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[-] 9 points 1 year ago

What this CEO and you conveniently forget is the fact, that there are more Games sold every year. Since those are digital goods and copy costs are near zero, those companies are making more money each year already. They also pretty much killed the ability to sell used Games, except for Console Games with a physical medium.

Also: why should the consumers have to pay for the ballooning Overhead that those companies have? Don’t tell me you need a hundred million dollars in your marketing department to sell a GOOD/GREAT game. That is Bullshit.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

What is the difference between this Party and PiS? Just their stance on Ukraine, the rest is the same?

[-] 22 points 1 year ago

So Reality and Facts have a strong Anti Russian bias? Who would have thought.

[-] 12 points 1 year ago

Putler is preparing his „Volkssturm“ … so even he thinks, that he lost the war

[-] -3 points 1 year ago

How about explaining it, if you know it even, instead of your word-diarrhea?

[-] 1 points 1 year ago

So are those farmers employees of the state or are they farming their land?

[-] 14 points 1 year ago

Why do they need to be encouraged?

[-] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I picked the first three results from your search and they don’t support your argument at all. They even call it out as a stereotype (which it is).

Male leaders received lower effectiveness ratings when expressing sadness compared to neutrality, while female leaders received lower ratings when expressing either sadness or anger.

So sadness for leaders is neither ok for women or men.;2-0

Design: Questionnaires were administered to 41 women and 41 men using a cross-sectional study design.

Rather small sample size and the conclusion was very cautiously worded … so no facts that support your theory.

The analysis of emoticon (emotional icon) use in online newsgroups appears to reinforce the stereotype of the emotional female and the inexpressive male until further examination suggests otherwise. The most interesting finding of this study is illustrated by the pattern of change that develops for both genders when they move from a predominantly same gender newsgroup to a mixed-gender newsgroup. The changes that take place in emoticon use when moving from same-gender to mixed-gender newsgroups indicate that rather than the emotional expression of females being silenced or muted by male encoding of emoticons, males adopt the female standard of expressing more emotion. Furthermore, women have added dimensions including solidarity, support, assertion of positive feelings, and thanks, which were absent from the male-created definition of emoticons and their use.

No proof for your theory either.

[-] 0 points 1 year ago

Because US/NATO is famously good at winning wars?

Actually yes - if there is an actual military to fight against. If there is a Guerilla type of conflict, it’s harder for a regular military to win.

Their weaponry and tactics have been exposed as shit in this conflict.

Some of the tactics don’t work if things like Air Superiority are not held.

Haven’t they just lost to subsistence farmers in Afghanistan?

I already talked about the Guerilla tactics… and to throw some whataboutism in: didn’t even the USSR have „bad luck“ in Afghanistan?

Except all the people liberated from the Nazis in Ukraine who are no longer living in fear of ethnic cleansing.

Yeah, russian „liberation“ often means killing everyone in sight, so yeah, they „liberated“ a big chunk of the Ukrainian civilian population. That’s what those war crime tribunals will be for, when those Russian fascists have lost the war.

[-] -2 points 1 year ago

Yeah. Provide studies.

[-] 4 points 1 year ago

Ok… so where exactly do those 10% that don’t own a home, live?

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