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[-] 1 points 1 day ago

Still having these issues very recently.

[-] 21 points 2 days ago

Github has a container register you can use.

[-] 20 points 2 days ago

Does anybody actually use that feature though?

[-] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

In a world where this fake shit didn't take hold we could have had real wireless charging by now, if you think the "wireless" charging is good now, just think what true wireless would be like. You could walk into a room and your phone just starts charging with 0 effort. None.

You know this is possible how exactly? Wireless power distribution has been considered since Tesla's time. Yet it still hasn't been done outside of laboratory environments or very short distances. It's definitely possible, but making it practical might not even be possible within physics as we currently understand it.

For example a very power light beam like for example a laser beam can transfer a lot of power over some distance. It would also cook you, burn you, or make you go blind. It would also require precise alignment between transmitter and receiver, as well as very expensive transmission equipment.

[-] 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

People don't drink because it tastes good. People drink it because they like getting high and alcohol is one of the few legal drugs you can do. People who drink it because it's the cool thing to do are being idiots.

If alcohol isn't your thing you should probably get out there and try other drugs. The good thing about drugs is how many different kinds there are. There really is a substance for almost everyone if you look hard enough. Now if only stuff was legalized and people didn't abuse it to the nth degree and get themselves in trouble.

Edit: also forgot to mention that brewing is probably the easiest and cheapest way to make a psychoactive substance known to man, and is an entire hobby people (such as myself) have. While lots of homebrewers spend money on fancy equipment and ingredients you don't need to spend much at all to make alcohol that will get you drunk it can literally be done using a used plastic bottle and a fucking balloon. You can make pretty drinkable stuff with even fairly basic equipment like a hydrometer, couple of plastic or glass fermenters, yeast + nutrients ordered online, and supermarket ingredients.

[-] 1 points 6 days ago

I like how being able to drive a car has become the metric that decides if you are retarded or not. Like come on. Cars are killing the planet and even if they weren't they are the most dangerous form of transport by far. Stop hyping cars.

Also you can have physical issues, coordination issues or attention issues that make driving difficult, but can still be more level headed than the average person.

[-] 1 points 6 days ago

I am from the UK. This idea of states having an influence over their education system seems weird to me, though I guess we might allow something similar with Scotland, Wales, or Northern Island.

As I said we really don't teach handwriting that well. They give kids either ball points or these triangle grip things that are actually designed to increase the force it takes to write. Why? No idea but someone thought that was a good idea to stop people who write too quickly and mess it up. Weirdly that actually helped some people. Even though it makes no sense to me.

It's interesting though that you say cursive is more legible for dyslexic people. I think for everyone else print handwriting beats cursive. Not that that's the issue as it's still perfectly readable when done right. I am talking about people with typical doctors handwriting who can't actually write it properly. I am also talking about the difficulty of the technique needed and how that could be a problem for some students. You say teachers adapt but my experience is that they don't. If making students use cursive improves grades though it might be worth it. I am wondering why that's the case that it improves grades.

Either way I think typing should be much more of a focus in modern education. People type more often than they write by hand, yet there is almost no education on how to use a keyboard. Heck lots of modern school students apparently don't know how to use a computer. I've heard of people going to University and not understanding how files and folders work, because it's just presumed that new generations actually know this stuff without being taught.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Feathers are the things birds have that are part of their wing and help them fly. Pens were made from feathers at sorme points in history. I think the term you are looking for is nib, if you mean the metal part of a pen that touches the paper.

You have pens like the platinum Preppy and platinum plasir which have double seals around the nib. I left my preppy for an entire year and it still didn't dry out. They aren't the only brand to use tricks like this, my TWSBI Eco was also left for a year and was a-okay. It's always good before buying a pen to check the reviews and see what their cap seals are like. Rollerballs do require less maintenance though you are correct. If you do leave a fountain pen and it gets clogged there are ways to fix it, as I had to do with two more of my pens that did clog when they were left with the others.

I've used cheap mechanical pencils before but not expensive ones. How much better are more expensive mechanical pencils?

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Maybe I haven't explained this but with regards things like handwriting and special education my country isn't that well put together. They hand kids ballpoint pens for the most part unless you are in private school. Some schools force kids to use pencil even.

Cursive is fundamentally less legible and harder work for most students to learn. It should be taught yes, but not as the only way. Schools often force people to use cursive even when that person doesn't have that skill, and the school isn't willing to give them proper lessons on it or the lessons they give aren't of good quality. It was a whole thing in my primary school.

I have actual clinical issues in several different areas of development, not just coordination. You can't remove all issues before primary school starts, I am entitled to some help even now as a 23 year old PhD student and still have issues. I wouldn't even have been accepted into primary school if my parents hadn't gone out of their way to get me tested by psychologists as I had issues the school weren't willing to get me tested for that were picked up on in preschool.

