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submitted 9 months ago by to c/

I should preface by saying I am a big Ubisoft fan. I have played the death out of every Assassins Creed game, loved Fenyx Rising, love the Ghost Recon series, play the hell out of Riders Republic, Watch Dogs Legion, etc etc. So, as far as "Ubisoft games" go I am their target market.

On the flip side, I am perhaps holding the game to a high standard because for nigh on a decade we have been told it will be the spiritual successor to Black Flag, and after platinuming that for the second time in October, its pretty fresh in my mind.

So.. cue 6 hours of gameplay in the December Beta

Underwhelming, and honestly, by the final hour I was pretty bored and looking for a reason to stop playing. Should be noted its a Beta and "as such does not represent the finished version", but four crashes in 6 hours (all when fast travelling) did not help.

GRAPHICS: If you have played recent Assassin Creed games (Especially Odyssey which has a lot of naval stuff) its not really a huge step up from them, and honestly, the ocean physics aren't a huge step up from Black Flag. Certainly 60fps (I presume) on performance mode makes things look great, but its not a huge leap forward. Landscapes look pretty good and are on a par with something like Fenyx Rising. Character models however are pretty bad.

STORY/GAMEPLAY: I only played for the 6 hours allowed by the beta, but the story is non-existant outside of a very basic narrative that is just there to string the story together. The missions/gameplay (and i did about 15-20 missions) was exclusively "Fetch" missions. Go somewhere, and either pick something up, or if you are really lucky sink a ship and pick something up, and then return it. And after a few hours it got really repetitive.

COMBAT: The combat is kinda fun, but those expecting Black Flag II will be hugely disapointed. It is much more arcade like, both in control/movement, and the guns. And rather than the model of targetting used in Black Flag, Rogue and Origins/Odyssey, they have gone with a cross hair model, which frankly is really really strange and just feels off. Its like they took the combat from a space shooter and tried to apply it to ships. Its bizarre.


  • I mean, it does look pretty good

  • The combat is fun if you are into a more arcade style

  • Sea Shanties, although the beta seems to have a very limited range (about ten songs) so they repeated a lot

  • There are tons (literally an insane amount) of upgrades, ships, weapons, and the like, like insane amounts (See also what it got wrong)


  • Instead of having 1-2 canon characters, they have gone the route of "design a character" which I get, they want to allow you to personalise the game, but the downside is, your character does not have any voice acting. This means that for every single cut scene and interaction (of which there are a lot), your character just stands there looking totally blank and utterly mute while whoever he is talking to has a one sided conversation. With the quality of story driven games out there, it makes it feel very substandard.

  • You can't physically leave your ship. You can go to land but its a teleport action. You cannot just jump off your ship and swim to shore. Equally, when your ship is docked 2 foot from the shoreline, you have to take a darned boat or go to the embarkmant point. It snaps the immersion

  • You cannot board ships. There is a boarding element to the game but you simply sail up next to the target, press triangle, and you get a cut scene simulating the boarding.

  • Equally, there are loads of wrecks, but you don't explore any of them. You just sail next to them and do a bizarre QTE / Minigame and get your rewards

  • The same weird QTE / Minigame is used for resources, you see trees on an island, and rather than leaving the ship you do a wood sawing QTE and on you go.

  • The on land experience generally is really really bad. You go to a location, you disembark, you wander round a really big area with very little going on. Talk to a merchant, maybe talk to a captain, light a bonfire, and you leave.

  • Pretty bad facial models and poor voice acting

  • Tedious missions, it really is just fetch / return or sink / fetch / return

  • Theres a LOT of crafting, so many different weapons, ship items etc, and all of it requires, yes, fetch missions...

Honestly, after about 4 hours I was pretty bored with it. It is simply not a great game. There's no real story, there's no lead character, even the character you create is so non-descript you don't really feel any affinity to him or her. Tne missions are uninspired fetch missions, and the combat while fun initially didn't really hold my attention.

It certainly is not worth the AAA price of £70 they are asking for it.

Will I buy it in a years time when they are invariably selling the Gold Edition for £15? Probably not, its simply not very good.

One thing I should add. The game may benefit from launch having a larger playerbase. For instance, there was a world event with a huge, richly laden, merchant fleet crossing the map and the idea is the players work together to take it down. I was the only one that showed up.

Post full launch with a strong player base, those events should be pretty fun. Of course the downside to that is, if the player base is not there, the whole game is going to struggle.

[-] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The best thing about steam is you can buy keys from other sites

The worst thing about those sites is in most cases it results in the developer being ripped off because the keys are either stolen or purchased using stolen credit cards.

Countless devs have said they would rather people pirate their games than buy keys from those sites

[-] 3 points 10 months ago

Was Mint with KDE

Now Kubuntu since Mint discontinued their KDE flavour. (Yes you can install KDE but its a hassle to get everything seemless)

[-] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

honestly, would rather use a linux ~ libreelec/es based device

android is just wasted overhead when it comes to emulation

[-] 9 points 10 months ago

War in Ukraine is still very much covered in the print/digital news. My two go-tos (the guardian and the bbc) both have dedicated section for the Russian Invasion.

I don't watch television news, but I can imagine there is less coverage on that simply because there is not much suitable video content to be broadcast and what there is is usually several days, or even weeks old for operational reasons.

[-] 1 points 11 months ago

So if you had been trapped your while life in an open air prison camp. With limited food and water, electricity for just a few hours a day, and being bombed regularly, you would just sit back and accept that that was the way of the world?

Or would you fight back?

I don't think any of us can say how we would react if we were Palestinian, but my gut feeling is, that having watched women and children killed in bombings for two decades, we would probably say all bets are off and do exactly what Hamas have done

[-] 19 points 1 year ago

Huawei and Honor can both survive purely on domestic sales before you even worry about ROW.

No idea why you think there are only three brands, or why you think the US is the only market that matters (it's fairly obvious you are US based)

[-] 3 points 1 year ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real. But I’ll just assume Putin anyway.

I'm sure there was a mushroom involved somehow. Perhaps tripped on a mushroom which caused him to fall, get his head caught in a noose and inadvertently pull the trigger on a shotgun that just happened to be sitting there. The resulting blast blew him out of a 4th story window.

Mushroom poisoning...

[-] 30 points 1 year ago

Spotify has one of the highest quality services

spotify is a great service for spotify

spotify is a great service for the consumer

spotify is a godawful exploitive pile of manure for artists

[-] 3 points 1 year ago

Or what are some films that are significantly better than the book they were adapted

One of my favourite books, High Fidelity. I think I am in the age range and demo it was written for, so much rings true. When I heard there was a film coming out I was so excited, and then I read it was being moved from London and re-set in Chicago, and my heart sank.

Boy was I wrong. John Cusack was great, Todd Louiso was histerical, and it was Jack Black's breakout performance. (I honestly am not sure he has been funnier since)

And the Chicago setting 100% worked, better than London would have

[-] 5 points 1 year ago

without even a FPS boost to 60fps? For £50

nah, thats not ok. by any stretch.

Especially when the PS3 version was (as far as I recall) available streamed on PS+ Premium tier/PS Now

[-] 15 points 1 year ago

Switch Users - This is amazing, will be able to play Red Dead Redemption on the go

PS5 Users - a 10 year old game, with no fps boost, no graphics boost, for £50? **** Off R*

[-] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Cycling might be.

Cycling the sport isn't. The sheer volume of support cars, media cars, motorbikes at every race is utter insanity.

That's before we get into the sponsorship from oil and chemical companies, and at least two sportwashing teams

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joined 1 year ago