BSD rings hollow to me as it is just another thing I'd have to learn. I also don't care much about the Unix philosophy or any other clerical reasons that distinguish the various BSDs. Computers and their OSes are a tool to me not a religion. Admittedly TrueNAS worked well for me, but reading up on the differences from Linux got old rather quickly. I migrated to the newer Debian Linux based TrueNAS Scale a couple of months ago because I feel more confident that if anything goes wrong I'd be able to fix it.

[-] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This is a very old feature request for KDE. It has not been implemented in almost 20 years so its probably very hard to do with kwin. Neal Gompa thinks this wayland protocol could make it possible in future, but with the current speed wayland protocols are accepted, this could take another 20 years.

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

Hetzner storage share was cheaper for me than renting a vps with some block storage.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/
[-] 18 points 1 week ago

How do your Python problems relate to a sudo/run0 discussion?

[-] 7 points 1 week ago

Are people really getting skill issued by Nextcloud? The official docker images always worked well for me. I used the Nextcloud apache docker image, connected it with postgresql and a nginx reverse proxy that handles SSL. Never had any major problems with Nextcloud. I only stopped selfhosting because I found a cheaper alternative that handles Nextcloud hosting for me.

[-] 8 points 1 week ago

I really don't care about the command I use to get elevated privileges. On my Debian servers I use su and maybe in future, if Fedora decides to make the switch, I will use run0.

[-] 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I unsubscribed and deleted my Kagi account mainly because of their attitude to data privacy but also because of their nutjob CEO. When I subscribed I was excited because I thought they wanted to build a proper competitor to other search engine operators, but they are actually just another company that tries to shove AI into absolutely everything. So, after realising that they are an untrustworthy company full of tech maximalists trying to build the torment nexus, I immediately canceled my subscription and moved back to duckduckgo and marginalia. Maybe I give SearXNG another go, it's just that selfhosting is a bit of a bother.

submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/
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