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[-] 1 points 6 days ago

I post on Hexbear communities and I'm from

[-] 1 points 6 days ago

Your Penis
Our Business!

[-] 10 points 6 days ago

Snake case. I find it the easiest to read.

[-] 13 points 1 week ago

I never call the cops, ever.

[-] 10 points 1 week ago

Thunderbird shows it for a at every startup

Honestly didn't realise till you pointed that out. I'm so used to seeing it that it doesn't register to me what it's saying anymore. Probably for the best that KDE only does it once a year; if it were daily I'm sure it wouldn't even register to people that it's asking for donations.

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

Use rss feeds maybe? Adding /rss to a tumblr blog's url (in the format) shows an rss feed

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

Well it's tracing so presumably the outline would be very similar to the real outline and you'd be recognisable.

[-] 6 points 1 week ago

Where are you getting this message from? Do they have a Telegram channel where you can get news?

[-] 3 points 1 week ago
[-] 1 points 1 week ago

If I open a browser window in the corner of the screen, I’m basically guaranteed to get more cloudflare captchas, but if I open it full screen I only get one, maybe two.

That's interesting. If you run a browser full screen they can get your screen resolution as part of fingerprinting you; that's why LibreWolf and Tor Browser have their letterboxing features. So they just don't like browser users who take actions to improve their privacy, huh


You still have to pay for it because it costs money to make. But it's completely open-source beer so you can recreate it yourself if you don't want to buy it pre-made, or you want to modify the recipe.

I have no idea how to make beer otherwise I'd have a crack at this shitpost myself...

submitted 3 weeks ago by to c/

I've only ever used desktop Linux and don't have server admin experience (unless you count hosting Minecraft servers on my personal machine lol). Currently using Artix and Void for my desktop computers as I've grown fond of runit.

I'm going to get a VPS for some personal projects and am at the point of deciding what distro I want to use. While I imagine that systemd is generally the best for servers due to the far more widespread support (therefore it's better for the stability needs of a server), I have a somewhat high threat model compared to most people so I was wondering if maybe I should use something like runit instead which is much smaller and less vulnerable. Security needs are also the reason why I'm leaning away from using something like Debian, because how outdated the packages are would likely leave me open to vulnerabilities. Correct me if I'm misunderstanding any of that though.

Other than that I'm not sure what considerations there are to make for my server distro. Maybe a more mainstream distro would be more likely to have the software in its repos that I need to host my various projects. On the other hand, I don't have any experience with, say, Fedora, and it'd probably be a lot easier for me to stick to something I know.

In terms of what I want to do with the VPS, it'll be more general-purpose and hosting a few different projects. Currently thinking of hosting a Matrix instance, a Mastodon instance, a NextCloud instance, an SMTP server, and a light website, but I'm sure I'll want to stick more miscellaneous stuff on there too.

So what distro do you use for your server hosting? What things should I consider when picking a distro?

submitted 1 month ago by to c/
submitted 1 month ago by to c/
submitted 2 months ago by to c/

espeak's apk doesn't seem to have been updated in 2 years and says it isn't compatible with my phone (Pixel 8a). I'm not sure if there are any decent ones. I want TTS for OSMAnd's navigation while driving. They do prerecorded voices too but those can only say prerecorded things obviously, so eg can't say specific road names.

submitted 5 months ago by to c/

They haven't particularly made a comment on the situation so much as acknowledged it's happening. They seem to be going with the story that they had nothing to do with it and this is news to them. Hope to hear more from them soon so we can find out more about the situation, how and why this happened, etc.

(The sceptical tone isn't because of disbelief of Collin, it's because we don't know enough about the situation to be able to say Collin is or isn't telling the truth here.)

submitted 5 months ago by to c/
submitted 5 months ago by to c/

I have a Ryzen 3 1300X at the moment and it's always had this soft lock freezing bug on Linux. I used to dual-boot Windows on this machine and Windows never had the same problem, so I think it is an issue with the Linux kernel (I've also replaced nearly every bit of hardware that I originally built the PC with, except for the CPU and motherboard, so it probably is an issue the kernel has with my CPU, or possibly the motherboard firmware).

I've changed the kernel parameters as suggested by the Arch Wiki. The bug is pretty inconsistent about happening so only time will tell if this solves the issue. But if it doesn't solve the issue, I'd honestly consider just getting a new CPU that doesn't have this issue, as completely freezing up, unable to get to a tty or anything, and only being able to power off by physically holding down the power button, is a pretty major issue, even if it only happens sometimes.

So if I do get a new CPU, or maybe just for when I'm next buying a CPU for reasons unrelated to this bug (been considering an upgrade to something that's better for compiling anyway), are there any good options out there? Intel is investing $25 billion into Israel and the BNC has called for "divestment and exclusion" from it (it's not officially on the BDS consumer boycott list, but I'm still very much not comfortable buying from Intel). But the Arch Wiki article seems to suggest this bug is applicable to Ryzen CPUs in general, or at least it never specifies a particular model or range of models. So maybe I'm limited to non-Ryzen AMD CPUs?

I'm guessing this is one of the situations where two companies have a complete duopoly over the market and there isn't an all-round good solution, but thought I'd ask in case anyone had some useful input.

submitted 5 months ago by to c/

[Image description:
Screenshot of terminal output:

~ ❯ lsblk
sda              8:0    1  62.5M  0 disk  
└─topLuks      254:2    0  60.5M  0 crypt 
  └─bottomLuks 254:3    0  44.5M  0 crypt

/end image description]

I had no idea!

If anyone else is curious, it's pretty much what you would expect:

cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat /dev/sda
cryptsetup open /dev/sda topLuks
cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat /dev/mapper/topLuks
cryptsetup open /dev/mapper/topLuks bottomLuks

Then you can make a filesystem and mount it:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/bottomLuks
mount /dev/mapper/bottomLuks ~/mnt/embeddedLuksTest

I've tested putting files on it and then unmounting & re-encrypting it, and the files are indeed still there upon decrypting and re-mounting.

Again, sorry if this is not news to anyone else, but I didn't realise this was possible before, and thought it was very cool when I found it out. Sharing in case other people didn't know and also find it cool :)

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joined 5 months ago