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[-] 1 points 1 month ago

i would add tomatoanus for speedruns. really appreciate that he makes a point to remind people to be kind to themselves.

[-] 5 points 1 month ago

i could say a lot in response to your comment about the benefits and shortcomings of algorithms (or put another way, screening tools or assessments), but i'm tired.

i will just point out this, for anyone reading.

i am exceedingly troubled that something which is commonly regarded as indicating very high risk when working with victims of domestic violence was ignored in the cited case (disclaimer - i haven't read the article). if the algorithm fails to consider history of strangulation, it's garbage. if the user of the algorithm did not include that information (and it was disclosed to them), or keyed it incorrectly, they made an egregious error or omission.

i suppose, without getting into it, i would add - 35 questions (ie established statistical risk factors) is a good amount. large categories are fine. no screening tool is totally accurate, because we can't predict the future or have total and complete understanding of complex situations. tools are only useful to people trained to use them and with accurate data and inputs. screening tools and algorithms must find a balance between accurate capture and avoiding false positives.

[-] 1 points 2 months ago

more than you'd think, i'm guessing.

anyway, what's it to you? if someone has an abortion and never chooses to have a child, why does that matter to anyone else?

[-] 3 points 2 months ago

i hope you will forgive me for asking something so personal (and i understand if you choose to ignore it), but - if you want a hysterectomy now and have been advised of the impacts, why is she unwilling at present?

[-] 0 points 2 months ago

hot air balloons isn't something i had given much thought to before. thank you for your responses here!

[-] 0 points 2 months ago

what does a crew do exactly? for that matter, what does the work of a pilot look like? i have been reading your comments, and i can see that planning is certainly a part of it.

[-] 5 points 2 months ago

erhoslab is still around, last i checked. nice guy, nice voice, no screaming.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago

i'm hearing this about our state DFPS - as far as i know, you now only need to be 18 and you need to have graduated high school. then you get to destroy families.

[-] 5 points 3 months ago

because i was 18, a freshman in college, and just got dumped. i was all down about it and a friend offered me one and i thought, fuck it, why not.

then i bummed another a few days later and so on. bought my own pack within a week.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago

i posted about having this experience on reddit a year or two ago and people were pissed? but yeah, empty shelves and barely any employees. it sucks, because i used to enjoy going there to see what's new.

[-] 3 points 3 months ago

i believe you can do this if you choose and when you're ready. i won't lie - it's not easy, but you may decide if is easier than staying. the dv hotline can direct you to local services, including housing. be careful if you begin to explore your options; he may escalate.

(800) 799-7233. if you can safely search, they also have text and chat contact online.

[-] 0 points 4 months ago

unfortunately, this is often true in big cities as well.

things are a lot better in that regard than they used to be. dv is no longer by default regarded as a "private matter," laws and resources have improved.

on the flip side, dv can be hard to prove, especially to a busy cop or judge. and policing is also not a profession adverse to abusers.

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