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[-] 5 points 6 hours ago

I'm not gonna answer that question. I don't have the perfect answer ready for you.

Instead I will tell you what happens when you vote third party in FPTP. Okay, you have a .nl TLD so I guess ssyou're either in a much better electoral situation or just picked it because it's cool, but I will use the example of the upcoming US presidential election.

Now, let's say the race is really even and it's over. Flipping just one of several key battleground states would've placed Harris in the lead, but unfortunately, Trump won. You look at the votes in your state: Trump won by under 600 votes. Nearly 100,000 people voted for a third party candidate that's actually to the left of Harris. They would've preferred Harris, but because they voted third party, they elected Trump.

If this sounds familiar, that's what happened in 2000. Al Gore could've won. Should've won. But 3rd party candidate Ralph Nader was further left of him and received a bunch of votes that needed to go to Gore. In Florida, he had nearly 100k votes, and the difference between Bush and Gore was literally triple digits. And it wasn't even the only state where Gore lost because of the Spoiler Effect

It's an inherent flaw of the FPTP system and yes, it sucks. It means a vote for a third party is a wasted vote.

[-] 0 points 8 hours ago

And yet (at least from an outsider perspective) libertarians are closer to democrats than republicans

I'm an outsider too, but here's my take on this

For the most part (certain exceptions exist, like guns), democrats seem to be about individual freedom from government, but they want government to regulate corporations.

Republicans are more about corporate freedom from government, but they want government to regulate people they don't like (women, LGBT, immigrants).

Libertarians ideally want corporate AND personal freedom from government, but a lot of people only want personal freedom from government if it applies to "their kind". So they're really republicans.

[-] 0 points 1 day ago

I also failed to look at the year, I went by the fact that I'd seen it long ago lol

[-] 0 points 1 day ago

Eh wasn't this one like over a year ago?

[-] 3 points 2 days ago

IDEs have had subscriptions for ages. The build server is a cloud service because local machines can be slow to compile and not everyone has an on-site build server.

[-] 4 points 2 days ago

Which one of them is the one that referred to workers as niggers in their codebase?

[-] 8 points 3 days ago

Hell, in the US probably just bringing back trucks the size of a 90s Hilux would be an improvement. It's not like the payload is any smaller than the big hunks.

But I suppose that's what you'd consider "tiny" nowadays.

[-] 19 points 3 days ago

It's Japan. If anything is promoting drug abuse, it's the work culture.

[-] 13 points 4 days ago

Google is allowing the app developers to choose (for now?). With Apple, developers never had the option to allow other stores or sideloading.

[-] 0 points 5 days ago

Hexagons are also the bestagons

[-] 7 points 6 days ago

I'm lucky enough that both of the shareholders of my company are software engineers; one has transitioned to sales and project management, the other is still an engineer, he's also the CTO.

Was discussing office chairs with our team lead/office supplies person (it's a really small company, some people have multiple roles) and when I mentioned that my chair gets really creaky when leaning back but otherwise it works so it really just needs some lubrication, she asked why I would even lean so far back in my chair and the CTO told her "There's two sitting positions for programming. The writing position and the thinking position"

TL;DR: Takes an engineer to know how engineering works. Turns out that you have to spend a lot of time just thinking

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

I diagram everything out in my brain and it evolves continuously while I'm writing code

Sometimes I feel it's a miracle I get anything done at all but then usually the end result is better than what I'd originally envisioned so it kinda balances out.

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