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[-] 25 points 3 days ago

Your mistake is to consider an election is a rational competition. It's not. Not anymore, because medias make it impossible to know the truth. So it is more like a football match. People have the team they support, and for most nothing will change their mind because there's too much propaganda. When almost everything is propaganda, you get to choose the reality you "prefer".

So the point of the campaign is more about convincing people to vote in order to defeat the opposing team. Or to persuade the other team to concede.

[-] 3 points 2 weeks ago

In supreme commander it's Air Superiority Fighter, ASF. Acronyms are a plague if you intend any non specialist to understand anything though.

[-] 2 points 2 weeks ago

For the first, it can be women too. For misogyny it's harder. But there is a trend currently to attract and radicalise women into conservatism too. The trad wives movement. I don't remember the names but there are movement for spirituality and naturalism that are also linked to trad wives. That is also a slippery slope : first you hook them spirituality, and at the end you have JK Rowling who is an anti-trans activist.

Women and men are not in the same groups simply because conservatives are misogynistic so they like to separate men and women.

Overall it is a culture war lead by the far right.

[-] 1 points 2 weeks ago

It's a slippery slope. First it's either a community they can share anything with, or it is a subject dear to them that they see people give solution to. Then, slowly, one idea at a time, they get litteraly corrupted. Ideas are imprinted through repetition, values are suggested. Then, or before, you imprint the idea that the others are lying. This is key because it seed doubt in everything, but as he is closer from this group, this group get to imprint its own ideas through repetition alone. Distance is built with relatives so that the group is the only group he has. Then if he starts to disagree, he will be kicked, sometimes also punished, and he'll be left alone, or at least he must be convinced of it. Once there radicalisation is a process that's hard to stop.

Doubt, distrust, and a group to be with are the key ingredients. Liberalism is a fertile ground for this because it promotes individualism when humans are social creatures. So it's very easy to find people in need of a social group that gives belonging. And racism makes the easiest pretense : you belong because of your blood, or because you're born here.

For sexism, it's mostly a reactionary backlash, and secondly this liberalism problem of promoting individualism to humans who seek belonging. Feminism did won, and the old way of treating women is being addressed. But it is a process, and while we know what's bad, we don't have much new examples to follow. Yet most people have been trained in the old way, so now they are at lost. It's not the first reason why they're alone, liberalism has this place, but it is far easier to blame it on women and feminism than to try to build a new society. And also, it again gives them belonging with men like them that understands them and give explanations and solutions to their problems. Not good ones, but that's not the point.

[-] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Nexus: the Jupiter incident. It is a now a bit old tactical space combat game with a big focus on the narrative. It's awesome, but I never see it mentioned anywhere.

[-] 71 points 3 weeks ago

Sometimes I wonder if these people understand that no player ever wanted exclusivities on a game store. Instead of providing a decent service, they're litteraly trying to kidnap customers with a choice between waiting for months for this big release or taking it on a subpar platform.

[-] 13 points 3 weeks ago

The truth is that war kills people. And Russia started this war. Russia can stop it. Those are hard facts. As hard as the sun is yellow and bright in the day, and the earth is a sphere orbiting the sun. That's not propaganda.

Propaganda is your bullshit pretending that saying the sun is yellow and the earth a sphere are points of view you are free to disagree with.

[-] 15 points 3 weeks ago

Oh so managers are biological LLMs! It explains everything!

[-] 14 points 3 weeks ago

What's the problem with the gecko engine?

[-] 6 points 1 month ago

I've heard rumors of a planned attack against Ukraine in this region. This move prevents it.

As other said, it also makes Putin look like a clown, increase the cost of the war for Russia (they have their own refugees now who will spread the word of how Russia is invaded for the first time since ww2), allows to take prisoners and equipment, give control over a gas pipeline so they can pressure Austria and Hungary, forces Russia to move troups and equipment away from the Dombass, improves the moral in Ukraine with victories and humiliating Russia.

Strategically, the only drawback for Ukraine is that they are in a position of invading force in some way, which may make some allies or international opinions a bit uncomfortable. But the whole list of positives has the potential to change the war.

[-] -2 points 1 month ago

That's how you catch fascists.

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