I can write pretty well now including cursive. It's not clear to me how much of the problems I had were because I was younger and at a lesser stage of brain development or how much was bad teaching. Maybe if you know more developmental psychology than I do you could answer that question, but I suspect that answer will be different on a case by case basis.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

I too think ball point pens are horrible. Fountain pens are not that expensive, last a lot longer as they are refillable, and just write better. There are some rather bad fountain pens out there though lol. Platinum Preppy is pretty much the gold standard for cheap pens under £10 or $10. Platinum plasir is a little more expensive but has a more durable body and cap made of metal using the same nib and feed as the preppy. You can also get disposable fountain pens now that aren't half bad.

Liquid ink roller balls are a good product too and are a nice middle ground between ball point and fountain pen. Although to be fair I wouldn't be against a return to good old fashioned dip pens as these are the best for calligraphy and honestly look cool as heck in my opinion.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Forcing children to do cursive was not really the point I am trying to make. Yes it's technically more efficient to write that way, but it's also considerably more complicated. Forcing children with disabilities to do it leads to all kinds of problems, and makes their writing less legible. I am more talking about techniques that avoid issues like RSI. If we are making children do things we should be teaching them the correct way to do it, not half assing it. While I think we should still teach cursive, I don't think it should be mandatory. In fact I actually want to see more keyboard use with proper ten finger technique, as that is useful for the real world. Typing technique is also something schools love to neglect. It's also better to give kids that option as even with better handwriting instruction some just do not have the required motor skills through no fault of their own. People like me were forced to do handwriting practice despite having significant coordination issues, and never being taught the right technique. Eventually I had to dig through obscure corners of the Internet to find out the right way. Situations like that should never be allowed to continue for as long as it did in my case. Either by actually teaching the right technique in the first place, or in cases where that doesn't work by switching to typing instead.

[-] 7 points 1 week ago

Key chording has always been faster than conventional single letter typing, and that tech has been around for a long time now in the form of stenography machines. Yet most people learn on a conventional keyboard because it's simpler and more ubiquitous. This is true even now that chording has been adapted to programming and similar tasks.

You have to remember we live in a world where most people don't even know how to write properly, even those who do it as part of their job like doctors. If you draw letters by moving your fingers, you're doing it wrong by the way. The actual proper technique involves using your shoulder, elbow, and wrist to do most of the work. We've known about this for centuries, and these techniques were designed with dip pens, quils, brush, and fountain pens in mind. The cheap ballpoint pen along with rather bad instructions from teachers has led to proper handwriting technique being forgotten, and causes problems like RSI in people who handwrite regularly.

submitted 1 month ago by to c/

I am looking for a YouTube alternative client, where I can ideally import my subscriptions, and possible even like or comment on a Linux computer. Does such a thing exist?


I have a calibre server setup on my home server and was wondering how to sync it to the version on my desktop so I can upload books to an ereader using USB.


Trying to figure out how to setup an aria2 server. It seems to rely on XDG dirs which isn't normally setup on LXC containers. I don't want to setup a whole GUI VM just for one application.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

I have been having issues using real debrid. One of the big issues is downloads getting stuck continuously retrying. I think this is because I am using 5G internet that has issues with latency and occasional packet loss. Similarly I get buffering issues when using Stremio.

Another problem I am having is with the permission set by the real debrid client if I use the docker version. It doesn't allow for changing the UID and GID the real debrid process uses. This causes problems for the other services, though I can work around this using a manual installation in an LXC container.

Does anyone with more experience know how to fix this?

Edit: I can't edit the title to fix the spelling. You will just have to deal.

Edit2: Fixed the permission issues. Also managed to work out that the problem isn't 5G. The download client is just bad. Apparently you can use external downloaders, but this requires deploying services like aria2c, which it turns out is actually quite hard.


I am a bit lost as to how you use authentik to do single sign on.

I can connect things that have external access quite easily using the reverse proxy provider that's built into authentik. I am struggling with how I would connect things that are on a docker network and can't be accessed directly. Normally with nginx proxy manager I would put it on the same network, but I don't think this is correct for authentik. Am I supposed to create a docker outpost?

Other people are using authentik + nginx proxy manager and I am a bit lost why they are doing that.


I am currently living with my parents and we have just started an Internet contract with a 5G wireless company.

The issue is the MFND settings are behind a password and likely not allowed access by the ISP. Even if they weren't doing port forwarding on 5G likely isn't possible because of CGNAT. I think I can use cloudflare tunnels or tailscale to get around this, and not many things need to be directly accessible from the Internet.

The more annoying thing is that setting DHCP reservations likely isn't possible without getting access to the settings. It's going to make setting up static IPs difficult too.

Before anyone asks fixed line Internet almost certainly isn't practical in this area. Getting our own modem while possible is more expensive and potentially difficult, and would mean cancelling the contract.

Is there a reasonable way to work around these issues?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.


Hello based people of lemmy,

I have recently started trying out BSDs as an alternative to Linux and found out that Spotify isn't supported. Before you say try it in a browser this doesn't work as spotify has DRM that doesn't work on BSD OSes.

Now is there a way to stream music similar to Spotify? I know there is a downloader program available.

Furthermore do you know what self-hosted options are available? I already have a basic *arr stack and am always up for convoluted server and Linux hijinks.


I am having issues with Jellyfin not finding ffmpeg on FreeBSD. Is there any solution to this?

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